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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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I'm doing a permadeath run on survivialist, day 30 almost 31. still haven't died. If i'm outside the trader compound and I hear them shooting I hide behind a tree till the shooting stops.


I'm right there with you Siveria, though only on day 11 (I believe) in this world. Key is to not bring any Zeds with me toward the traders. That's one reason I was not happy to see the fix about Silenced weapons. If I hear shooting, I wait it out. Also, I don't allow Zeds to follow me toward a trader. If any Zed is near me when I get 15 blocks away or so, I stop, kill them (or ditch them if possible), before getting close.

Also, learned, if you hug the outside walls, the guards won't target you. So, I can wait out there for it to clear out, and then make a run for it away.


Of course, I wouldn't mind if you toned down the hordes of irradiated dogs I seem to get every other day!!!!!! Not sure why that happens to me, did not see Kage have such problems. Luckily, of the 4 attacks, one happened when I was on a roof already so they ran right by, two others happened when I was inside a trader, was able to escape on the other side, and one time I luckily heard them approaching why mining boulders, and made it too a roof/ladder just in time (always mine boulders high of stamina beer!!!).

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The dogs were actually toned down.


They arrive on gamestage 10, 35 and 45. You may also get the occasional day where you only get 1 of them.


Oh, okay. Maybe one of those times was just a single irradiated dog. I've been known to engage in hyperbole from time to time. :)


In any event, this has been a very fun ride so far. Doesn't hurt to have a great random seed (which I lucked into) and a great starting location (again, pure luck), along with some fortunate drops from time to time.

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Some things I noticed:

- The better iron lockpicks still need/use up basic lockpicks to complete the upgrade, makes them counter-intuitive and not worth it.

- Fighting with fists & knuckles has too much range, compare clubs range 2.2 vs. fists/knuckles 2.5? Doesn't make sense, 2.0 would be more appropriate.

- Aren't we supposed to become fatigued without rest? This doesn't seem to work (I haven't seen a bed in a long time).

- I think the auto-favorite feature causes more tedium than relief, having to un-favorite all the one-time crafted stuff takes up more time/clicks than favoriting things myself.


And a question: Where can we use the fishing gear when there are no rwg water bodies? Do they work on Tin's water POIs?

Edited by owl79 (see edit history)
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Some things I noticed:

- The better iron lockpicks still need/use up basic lockpicks to complete the upgrade, makes them counter-intuitive and not worth it.

- Fighting with fists & knuckles has too much range, compare clubs range 2.2 vs. fists/knuckles 2.5? Doesn't make sense, 2.0 would be more appropriate.

- Aren't we supposed to become fatigued without rest? This doesn't seem to work (I haven't seen a bed in a long time).

- I think the auto-favorite feature causes more tedium than relief, having to un-favorite all the one-time crafted stuff takes up more time/clicks than favoriting things myself.


And a question: Where can we use the fishing gear when there are no rwg water bodies? Do they work on Tin's water POIs?


- Lockpicks are a bug that I never spotted, so thank you. Will look into fixing that. :)

- I don't think the fist can be changed because it's the handPlayer item. That's straight up vanilla ranges right there. I haven't changed them. In which case, we probably need to look at adjusting club ranges but that's just going to make the spiked club even more obscene than it already is. Willing to listen to suggestions on this one but I don't want to mess around with handPlayer and break something. ;)

- Yes, after 24 in-game hours you will get tired. Definitely working because I've seen it on streams but may fine-tine this from 24/48/whatever to something like 16/32/48. Again, input appreciated on this one.

- Auto-favourite is staying in, just because the general response has been favourable.


EDIT: Expanding on the range of the players hand. Everything I've read says it messes with block placement a bit, which is one of the reasons I'm worried about changing it. I'm thinking it might be better to increase club to 2.6 and knife-items to 2.5 for balance, just because I don't like the idea of messing with the player hand. Way, way, way too many variables for me to balls up there!


The fishing net is... well... bugged. It'll work on anything, including dry land. I need to fix that. :D But the poles do work on the POI lakes. It just has to be used on a block tagged as water. In THEORY, you could create your own lake from the water butts and use it on that.




Here are the pipes I was talking about previously (this trader only had the two). There are other variants, such as a "T", and "L"s shapes, caps, etc...


Aha! Ok. Will dig through the creative menu and localization files to see if I can track them down.

Edited by KhaineGB (see edit history)
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Thanks for responding! :) I actually tried the fishing net on a pool and couldn't place it (the indicator frame stayed red), but maybe that was cause of the surrounding wood frame blocks, I will try that again.

Personally I think I would just leave the player hand alone but still change the knuckles range to 2.0 then, since players fighting with fists will don them asap for damage anyway.

It could be that my fatigue was reset simply by jumping over beds and such, if it is set to regenerate very fast? Getting fatigued sooner than 24 hours in, and having to rest a bit longer if it's that fast sound good to me.

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Yeah, it is pretty fast unless you stay fatigued for ages and let yourself get sleepy.


Ok, so need to look at the knuckles, fix the lockpicks, I've got some code to make the fishing net work that I need to patch in and need to look up those pipes.

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I love the darkness falls mod, but I have 2 questions


Maybe my game is just bugged, but in 20 hours (real time) the Icky guts is not going away, and farming seems to be bugged. If I plant 2 corn (or any crop) next to each other, the first will just vanish, and when planting 20 all spaced out 1 block apart, they simply vanish after a few days. Not sure if this is a bug, or just me not knowing the mod. I have the newest rev of the mod. The Icky guts does not give a time on the screen, and I'm sure I can fix it with the debuff command in the console, but I hate cheating. If I'm missing / doing it wrong, please let me know. Thanks in advance, and I really like this mod, next to starvation. Keep up the work, and thanks for any tips.

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Icky guts is just a warning buff. It's not doing anything bad to you.


However I'm playing around with it a bit to see if I can fix the damn thing. I -think- I've got it working, but I'm not totally sure. If I can't fix it, I'll just remove the warning buff.


Plants REQUIRE water to be within 2 blocks.

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Found the issue with the lockpicks, going to have to do a workaround.


Basically blocks can only have 1 item assigned to upgrade, and there's no way around that unless I add in extra blocks. So what I'm going to do is change the basic lockpick to a Basic Lockpick SET with item durability, which uses lockpick components to "upgrade" safes.


Then I can do the same with the iron lockpick, so they both use the same upgrade components, have durability so you don't need to constantly make new ones (you just need the components, which I'll try to ensure are cheap) but then the iron one wont consume the others.

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And an update as I've been working on stuff off and on all day.


- UI is now fixed. Numbers are on the bars. Stamina is partially fixed. You still get a decimal point (for some reason) but that's it.

- Yucca warning buff now properly expires if you wait, and also goes away if you get sick (and then comes back after the sickness expires... and then eventually goes away on its own)

- Lockpicks now work but they work like a wrench. So you need to make an additional item that is consumed by the lockpicks.


This isn't on github yet, but I wanted folks to know I'm not being lazy and I have actually started working on some of the issues. Knuckles are next, followed by adding in those pipes as recipes. :)

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Just want to say again, Khaine, thanks for the great mod, been really fun so far. Also, kudos for the "foreface" quest, I'm a big fan of G4K, it's fun to see so many mods incorporate his joy of this game into their own work. I love this community!


Just a question, though, something kinda freaky happened last night. While doing some night crafting, I heard a pickaxe banging away outside. Cause this is a solo game, I thought, that's not right. Sure enough, I see an NPC with a pickaxe going to town on my POI wall. WTF dude!!! Did not look like a bandit, just looked like a normal friendly NPC. Well, I had to end him... did not find the pickaxe (looked like a steel one, but was doing no damage). Is this a thing? Kudos if so. But, if it is supposed to be a thing, is there anyway to make them do real damage to the walls?


Again, so much fun, much appreciated! Going to figure out a way to get you some coffee soon.



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Coffee should be a farmer-only recipe. I think I put it under their mastery perk, but I will double check that. :)


Fertalizing can ONLY be done with an Iron Hoe, and only the farmer can make it. So anyone can do it if you find one (killing the big momma zombies usually has a good chance of a hoe or a spade), but the farmer has an easier time. Also the farmer is the only one who can make fertilizer.

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V1.7.5 is live and on GitHub!


  • Dogs slightly lowered on horde nights. Other zombies increased.
  • Lockpicks fixed! Basic Lockpick is now called a Basic Lockpick Set. Iron Lockpick is now called an Iron Lockpick Set. Both use Lockpick components to open safes, but now have durability. Initial cost to make them is higher, but the component cost is a lot lower, so should be cheaper in the long run.
  • Club range increased from 2.2 to 2.3.
  • Knuckle range decreased from 2.5 to 2.2 This is the same as knife-type weapons.
  • UI mostly fixed! Decimal point still shows up on stamina, but all the numbers are gone. Numbers are mostly aligned with the bars now (water is very slightly off still, but mostly ok)
  • Fatigued tweaked. Sleepy now starts at 16 hours, fatigued at 24 hours and sleep deprived at 36 hours.
  • Yucca and sap warning buffs should now be fixed. You may need to manually remove Icky Guts by going to the console and using debuff warningYuccaBuff to get it actually working properly.
  • metalPipeCap, metalPipeCorner, metalPipeFlange, metalPipeJoint, metalPipeStraight and metalPipeValve all added as craftable items for decorative purposes.

I think that's everything. :) All seems to be working nicely on this laptop, so download and have fun!

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V1.7.5 is live and on GitHub!


[*]metalPipeCap, metalPipeCorner, metalPipeFlange, metalPipeJoint, metalPipeStraight and metalPipeValve all added as craftable items for decorative purposes.

I think that's everything. :) All seems to be working nicely on this laptop, so download and have fun!


I just squealed like a little girl at her first Rolling Stones concert. Thank you sir!

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I just squealed like a little girl at her first Rolling Stones concert. Thank you sir!


No problem! Happy to add decorative items if people want them, especially now the recipe lag isn't too bad. :)


That goes for anyone reading the thread too. If there's any blocks you want, let me know and I'll see what I can do. Names of them REALLY help.

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V1.7.5 is live and on GitHub!


  • Dogs slightly lowered on horde nights. Other zombies increased.
  • Lockpicks fixed! Basic Lockpick is now called a Basic Lockpick Set. Iron Lockpick is now called an Iron Lockpick Set. Both use Lockpick components to open safes, but now have durability. Initial cost to make them is higher, but the component cost is a lot lower, so should be cheaper in the long run.
  • Club range increased from 2.2 to 2.3.
  • Knuckle range decreased from 2.5 to 2.2 This is the same as knife-type weapons.
  • UI mostly fixed! Decimal point still shows up on stamina, but all the numbers are gone. Numbers are mostly aligned with the bars now (water is very slightly off still, but mostly ok)
  • Fatigued tweaked. Sleepy now starts at 16 hours, fatigued at 24 hours and sleep deprived at 36 hours.
  • Yucca and sap warning buffs should now be fixed. You may need to manually remove Icky Guts by going to the console and using debuff warningYuccaBuff to get it actually working properly.
  • metalPipeCap, metalPipeCorner, metalPipeFlange, metalPipeJoint, metalPipeStraight and metalPipeValve all added as craftable items for decorative purposes.

I think that's everything. :) All seems to be working nicely on this laptop, so download and have fun!


I love updates/fixes/tweaks/additions. Thank you Khaine


Question: what is the range of spears?

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Coffee should be a farmer-only recipe. I think I put it under their mastery perk, but I will double check that. :)


Fertalizing can ONLY be done with an Iron Hoe, and only the farmer can make it. So anyone can do it if you find one (killing the big momma zombies usually has a good chance of a hoe or a spade), but the farmer has an easier time. Also the farmer is the only one who can make fertilizer.


I remember scrapping an iron hoe that I found because I had already made a scrap iron hoe that was back at my base, not knowing that there was a significant difference between the two.

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I cant install the mod launcher on my windows 10 machine so I need a little instruction on manually doing it. What do I do with the extra files:


1- copy over and replace using (Data | Mods)

2- copy over and replace using (7DaysToDie_Data)

4- v1.6 rwgmixer zip (What is this for)

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