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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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But what if the plains biome (like bedrock) had no food, water or loot, you wouldn't just stay in there always just to be safe. You would have to come out for supplies......and there they would be.


Have to come out? I just said I wouldn’t go in to begin with. If there was no game there I wouldn’t play there. (Just like how I don’t currently play at bedrock)

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That is the regrettable part of the current state of the game. I WANT to build there but I won't until it joins the rest of the survival game. It sucks having to ignore an entire biome because it currently exists outside of the zombie survival game. If zombies couldn't enter the Plains biome and never spawned there and if in fact all I had to do was step five paces into the Plains biome and be perfectly completely 100% safe there I wouldn't build there either but wouldn't exactly call it not a big deal....


Hopefully someday the underworld biome will join the rest of the game.


Whats the point of a Vault if it is not safe ?


And if you want enemys on bedrock make a fallpit with a layer of hay.

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Have to come out? I just said I wouldn’t go in to begin with. If there was no game there I wouldn’t play there. (Just like how I don’t currently play at bedrock)


The you wasn't YOU...it was you as in players in general :). I was thinking it is like having zombies chase you into a bank vault...sure you are are 100% safe....but you have to come out sometime or you die.

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The you wasn't YOU...it was you as in players in general :). I was thinking it is like having zombies chase you into a bank vault...sure you are are 100% safe....but you have to come out sometime or you die.


Not if you equipped your vault with an underground garden and limitless water source first ;)

Now if we had persistent zombies (no built in death timers etc.) and the Pimp's could come up with a low cost way to allow them to be there when you do come up then this could be a thing.

Add in more requirements to maintain an underground garden (grow lights, electricity for said lights etc.) and fix the unlimited water bug and we are almost there ;)

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That is the regrettable part of the current state of the game. I WANT to build there but I won't until it joins the rest of the survival game. It sucks having to ignore an entire biome because it currently exists outside of the zombie survival game. If zombies couldn't enter the Plains biome and never spawned there and if in fact all I had to do was step five paces into the Plains biome and be perfectly completely 100% safe there I wouldn't build there either but wouldn't exactly call it not a big deal....


Hopefully someday the underworld biome will join the rest of the game.


Well... I like the idea of having other troubles (like no air requiering airvents which are lategame) and heating/cooling way more then zombies underground... maybe a special minerzombie lategame... but that should be it... rather fix the ai and their pathing to actually find the way towards your base! that would be more fun :D

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I'm holding out for Granite. But done in a way that at least the ceiling of where zombies dig and the ceilings of caverns, caves, and tunnels, are made of the granite. And that granite functions as stone for mining. But also functions as bedrock for Structural Integrity.


Then you can do anything you want with the underground biome.

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Well... I like the idea of having other troubles (like no air requiering airvents which are lategame) and heating/cooling way more then zombies underground... maybe a special minerzombie lategame... but that should be it... rather fix the ai and their pathing to actually find the way towards your base! that would be more fun :D


A workaround that could work is a debuff called "sunlight deprevation" that the player gets from living underground. The debuff can reduce welness or applies a temp. Debuff to other stats. It can have multiple stages too. It shouldnt kill you but handicap you enough so you dont become a god by living underground. :)


Game needs to present more situations where the player has to make hard decisions/tradeoffs based on their actions.

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Whats the point of a Vault if it is not safe ?


And if you want enemys on bedrock make a fallpit with a layer of hay.


So bank vaults all become impenetrable to players? What’s good for the goose...


I might do such a thing to artificially bring zombies down as an experiment but acting so completely contrary to the point of the game on a regular basis is meh... I could also go plant awesome loot in containers ahead of time and then go back and pretend to discover it....

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Not if you equipped your vault with an underground garden and limitless water source first ;)

Now if we had persistent zombies (no built in death timers etc.) and the Pimp's could come up with a low cost way to allow them to be there when you do come up then this could be a thing.

Add in more requirements to maintain an underground garden (grow lights, electricity for said lights etc.) and fix the unlimited water bug and we are almost there ;)


I don't see how hard it could be to create a grid with virtual zombies and have them wandering around virtually, and then when a player gets close to a virtual zombie a real zombie spawns into game, then when the player gets further the zombie unloads and becomes a virtual zombie again.

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So bank vaults all become impenetrable to players? What’s good for the goose...


I might do such a thing to artificially bring zombies down as an experiment but acting so completely contrary to the point of the game on a regular basis is meh... I could also go plant awesome loot in containers ahead of time and then go back and pretend to discover it....


Pretty sure Zombies don't get perks from falling on Hay. They just splat.


But if what's good for the goose is good for the gander, you better give me a 1 for 1 army of NPCs to Zombie ratio with NPCs at my back blasting those fools away.


Generally speaking, the goose told the gander to piss off cause she's a selfish lil plucker.

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I don't see how hard it could be to create a grid with virtual zombies and have them wandering around virtually, and then when a player gets close to a virtual zombie a real zombie spawns into game, then when the player gets further the zombie unloads and becomes a virtual zombie again.


Remember this moment so you can refer back to it later.... 😉

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I am liking the granite level idea.


The next level down would certainly require steel or auger tools to go through it with and increase in block density. In this level create tubes of water/underground rivers. These rivers flow from an aquifur that was radiated from the Los Alomos nuclear testing site of the 1940's to 1960's. Government never told anyone. People drank the water and were now more subseptable to a new created virus.


These rivers poluted the surrounding rocks up to 12 away. At range 12, as an example you would have very weak radiation. As you get closer to the river it gets more potent. Radiation suits help. If you break the river into your tunnel it floods and causes radiation to spread from there. Would make digging much more dangerous as you try to guess which way the river is from your location as you get closer.


There could be a third level of rock below this middle level where oil sand/oil shale could be found in higher abundance, also things like gold/silver/diamonds. But will require forged steel pick or diamond tipped auger blades. These can only be made in a Steel factory. Guess who owns such a facility. The Duke as he was smart enough to capture it and hold it from the zombies and his men actually carry forged steel weapons giving them an edge over zombies.


Some quests I thought off. The Duke wants a road between his casino and steel mill. the proposed route goes through several bandit camps that would need to removed. They have land claim blocks that once destroyed encourage them to leave the proposed route. trees destroyed cars and other stuff need to be removed. Gavel underbase and aspalt road need to be laid, hence needing to get to the oil sand/shale to make in higher quanity.


part of the road could go through a friendly white clan town. either through their town center or through some pois, where you have to build a new town center or some homes so they are willing to remove their land claim blocks to allow the player to demolition the buildings and build the dukes road.


Lastly, the duke would allow your hide in his steel mill or casino for a price based on your level and which bloodmoon it is. Say for 200 player, 7 day blood moon would cost 7k, level 10 player 700 dukes. the zombies that try to get to you the duke removes and they loot shows up in a trade room which you can buy at an inflated price. think 5x? things that would not show would be ammo or gold/silver/diamonds as his men took those as payment as well. 49 day blood moon for 200 player would be like 49k. if you had terrible reputation, he could double the price, but as your still human, the price of money/resources like nitrates, coal, ammo would sway him for the night. but loot is even more expensive and he throws you out much sooner after bloodmoon. if you have great rep, must lower cost, longer staying time.


And make the glowies actually have the good stuff. We spend resources to finish them, it would encourage people to fight rather then hide.


I agree with those who feel more carrot and less stick will encourage the lack of underground building. I also understand there are cases where people are just chilling and want to be left alone for a little while. No need to force them out of their happy place. Doing so just make them not want to play. I think the reputation quests, and having more to do then just tower defense would encourage some of that getting out and exploring. I am looking forward to what the future holds.

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The bike looks too big, make it smaller and the frame thinner.


I’ve ridden the bike and it is exquisite. Once it is properly implemented into the game I will go every where on it. It feels good and it looks pretty good. Right now it still uses the minibike HUD but burns no gas and also no stamina so it is definitely too OP for proper play but it is going to be an awesome addition regardless of all the disappointed ones who wanted four wheelers and passenger vehicles rather than a pedal bike.

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I havent read more than 5 pages and unless I missed something whats all this hype about involving 100 zombies on screen?


Also the bath is very nice but yeah it needs a clean version and wtf is that bath of brains about. A corpse in the bath yeah sure maybe with no brain in but a bath of brains is a bit ridiculous.


Who would be storing them? O.o"


Also dont zombies eat your corpse (or look like they do) after youve been done in? Whats so special about the brains?


Loving the pallet blocks though, great stuff.

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... and wtf is that bath of brains about. A corpse in the bath yeah sure maybe with no brain in but a bath of brains is a bit ridiculous.


Who would be storing them? O.o"

Also dont zombies eat your corpse (or look like they do) after youve been done in? Whats so special about the brains?


to tan hide/leather


This is a real answer

So real it has a own Webpage https://www.braintan.com/

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If zombie came "bursting through my walls" they are going through every chest, forge, mixer, my well, etc, and could potentially wipe me out before I can even see where they are.


Seems a bit more brutal than it should be....


...I wouldn't mind there being some sort of danger underground as long as it didn't result in near instant destruction of whats on the walls and was made easy enough to find in the large or small sprawl of an underground base.


That's what people living above ground have to deal with all the time. It's exactly the kind of challenge you miss out on when living underground. The way you talk about this like it's something new, I have to wonder if there are some dwarves out there that, because they stay underground, had never even considered the issue of stuff against walls being vulnerable. That would be a shame.



* No matter what digging mechanic, you'll now have to widely defend, at a bare minimum, 5 sides of a cube. With no real great pathing bait like doors. That seems REALLY excessive. Suddenly you now have the equivalent of flying zombies. ALL zombies as flying zombies.


Is that really excessive? With an above ground base, you have to defend a minimum of 4 sides of a cube. 5 sides if you're above ground and don't bother to break the ladders, wooden frames, etc. underneath you, and 6 if your roof isn't enclosed.


As for pathing bait, that's where bread crumbs could help. You got in there somehow, and you walked through air to do it. So even if you seal off the entrance, there's likely a weak side that's mostly air, unless you go out of your way to make things symmetrical, and hopefully the zombies can use that in their path finding.


* You're also pitting a situation where you have 5 cop zombies land right up against your forge room wall or ceiling and no way to know they're coming really. And even if you knew they were coming, this becomes ridiculously complex to balance game play IMO.


You can hear zombies on the other side of terrain the same way you hear them on the other side of a wall, so you know they're coming. And as for not knowing exactly where they're going to break in, because you can't see through the terrain? That's called a fair trade off for making them chew through a hundred blocks of solid material before they can reach you.


* Horizontal/diagonal digging causes SI issues. Indirectly causes excessive player maintenance potentially. Busy work = bad.


Busy work? Really? Is it busy work when a zombie tears down an above ground wall to get in, and you have to repair that wall and things above it? If not, what's the difference?


* Immersion as to how and why zombies got underground.

It occurs to me, TFP could spawn the zombie underground next to your underground base wall and just SAY that it tunneled from the surface with the dirt filling in behind it, and we wouldn't know the difference. :p


* Stupid little pitfalls breaking legs and killing people. We're all tired enough of broken legs. Right?

Broken legs are annoying, but then I break my leg plenty in PoIs, my own mines, or just on steep outdoor terrain. Better to address what makes it annoying in the first place, which IMO is the excessive length of time it takes to heal, even when using the best end-game option in the game to heal it.


Uh... What about... A Horde Vertical Digging mechanic?


With all that said, digging straight down seems fine. In fact it's how I've always been picturing digging would work - the zombie's go-to approach when it can't find a path and it's higher than the player. I still picture it as a specialist digger zombie instead of a horde trying to coordinate their animations, but the functionality is the same.

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