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The Offtopic, A17 thread.

Royal Deluxe

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If you wanna do a bad joke, at least make sure the non-masked url doesnt show the video poster. OnlyPaddyxD. Nice try though.




The only purpose of these posts is for a laugh, and a slight reminder to the dev's that the videos mean a whole hell of a lot to a whole hell of a lot of us; so we would love one when time allows. The feeling of being in the 'loop' without having to spend countless hours bantering on the forums is a good thing for the community imho! IF the videos offend or annoy just ignore them like I do with most of the pointless posts!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I agree with you but people often use humor to discuss difficult topics but in this particular case we just like making fun of the crazy guy with the silly mustache and he deserves that and more, that demon is in the deepest darkest hell right now.


Society has always had its "Most Evil Person" to revile. If I remember the list for the past 2000 years correctly it goes...



Ghengis Khan




There are, of course, local variations but these are generally agreed to be the worst examples of humanity for their respective era.

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Society has always had its "Most Evil Person" to revile. If I remember the list for the past 2000 years correctly it goes...



Ghengis Khan




There are, of course, local variations but these are generally agreed to be the worst examples of humanity for their respective era.


That is the amateur list. The true professional's were Stalin and Mao. The 100+ million head count between them exceeds anything: only the Black Death and The Spanish flu come close.


Edit: So far anyway. No one has "Pushed the Button", yet.


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That is the amateur list. The true professional's were Stalin and Mao. The 100+ million head count between them exceeds anything: only the Black Death and The Spanish flu come close.


Edit: So far anyway. No one has "Pushed the Button", yet.


Of course you could subdivide it to damn near infinity, I was just going for the overall winners. :-)


Genghis Khan came damn close to global genocide. He killed so many people that global CO2 levels dropped dramatically because there weren't as many cooking fires.

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Nope. Your entire list was not even equal to ether one of their killing powers.


It's not necessarily about kill-count. Caligula has a tiny kill-count but what he did pushed the boundries of decency to new levels. Perception trumps numbers in this measurement.

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Blaming the Community for Your Own Incompetence


Hey Skippy,


No disrespect meant. I know not everyone reads every single post as they try to catch up on all the posts so I will break it down for you and everyone else who are wondering what happened.



In June Madmole said in a video that he was hopeful that they would be done with A17 by the end of July. He admitted that it was a guess but that it was his estimate on what he felt would be possible.


In early July the team made the choice to upgrade to Unity 2018.2 because at first glance it appeared that it would have some solid performance benefits and no major inconsistencies from the previous version. It was a risk but one they felt was worth it for the benefits. They were right about the benefits but they were wrong about inconsistencies. It turned out their shaders became incompatible and needed to be redone. This caused a delay much longer than they anticipated.


Towards the end of July, as people were submitting bug fixes and uploading new art assets from their local builds to the shared build the magnitude of new art assets overwhelmed the atlases that they use. This has caused another unforeseen delay as they have had to find an alternative solution to be able to include all the new art in the game. They have found a solution and are doing that conversion. The bad news is the delay it caused but the good news is that all the new content that will be included in A17 is awesome and will be able to be supported.


At the end of July when I knew that Madmole's guess was going to be wrong I changed the date to August which caused an eruption from a segment of the community who thought that "hope" and "guess" and "estimate" really meant "promise" and "vow" and "set in stone". Then when August 1st came and all the "It's August where is it?" posts started appearing I changed it to "August or....." so that people would know that even August was just an estimate. But people went ballistic and the dev diary went off the rails. I had to move over 150 posts out of this thread all because some people couldn't understand the difference between "Maybe" and "Definitely".


That is how "It's done when its done" came about. I realized that the immature segment would never understand the concept of "estimate" and if they were going to be mad no matter what then I didn't want to have to deal with constantly updating the date. I added the smilie because someone thought the phrase sounded petulant and passive aggressive and smilies always make forum posts better. Right?


But now....lol....we have people trying to assign special meaning to the smilie...


It will be done just as soon as the unforeseen issues are handled and the known bugs that are considered show-stoppers are squished. There aren't going to be any more Unity updates before A17 and they know the full extent of the massive amount of new content and have a framework that can support it all. They are not holding out on us and stringing us along. They will get it into our hands at the soonest possible moment they can.




I made a forum account after years of simply coming here to check updates and lurk conversations, just to reply to this.


It's all well and good to have a hope or estimated wait time. It's through the lack of ability to post any sort of clear answer to anyones questions that you have an irate crowd (as usual). Your post is one of a very small handful I've ever seen from the development team which actually tries to give a concise run down on particulars. The idea of communicating to your audience with 'it's done when it's done' or through 'august or..', without additional commentary or a link to something (as was posted to your comment above) is ludicrous and shouldn't be expected to fly. I noticed you used the word 'immature' to describe part of your community, and honestly, I can't see how you could possibly imagine the way the Fun Pimps conduct PR and communicate with the devotees to the game as anything but. The presumption seems to be you're doing us some huge favor, while in reality, we (the customers) are doing you the favor by giving your company the time of day. You all should deeply consider hiring someone capable of development update posts, communication with players, and marketing your product. What you have going on right now (and for years prior) is embarrassing, and only reflects poorly on yourselves.

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It's not necessarily about kill-count. Caligula has a tiny kill-count but what he did pushed the boundries of decency to new levels. Perception trumps numbers in this measurement.


So a spoiled boy who acted indecent is worse than someone who kills tens of millions? In who's mind? Certainly not in the millions that died.


I would say some forum members act indecently, I don't see them on your list.

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So a spoiled boy who acted indecent is worse than someone who kills tens of millions? In who's mind? Certainly not in the millions that died.


I would say some forum members act indecently, I don't see them on your list.


I said the "worst examples of humanity for their respective era". It's not my opinion but that of the ancient scholars around at the time. Until Caligula the most referenced evil person in ancient literature was Tutenkhamun. Stalin, and indeed the USSR, were a long way in future at that point.


If you go by percentage of global population killed then Genghis Khan wins by a long shot. The only reason he didn't kill more people is that there weren't enough people around for him to kill.

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I made a forum account after years of simply coming here to check updates and lurk conversations, just to reply to this.


It's all well and good to have a hope or estimated wait time. It's through the lack of ability to post any sort of clear answer to anyones questions that you have an irate crowd (as usual). Your post is one of a very small handful I've ever seen from the development team which actually tries to give a concise run down on particulars. The idea of communicating to your audience with 'it's done when it's done' or through 'august or..', without additional commentary or a link to something (as was posted to your comment above) is ludicrous and shouldn't be expected to fly. I noticed you used the word 'immature' to describe part of your community, and honestly, I can't see how you could possibly imagine the way the Fun Pimps conduct PR and communicate with the devotees to the game as anything but. The presumption seems to be you're doing us some huge favor, while in reality, we (the customers) are doing you the favor by giving your company the time of day. You all should deeply consider hiring someone capable of development update posts, communication with players, and marketing your product. What you have going on right now (and for years prior) is embarrassing, and only reflects poorly on yourselves.


Thanks for your feedback. Just some points of clarification:


1) Nobody is entitled to the details of what goes on between the developers. Giving details of setbacks or of what the developers are working on is always going to be a rare occurrence. Companies enjoy their privacy just as much as individuals do. I've already seen several posts here and on Steam and thanks to some reposts from Reddit by some altruistic people I've seen the result of sharing the details of setbacks. While developers do appreciate those who understand and encourage them, there are a lot of responses that include ridicule, that accuse them of incompetence, and that try to use normal setbacks as a way to drag the studio's name through the mud. So typically, you are going to get a generic, "There were delays" and anything more than that really is a gift.


2) The word "immature" was not used to describe those who are hungry for news or frustrated that A17 hasn't come out. I was very specific about the people I used that word to describe and it is not the group you are describing so you probably need to read what I posted a bit more carefully. Nevermind. I'll restate it it here. People who read phrases like "It's my hope that..." or "It's just a guess" or "the estimated date is..." and process those phrases as "I promise that..." or "It's guaranteed..." or "the rock solid deadline is..." and then rant about how promises were broken and the devs lied are 100% immature and I'll add the words "ignorant" and "naive" to that as well. I'll double down on THAT all the day long. I don't even accept linguistics as an excuse. Not even google translate will screw up a word like "guess" and turn it into the Russian equivalent of "promise". I'm trying really hard not to say the s word here that ends in -pidity because I know that gets people bent out of shape...


The rest of of what you post is your opinion about what The Fun Pimps should do to fix their supposedly embarrassing and poor public relations which you are certainly entitled to share. Again, thanks for your feedback and for getting out of lurker status.

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Electric tools are cheaper (i.e. more disposable should I uh, "break" them). Just saying.


@Roland: You're the face of the company now homie, can't be using trigger words. =)


(of course, what make a word a trigger these days is a pretty large list).

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Electric tools are cheaper (i.e. more disposable should I uh, "break" them). Just saying.


@Roland: You're the face of the company now homie, can't be using trigger words. =)


(of course, what make a word a trigger these days is a pretty large list).


Hahaha for sure they can be a bit cheaper, BUT - gas powered tools have more power. Just food for though if you have plans to attack certain beards in the future. You might have better luck, but kinda harder to mask the noise!

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@Roland: You're the face of the company now homie, can't be using trigger words. =)


I'm saying it a lot more gently than others with beards would. Besides...I have a feeling that the people who are outraged by anything I've ever posted have friends who are used to taking what they say with a grain of salt.


It's either that or the malcontents don't realize they're on a friggin' video game site run by a company called "The Fun Pimps" and populated by gamers used to trash talking and maybe think this is the Mayo Clinic and we're all talking about terminal diseases...

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Hahaha for sure they can be a bit cheaper, BUT - gas powered tools have more power. Just food for though if you have plans to attack certain beards in the future. You might have better luck, but kinda harder to mask the noise!


Ya keep giving him ideas, some day he will attach it to his backpack and forget to turn it off. Its all gonna be your fault.


Roland thank you for your previous post. Hope lots of ppl read it and realise what is going on here with respect and patience. Thanks man.

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I miss the indie time... Less angry idiots, more screwy dev comments :).


Ahh well, everything evolves I guess...


Roland recently said that no piece of complain or rage would accelerate the developement. Wise words that even could be added to the first post , since this is reallity.

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Roland recently said that no piece of complain or rage would accelerate the developement. Wise words that even could be added to the first post , since this is reallity.


Yeah, might make for a good intro text...

"Please dont drop you crap in this forum. Nobody cares, especially the devs".


That should do it, no?


- - - Updated - - -


Yup. Except your avatar is still an ugly duckling, when will is become a swan?


While I've gone from Bear, to Blimp, to Batman. I'll need another B avatar soon.


***At Al's Marine and Disco Bar, we care that you spend all your casino token here... ALL of them. ***


Well... I cant find a cooler duck than Le Quark. And he's only every drawn at one age. ;)

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