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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Is there a way to tie allowed digging depth in rock into mining skill?


What about adding different densities of rock as you go down with deeper rock having more chance of minerals to drop which digging?


I think the answer IS literally to make it (the rock) harder to get there but once you're there it might be worth the effort.


What if bedrock was radioactive... and you needed to make lead blocks or paint or a suit to survive down there the deeper you got?


Remember the rage that was tungsten? My server loved that race. Of course back then all you needed was a bucket of water and you could remove any door BUT still the race for tungsten was fun.


Man now I really miss the layered mining system :D

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Haha as if... insta kill your base... more like cause some minor collapses or the like.

If you are that oblivious that 50 zombies are digging under your base then when it all collapses you can build better next time.

The situations where I can see this occurring would happen so rarely and not be a widespread problem.

If you are not underground they won't try dig to you, if you are then get used to looking for zombie burrows and fixing them, or turn diggers off/mod them out.

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I just had a thought.. they were still talking about adding the radiation biome soon, right? Maybe the behemoth could be scaled down to maybe 7 foot or so, some green radiation tinting added, and he could become an exclusive irradiated mutation in that biome? Throw in a few reskinned mutated dogs or wolves, and you have an unfun place to visit for tougher quest destinations.


I'm seriously hoping they get non stop spawning resolved soon.. we've taken a break from 7 days for almost 3 months now because of the dosie 'doh zombie pathing, and the new never ending spawning glitch, and we'd really like to play again.


Isn't this the longest alpha experimental fix situation since the game's release? We are at over 3 months of fixes to a16 now, right? I'm guessing a17 is going to be may next year at this point now.

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Haha as if... insta kill your base... more like cause some minor collapses or the like.

If you are that oblivious that 50 zombies are digging under your base then when it all collapses you can build better next time.

The situations where I can see this occurring would happen so rarely and not be a widespread problem.

If you are not underground they won't try dig to you, if you are then get used to looking for zombie burrows and fixing them, or turn diggers off/mod them out.


Hahaha. Yeah no. Absolutely see it as a potential and in the scenario I described at what point did you see the Zombies? At what point did you hear them? And if they've gotten 20 blocks below your base, how do you envision even getting to them to fight them without digging under your own base r falling down their hole? You can't even throw molotov's down because the throw arc would likely hit a wall before hitting the bottom.


So nah. My concern stands.

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Hahaha. Yeah no. Absolutely see it as a potential and in the scenario I described at what point did you see the Zombies? At what point did you hear them? And if they've gotten 20 blocks below your base, how do you envision even getting to them to fight them without digging under your own base r falling down their hole? You can't even throw molotov's down because the throw arc would likely hit a wall before hitting the bottom.


So nah. My concern stands.


You can be concerned but you are still wrong ;)

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So to recap on compiling some suggestions.


Special zombies (VDZ) can dig vertical targeting a underground base.


Underground spawning zombies (USZ) can converge on vertical shaft and then target underground base.


Terrain blocks that USZ clear regenerate in a short time and turn back into terrain.


USZ are highly audiable so a player has a chance to detect.


I like ouch's idea of digging a certain vertical block depth but i would push the button activating USZ at a certain depth so if it was high elevation terrain then there is still danger even if another player kills the VDZ.

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The foundation idea is dependant on the understanding that it can only be a 1-block height slab and no other foundation block can be placed above or below another foundation block from bedrock to sky. It’s SI is calculated down to bedrock and if there are tunnels below that won’t matter because it is only 1 block high. Who has ever worried about SI when building a flat slab of cement on the ground? It’s usually once you get higher up in your construction that issues occur. Everything above the foundation would calculate down to the foundation. Anything that overhangs the foundation would calculate down to bedrock. If pieces of your foundation got destroyed then the blocks above those places would calculate back down to bedrock.


The foundation stones themselves wouldn’t be special or particularly extra durable or zombie proof. They would simply mask the regular SI calculation down to bedrock wherever they existed.


We could make it so they could only be placed within a friendly LCB zone to limit it for base building.


So someone could use foundation blocks as a ceiling (for a basement) but it wouldn’t grant any special protection as a ceiling. It would simply mean your basement wouldn’t affect the SI of your structure above it.


Someone could build three stories and then place a foundation to make it so their 4th and up stories get an SI reset but so what? Their first three stories are calculated to bedrock and could be subject to collapse and that would not make the top stories suddenly float (any more than they already do)because the foundation blocks themselves would also be subject to gravity and SI down to bedrock.

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So the foundation block needs to have a solid pillar to bedrock in order for it to be stable? Do adjacent foundation blocks just have super high stability glue so they stick horizontally to the other foundation blocks?


They could have the exact same SI stats as reinforced concrete. If you can only build one foundation in a vertical shaft from bedrock to sky and that foundation can only be one block high and only built within an LCB zone then it doesn’t have to have any other special property than to reset SI calculations above it.


If you are placing them flat on the ground as intended then pillars to bedrock are probably overkill but maybe a nice insurance policy. If you are placing them on stilts then those stilts better go down to bedrock or you may have foundation stone blocks not sticking to each other properly as you place them as per regular SI rules. But once placed they reset SI above themselves.

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The only exploit I can think of for this is someone placing their “foundation” higher up in their tower but that would also leave the lower levels vulnerable to any new excavations made below the base.


If someone is doing it in creative just to try and build something impossible under current SI rules...so what? Let them be creative and have their fun and post their screenshots.


If TFP replaces all the current foundations of prefabs with this then they could have all sorts of cave systems and it wouldn’t affect the buildings on the surface at all. They could even allow Navezgane to have caves for exploration.


Come rip it to shreds Gazz...:)

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Oh I also mean to thank all of the forum people here, your silliness completes my own!


And yes, I think many would look to function over form. But as I mentioned earlier. I find, even for my story and my own little way, its the little things that separate me from the dead. Apart from a pulse that is. Funny, though, having said that. It would be awesome to beat a herd to death with either a handbag ( not that you mention them) or a shoe to be riveting.


i'm all for the brick in the handbag trick.

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Regarding foundation slab


Still unsure of the scope of who is going to benefit.


Players who build over cave poi's.


Stop above ground structures collapsing when attacking players underground installations.


At the momment SI bedrock slab is static.


Dynamic slab that needs SI calculating for multiple player placements at any coordinates on the map.


Would the LCB limit size so there is a limit to base size.


I am thinking ultimately there will be restrictions on having multiple SI systems in place and this would be dependent on hardware peformance and amount of players and then maybe servers rules restrict amount of bases and size of them.


Sorry to be negative but i wanted to test your granite for any fractures before i build my base on it.

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Forget granite. That was a first stab. There is no new SI system or even multiple SI systems. The nice thing about this is that no new SI system has to be made. The blocks simply mask bedrock below themselves and appear to be bedrock to all blocks above them for SI purposes. In the absence of a block there is no mask.


In other words when the game looks for an unbroken chain down to bedrock when you go to place a block it stops at a foundation stone if it is there or continues on down to actual bedrock if there is no foundation stone. But the SI system itself is always the same.


I personally don’t think an LCB is necessary but I’m a trusting non-exploiter. Plus you could always just build your base without a foundation just like now and the rules would operate just like now. There might be a limit on bases with foundations until you added more LCBs to be able to extend the foundation but no limit for those who didn’t care or want a foundation.

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Forget granite. That was a first stab. There is no new SI system or even multiple SI systems. The nice thing about this is that no new SI system has to be made. The blocks simply mask bedrock below themselves and appear to be bedrock to all blocks above them for SI purposes. In the absence of a block there is no mask.


In other words when the game looks for an unbroken chain down to bedrock when you go to place a block it stops at a foundation stone if it is there or continues on down to actual bedrock if there is no foundation stone. But the SI system itself is always the same.


I personally don’t think an LCB is necessary but I’m a trusting non-exploiter. Plus you could always just build your base without a foundation just like now and the rules would operate just like now. There might be a limit on bases with foundations until you added more LCBs to be able to extend the foundation but no limit for those who didn’t care or want a foundation.


I dont know how it works but say 1 chunk is 256 m² and you calculate SI on that chunk from bedrock then you hit a foundation block and this also calculates SI from its origin.


1 or 2 systems ?


If it did work this way you could argue every m² is its own system but we know systems can join on multi faces and stack max load.


But my point is bedrock origin is fixed on a singular plane so i am guessing it would need more coordinate data to store in the chunk to have a foundation block.


I could be wrong because i am kinda bonkers but it seems like muliple systems and every foundation slab will be its own system.


Hopefully one of the Devs will smash your idea and my hypothesis to splinters or at least give us some insight in why it will or wont work.:smile-new:

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It depends I guess in whether SI is calculated from the bottom up or the top down. If you are 50m above the ground and trying to place a block but it keeps sliding off is it because when you go to place it the game is calculating SI by going down until it hits bedrock looking for any gaps? If so then it is one system because the game just looks down until it stops.


But if the game calculates it from bedrock up to the place you are trying to attach your block then it would be multiple systems because of multiple planes of starting places among all the various buildings in the world.


My guess is that it looks top to botttom and so the foundation blocks won’t matter a bit. It’s just an endpoint for the calculation.


The nice thing is that as a builder you can look to see and understand exactly why that block isn’t sticking and devise a way to add needed support because you only have to assess as far as your foundation.

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Ok. So here's a Madmole/Roland question.


What level of technology is 7 Days going to stay at? I mean, there's no real story outside of the Duke right? We could be sitting in a world with robotics but they've just not been implemented.


So... Yeah. Where we at? I'd love some steam punk robotics assembly line stuff to do what is being suggested here.


Conveyor belt connected to a dump box to just puke our loot into. Robotic arms to take generic bags of the stiff off to drop into a wall of crates designated as weapon boxes, food, liquid, etc.


But yeah. What tech level is 7D2D gonna get to?


That sounds a bit more Factorio but it would also work for me. So long as the function is there. Or if they'd make it easier for modders to add such things. Either way.

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Nah, but you have enough concern to make up for my complete lack of it ;)

So it equals out nicely :)

Hopefully the Pimps give us the chance to test it.


Unfortunately if they do I fear it won't last very long. Just reading all these comments proves one thing. If added I give it two days of a non stop avalanche of negative comments over it before it is changed back. I love the idea and have wanted it for so long but the resident cellar dwellers are already prepared to hate it so like some of the other tougher changes (initial wood and rock nerf, rare benches and traders, initial stamina change) I fear this change is already doomed before it is implemented.

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It depends I guess in whether SI is calculated from the bottom up or the top down. If you are 50m above the ground and trying to place a block but it keeps sliding off is it because when you go to place it the game is calculating SI by going down until it hits bedrock looking for any gaps? If so then it is one system because the game just looks down until it stops.


But if the game calculates it from bedrock up to the place you are trying to attach your block then it would be multiple systems because of multiple planes of starting places among all the various buildings in the world.


My guess is that it looks top to botttom and so the foundation blocks won’t matter a bit. It’s just an endpoint for the calculation.


The nice thing is that as a builder you can look to see and understand exactly why that block isn’t sticking and devise a way to add needed support because you only have to assess as far as your foundation.


Interesting to think about what you hit when you reach the sky is it a volume mesh that entities and blocks collide with or is it another block.


There are some clues but nothing to make a solid assumption.


I am guessing as usually when you build a map in an engine like unity you have some bottom slab which we know is made out of Mbedrock so for simplicity it would be a 1m cubed block out of Mbedrock.


Server config gives 1 chunk at 256m squared but not sure how many blocks you can build to sky from bedrock is it 255 ?

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