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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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No worries. Your scenarios of exploitation were compelling. My problem is that I actively ignore and refuse to exploit the game in ways that would make me 100% immune to zombies so I don't naturally think along those lines. It made me think through things more and I THINK the foundation idea might be best.



I like the idea but thinking ahead:


You could create pillars based from different levels joined to the same baseblocks of your structure making a redundancy system meaning if one layer of foundation gets taken out the other will support it.

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Oh! When you said "mark your bear", my mind went immediately into the toilet...


Friend(?): "Dang Al, your bear tastes like PISS!"

Me: "Oh... does it?"


Dang...If you can blue dot your bear without spilling your beer. You sir have amazing zombie killing skill.


Seriously tho, give the Piss Beer to those special enough to enjoy it.

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So what happens if you completely dig the earth out from under it? Or maybe all but a single corner of it?


I think it would collapse long before you got to a single corner supported. I'm not sure what is possible. Maybe a single slap multi-block piece is too problematic. Maybe keep them as individual blocks but with zero horizontal cling so as you dig under it each block of the foundation they crumble. I don't know what the best answer is tbh.


I just think it would be fun to build with foundations that matter and it wouldn't stop you from building early game at all-- its just that your early base wouldn't have a foundation.


I just would like to be able to build on the surface and have tunnels and open caverns below and not have SI affected. I think that the underworld would be exponentially more fun with spelunking type of exploration and underground POI's but not cause collapse directly above on the surface.

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I like the idea but thinking ahead:


You could create pillars based from different levels joined to the same baseblocks of your structure making a redundancy system meaning if one layer of foundation gets taken out the other will support it.


My proposal was that foundation blocks could not be built above other foundation blocks. My first thought was not directly above so you couldn't stack them but maybe like the LCB foundation blocks would inhibit placing additional foundation blocks from bedrock to sky above or below already place foundations.


Then also making it so heavy that it would collapse any kind of stilt system. But....maybe there is no way to do. So maybe dead end again.

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i am not sure that we would need such a block, finally every player can dig down to baserock and make pillars up to surface/base

so maybe to avoid Death by falling in Caves i would only suggest a Block/Drill that drills down and place a pillar during that


That's a good idea too!

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Hello everyone! This is my very first post here though I have been here for a while. (I tend to be reclusive that way ;) ) I wanted to take a moment and thank all TFP for making this wonderful game, as it has become my favorite of all time. So I have to ask, out of curiosity and selfish desire, what's a girl gotta do to get more clothes options added to the game? And don't laugh too much, but I really really want the option to be able to override the default undies with new stuff. I would love to be able to have a different color and style of panty to sport or be able to layer a nice bra under a tank top.


I know I know, you are all probably thinking "What does this have to do with survival?" and you are right, it is frivolous, but its the little things, you know? Its those little things we do that remind us we are human and not like the zombies that crawl after us. I would kill to have two slots added for a bra and panty that overrides the default look (for those afraid to be naked under all their clothes I guess). I am also so craving a variety of tops and skirts too and lets not forget, shoes. Dare I mention it. Lol I would need chests just to contain all the shoes I would collect.


Please don't beat me up for such a silly request. It may be silly but damn it , so am I. I have watched some of you over time and laughed a lot so I want to thank you all for your antics and just being who you are. I am going to go against my reclusive nature and start trying to be active on the forums. Thank you all for reading this vary odd and humiliating post. Roland did NOT put me up to it. Really...I swear. :)

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Maybe we could change are thinking and build supporting columns down to bedrock for above ground bases to make them the most secure possible ?


It would make base building require a considerable increase in resources and it wouldnt be easy to add in after.


I am guessing zombies wont spawn in player placed stone etc blocks but they might be in there path.


Regarding the foundation block i suppose if you could prevent players from building a solid platform on one layer and a socket layer around it higher up with some raycasting or whatever system is used it would stop multilayering.


I suppose checks will boil down to the boring resource cost argument boooooooooo.


As for more shoes i am size 10 in real life so shoes just are not my thing and i am not sure if there was a zombie apocolypse i would be that interested in my handbag collection.


Functionality over style when zombie blood is involved in my personal opinion.

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i am not sure that we would need such a block, finally every player can dig down to baserock and make pillars up to surface/base

so maybe to avoid Death by falling in Caves i would only suggest a Block/Drill that drills down and place a pillar during that


Oh I like that in the game world we have today.


Work Bench Crafted.



2,000 concrete

100 rebar frames


And when placed, you get a reinforced pillar to bedrock.


Allow I to be placed against a block hovering too. So if you do suffer a catastrophic failure, you can far more quickly rebuild. I'd make a safe house at that point for resource storage somewhere and keep 20 of those on hand late game if we had more to deal with from AI based world destruction destroying the SI of a base from underground.


- - - Updated - - -


No worries. Your scenarios of exploitation were compelling. My problem is that I actively ignore and refuse to exploit the game in ways that would make me 100% immune to zombies so I don't naturally think along those lines. It made me think through things more and I THINK the foundation idea might be best.


It can't be used as a ceiling.

It can't float.

It can't be supported on the side of other blocks.

It would overwhelm the SI of any structure it was built on.

It wouldn't be able to stack on top of itself so no vertical walls of the stuff.

It would be limited in scope not replacing the overall world SI but only having a local effect.

It would make the base built upon it immune to air pockets below it

It would mesh well with actual building practices

It wouldn't force anyone to build using it if they didn't care about SI getting borked by unseen tunnels below.




Does it get destroyed all as one piece?

Can you punch through it later to connect a tunnel into your base or would you have to plan ahead and leave a hole ahead of time?

What are the ramifications of it being destroyed for the rest of your base?


Wait. So looking through your list.... What is this block solving other than being apparently a sink hole creator? :-p


But seriously... I'm confused at the purpose of this block now.

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Oh I also mean to thank all of the forum people here, your silliness completes my own!


And yes, I think many would look to function over form. But as I mentioned earlier. I find, even for my story and my own little way, its the little things that separate me from the dead. Apart from a pulse that is. Funny, though, having said that. It would be awesome to beat a herd to death with either a handbag ( not that you mention them) or a shoe to be riveting.

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Hello everyone! This is my very first post here though I have been here for a while. (I tend to be reclusive that way ;) ) I wanted to take a moment and thank all TFP for making this wonderful game, as it has become my favorite of all time. So I have to ask, out of curiosity and selfish desire, what's a girl gotta do to get more clothes options added to the game? And don't laugh too much, but I really really want the option to be able to override the default undies with new stuff. I would love to be able to have a different color and style of panty to sport or be able to layer a nice bra under a tank top.


I know I know, you are all probably thinking "What does this have to do with survival?" and you are right, it is frivolous, but its the little things, you know? Its those little things we do that remind us we are human and not like the zombies that crawl after us. I would kill to have two slots added for a bra and panty that overrides the default look (for those afraid to be naked under all their clothes I guess). I am also so craving a variety of tops and skirts too and lets not forget, shoes. Dare I mention it. Lol I would need chests just to contain all the shoes I would collect.


Please don't beat me up for such a silly request. It may be silly but damn it , so am I. I have watched some of you over time and laughed a lot so I want to thank you all for your antics and just being who you are. I am going to go against my reclusive nature and start trying to be active on the forums. Thank you all for reading this vary odd and humiliating post. Roland did NOT put me up to it. Really...I swear. :)



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Oh I also mean to thank all of the forum people here, your silliness completes my own!


And yes, I think many would look to function over form. But as I mentioned earlier. I find, even for my story and my own little way, its the little things that separate me from the dead. Apart from a pulse that is. Funny, though, having said that. It would be awesome to beat a herd to death with either a handbag ( not that you mention them) or a shoe to be riveting.


bahaha. I want to be a bag lady! I WANT TO BE A BAG LADY! OMG. Roland! Call the developers, er wait... yer powers blow. GUPPY! We need developers.


If I can run around as a bag lady beating the tar out of zombies, I'll probably never play another game again.

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My proposal was that foundation blocks could not be built above other foundation blocks. My first thought was not directly above so you couldn't stack them but maybe like the LCB foundation blocks would inhibit placing additional foundation blocks from bedrock to sky above or below already place foundations.


Then also making it so heavy that it would collapse any kind of stilt system. But....maybe there is no way to do. So maybe dead end again.


How about they can be stack on top of each other but they have no horizontal capacity to have other blocks attach to them from the sides? Thereby making it more time consuming and difficult for players from being able to make ceilings out of them. Have the foundation block be just that, for foundations.


No upgrades to them. Have them get a decent amount of durability to take damage but once destroyed its gone. So this will also encourage the players to use other blocks as walls for the extra damage capacity potential for later stages. And since it would be a high priority to save these stones from getting destroyed The players if they wanted could put a layer of other blocks on top of them or place other blocks to act a barrier.

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How about they can be stack on top of each other but they have no horizontal capacity to have other blocks attach to them from the sides? Thereby making it more time consuming and difficult for players from being able to make ceilings out of them. Have the foundation block be just that, for foundations.


No upgrades to them. Have them get a decent amount of durability to take damage but once destroyed its gone. So this will also encourage the players to use other blocks as walls for the extra damage capacity potential for later stages. And since it would be a high priority to save these stones from getting destroyed The players if they wanted could put a layer of other blocks on top of them or place other blocks to act a barrier.


You guys still lost me on how this helps anything.


If these blocks can collapse, and are really prone to collapse... What are they for again?


- - - Updated - - -


Only if they are real ugly shoes and handbags.


Just wouldnt do in destroying good taste even in an apocolyptic world, you have to keep to some standards.




Ugly handbag


3* small stone


1* forged iron


1* brass faucet


bahaha. please? pretty please! and the bag should be gaudy!


Can you imagine a MadMole character running around with this hand bag wailing on things? X-D X-D X-D lol. omg.... My friday is complete

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I have a very serious new NPC request. I want a wandering Mademole modeled bag lady, beard and all, slightly hunched, and generally miserable looking. That wields a gaudy ugly purse as a weapon. "He's" a wandering grumpy trader of scavenged goods.


I'll stop asking for anything ever again.

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You guys still lost me on how this helps anything.


If these blocks can collapse, and are really prone to collapse... What are they for again?


One purpose only. To recalculate the si at that specific point. So 'IF' you built over a cave or made a tunnel underneath it wouldn't auto crumble your building up top. or mysteriously not allow blocks to be place a certain points.


would it be better if they fixed the SI to not need to worry about yep! but how long has this game had this "issue" ... oh yeah! pretty much from the get go. xD errr well I guess it isn't that funny >.>


Plus they've already tried a couple times to "fix it" in the past.

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One purpose only. To recalculate the si at that specific point. So 'IF' you built over a cave or made a tunnel underneath it wouldn't auto crumble your building up top. or mysteriously not allow blocks to be place a certain points.


would it be better if they fixed the SI to not need to worry about yep! but how long has this game had this "issue" ... oh yeah! pretty much from the get go. xD errr well I guess it isn't that funny >.>


Plus they've already tried a couple times to "fix it" in the past.


I dunno. Using a "thing" to fix a bug by just laying on top of the bug it self is no guarantee the bug won't resurface some how. Especially if this thing has the density of a neutron star, may just end up itself sinking to bedrock.


I'm holding out for World Genned Air Pockets getting wrapped in Granite and SI getting fixed where it's busted.

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Oh no! Rule 16?? I didn't see it! If I am not to be beaten then does it involve pickles?


It certainly involves pickles. And a wrench, a bucket, a medium sized zombie head, and some corn husks. Whatever you do, don't go lightly with the corn husks.

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