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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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That plants so many ideas in my mind! Vulture swoops down and picks up a small stone... stealthily flies high above the unsuspecting player who is standing there sorting his backpack and boom!! Death by falling rock! It would make you think twice about standing in an area with open sky... and also adds value to taking out those damn vultures besides the fact they can now carry zombies too.


Or death by falling zombie.

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Are you still thinking to add brass cather for turrets?

Just would like to know.

We had many ideas how we can realise that by forum members.



I second this, especially on turrets... maybe. Being able to police your own brass is a great, plausible idea... If that isn't possible due to game limitations, brass catchers could help but they shouldn't come without issues (as discussed in past posts). My only issue is making things too easy late game. Not having to go out and find brass to melt down might make lazy 7DTD characters and take a bit of the "need" out of the game. The less things that make you say, "I need to go find x" the less challenging the game becomes IMHO.

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For getting across a gap, you could have one class of zombie that can make a bridge, perhaps by using its body or expelling a substance that hardens on contact. The other zombies then use that bridge in their pathing. Similarly, a digger class of zombie could allow zombies in general to get underground, without requiring every zombie you want underground to dig for themselves. One zombie enabling the passage of many should make for easier AI calculations, and also make it more important for players to select targets wisely without resorting to weird stuff like regenerating health radiation..



I'm not so sure how I feel about this idea, It seems a little wonky, but perhaps you could make it so when the zombie cop spits his acid or explodes, all that residue gums up any traps/turrets and eventually forms a "goo block" on whatever it contacts? That would quickly deal with spikes if the player leaves them unattended and I think that might work a little better then a bridge building zombie.



Edit: If only there was a huge zombie with incredible strength that could hurl other zombies over gaps and demolish player walls XD

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With the new prioritization of zombie AI hitting doors/weak blocks, will this also apply to cop zombie vomit? As it is right now, if the cop sees you he spits at you, which can quickly render a overhanging iron bar ledge useless. A thing I noticed though is the cops never use their vomit to assist in opening doors or attacking blocks if the player is safely inside or moves to a different location. This vomit is extremely effective at destroying higher level blocks. It would be really awesome and challenging if the cops could target specific points such as turrets, spikes, or structural integrity points to allow other zombies easy access to your walls.


Instead of digging zombies could you take the approach that cod zombies takes where they spawn by appearing to crawl out of the ground inside safe zones? Obviously you can't make them all this way or it could potentially be OP. This would definitely increase the pucker factor if one or two burst through the floor of your base and started smacking things. They could be given low health (thinking along the lines of them being nearly decomposed with bones showing and looking emaciated) to balance. They could create just enough of a distraction to allow the outside zombies an opportunity to really do some damage.

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I'm not so sure how I feel about this idea, It seems a little wonky, but perhaps you could make it so when the zombie cop spits his acid or explodes, all that residue gums up any traps/turrets and eventually forms a "goo block" on whatever it contacts? That would quickly deal with spikes if the player leaves them unattended and I think that might work a little better then a bridge building zombie.



Edit: If only there was a huge zombie with incredible strength that could hurl other zombies over gaps and demolish player walls XD


I like the idea of a zombie cop exploding and gunking up the surrounding mechanics - makes sense because that slimy crap has to go somewhere, but I think a zombie with incredible strength and accuracy, able to throw other zombies a bit much. I'm cool with stretching the imagination, but not something that will make it too cartoonish or gimmicky - even more so than a vulture picking up a zombie, picking it up, and dropping it on you. I like your direction of thinking though... What areas of the game do we become too comfortable and how can that be exposed.

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I like the idea of a zombie cop exploding and gunking up the surrounding mechanics - makes sense because that slimy crap has to go somewhere, but I think a zombie with incredible strength and accuracy, able to throw other zombies a bit much. I'm cool with stretching the imagination, but not something that will make it too cartoonish or gimmicky - even more so than a vulture picking up a zombie, picking it up, and dropping it on you. I like your direction of thinking though... What areas of the game do we become too comfortable and how can that be exposed.



I was joking about the throwing part, I was alluding to behemoth :)

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A16 vultures are pre-faatal.


Yeesh, haven't we had enough discussion about child zomb-


Oh, pre-faatal. Carry on. ;)


You make a good point. I'm thinking more along the lines of staying true to a more classical thinking of zombie... Think - Walking Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, etc. We've obviously stretched that imagination for vultures to fly mindlessly which is fine. The game should not mimic real life and be limited on only what is realistically feasible...


There's a scene early on in The Walking Dead (I think it was season 1) that I found unintentionally thought-provoking. A character has to rush through the zombie-infested streets of a city before getting up high to safety. At the end of his sprint is a fire escape ladder, which he climbs up as fast as he can. The zombies cluster at the center and kind of paw curiously at the base of the ladder before he pulls it up after him.


For me, the implication was that the zombies found the ladder puzzling, but there was still a real risk that at least one of them would eventually figure out how to get up it in pursuit of the human. And that highlighted that a gray area is more interesting than an absolute. For best results, going up a ladder shouldn't mean "ha ha, I win you stupid zombies!" but the zombies shouldn't all follow you like it's nothing, either. A ladder can be a partial deterrent (and in a way it already is, since if I remember correctly zombie animals won't climb ladders). The same could be said for something like water: it'd be fun if it were a partial solution to the zombie problem.

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With the new prioritization of zombie AI hitting doors/weak blocks, will this also apply to cop zombie vomit? As it is right now, if the cop sees you he spits at you, which can quickly render a overhanging iron bar ledge useless. A thing I noticed though is the cops never use their vomit to assist in opening doors or attacking blocks if the player is safely inside or moves to a different location. This vomit is extremely effective at destroying higher level blocks. It would be really awesome and challenging if the cops could target specific points such as turrets, spikes, or structural integrity points to allow other zombies easy access to your walls.


I'd just throw in a word of caution that more self-aware, less zombie-like behaviors, like identifying non-human threats (turrets and spikes) and targeting them, are better saved for bandit AI than zombie AI.


Instead of digging zombies could you take the approach that cod zombies takes where they spawn by appearing to crawl out of the ground inside safe zones? Obviously you can't make them all this way or it could potentially be OP. This would definitely increase the pucker factor if one or two burst through the floor of your base and started smacking things. They could be given low health (thinking along the lines of them being nearly decomposed with bones showing and looking emaciated) to balance. They could create just enough of a distraction to allow the outside zombies an opportunity to really do some damage.


And while I like this idea, I would propose that these zombies have to deal with block strength like any other. I.e., if you take the effort to build a base with a strong concrete foundation, it should be more resistant to these zombies than a base with a dirt floor.

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I second this, especially on turrets... maybe. Being able to police your own brass is a great, plausible idea... If that isn't possible due to game limitations, brass catchers could help but they shouldn't come without issues (as discussed in past posts). My only issue is making things too easy late game. Not having to go out and find brass to melt down might make lazy 7DTD characters and take a bit of the "need" out of the game. The less things that make you say, "I need to go find x" the less challenging the game becomes IMHO.


Seems like you missed the main idea.

The idea consists that to facilitate a game to players at a late stage of a game.

Brass cather can be made in the form of difficult available recipe or hight level perk.There is many things to do in game: researching, looting, quests, dungeons etc...

and you know, when you got 44 tourets (as me at base) there is not enough time to be engaged only in brass search ..btw you need to find/harvest lead also.


Anyway it is possible to make brass catcher for special recipe or quests or difficult crafting. it is like a suggestion.


Saw a lot of interested forum members about brass cather.

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Rather than making zombies jump horizontally I would rather see vultures able to pick them up and carry them across. That would make vultures priority targets, it wouldn't result in a flood of zombies getting past moats, and it wouldn't result in a meta of just digging wider and wider moats. A moat would still protect from being overwhelmed but if vultures were ignored then more and more zombies would be dropped inside.


I would also like to see spiders that can crawl around in all directions on a vertical surface instead of just up and down.



EDIT: I also like the bridging ability Crater mentioned. I loved the idea of gore blocks and was sad that they never quite reached their potential before being axed. So a bridge made of whatever ichor they vomit up that hardens into a resin could be a cool idea similar to gore blocks.


I love this idea! Would be cool to see more ways that zombies can make their way to you!

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Wow I just watched a video on alpha 7. Some of the POI's look super similar to ow they did that long ago. Well they did add the trash on the ground! That was all the way back in 2014, wow! I keep hearing how this might be the "Beta". I really hope the light is at the end of the tunnel for this game. For those testing alpha 17, hows it looking? Roland?

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Wow I just watched a video on alpha 7. Some of the POI's look super similar to ow they did that long ago. Well they did add the trash on the ground! That was all the way back in 2014, wow! I keep hearing how this might be the "Beta". I really hope the light is at the end of the tunnel for this game. For those testing alpha 17, hows it looking? Roland?


Man that seems forever ago! I am always impressed whenever I look back at the game when I first started vs today, although if I could have one thing back. It would be candy shivs, those need to be a thing again :)

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Yeesh, haven't we had enough discussion about child zomb-


Oh, pre-faatal. Carry on. ;)




There's a scene early on in The Walking Dead (I think it was season 1) that I found unintentionally thought-provoking. A character has to rush through the zombie-infested streets of a city before getting up high to safety. At the end of his sprint is a fire escape ladder, which he climbs up as fast as he can. The zombies cluster at the center and kind of paw curiously at the base of the ladder before he pulls it up after him.


For me, the implication was that the zombies found the ladder puzzling, but there was still a real risk that at least one of them would eventually figure out how to get up it in pursuit of the human. And that highlighted that a gray area is more interesting than an absolute. For best results, going up a ladder shouldn't mean "ha ha, I win you stupid zombies!" but the zombies shouldn't all follow you like it's nothing, either. A ladder can be a partial deterrent (and in a way it already is, since if I remember correctly zombie animals won't climb ladders). The same could be said for something like water: it'd be fun if it were a partial solution to the zombie problem.


I remember that scene you are talking about... Just don't remember who it was! Was it Rick after the tank incident? I just remember someone running through an alley and surrounded, but went up the ladder.


Gray area in a game like this would be amazing, but eventually someone figures out how to negate it and posts a video on YouTube (boo!). That brings a big benefit to jumping zombies I didn't think about... A zombie being able to climb a ladder after you take out the bottom block... That has to be the easiest way to keep away from zombies and being able to make that obsolete would be awesome! Maybe keep it the way it is until newer players reach a certain level to appeal to the noobs to the game and add some way of escape, but that advantage is used way too much by players that should be thinking strategy more because this is just laziness... I'm guilty too.


Maybe a better middle ground would include some code altering that allows zombies to identify a ladder block 1 lvl off the ground and able to climb it. Wading in water is also an easy exploit that could be overcome by adding sinking/drowning if your stamina runs out...?

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Gray area in a game like this would be amazing, but eventually someone figures out how to negate it and posts a video on YouTube (boo!). That brings a big benefit to jumping zombies I didn't think about... A zombie being able to climb a ladder after you take out the bottom block... That has to be the easiest way to keep away from zombies and being able to make that obsolete would be awesome! Maybe keep it the way it is until newer players reach a certain level to appeal to the noobs to the game and add some way of escape, but that advantage is used way too much by players that should be thinking strategy more because this is just laziness... I'm guilty too.


Maybe a better middle ground would include some code altering that allows zombies to identify a ladder block 1 lvl off the ground and able to climb it. Wading in water is also an easy exploit that could be overcome by adding sinking/drowning if your stamina runs out...?

I think if zombies could jump up ladders people will just find a new way, for example having a gap to jump across to a ladder that is 2 blocks high or just nerd poling. Making spider zeds more scary or have zeds climb on each other better than they can would probably be more effective IMO.

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I think if zombies could jump up ladders people will just find a new way, for example having a gap to jump across to a ladder that is 2 blocks high or just nerd poling. Making spider zeds more scary or have zeds climb on each other better than they can would probably be more effective IMO.


Agreed, spider zombies scampering vertically was discussed a little ways back by with my full support... That would be legit. I just like entertaining different ideas and due to spider zombies only coming out on blood moon, would be nice if there was a less predictable pest at any given time... Maybe the spider could become less of a novelty on blood moon and more common when a player stays within so many chunks for x amount of time, making it more likely they are in a structure that requires climbing abilities. Mod ideas if it doesn't happen in A17 maybe?

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Agreed, spider zombies scampering vertically was discussed a little ways back by with my full support... That would be legit. I just like entertaining different ideas and due to spider zombies only coming out on blood moon, would be nice if there was a less predictable pest at any given time... Maybe the spider could become less of a novelty on blood moon and more common when a player stays within so many chunks for x amount of time, making it more likely they are in a structure that requires climbing abilities. Mod ideas if it doesn't happen in A17 maybe?


I've had them as sleepers a lot. So they aren't blood moon only... but imagine a wave of say 10 spiders in a horde night, or just as a roaming horde, with proper AI and mocap climbing animations... and maybe the ability to climb around the classic ledge.... that would be terrifying...

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I've had them as sleepers a lot. So they aren't blood moon only... but imagine a wave of say 10 spiders in a horde night, or just as a roaming horde, with proper AI and mocap climbing animations... and maybe the ability to climb around the classic ledge.... that would be terrifying...


I must not live as much on the edge in my game play as I thought I did. Full disclosure, I do play on 120 minute days. Ridicule if you must, but I like to build so the extra daylight is great, but I still want the danger so I don't turn the zombies off. Anyways, your idea would be more feasible than jumping zombies in my opinion. Imagine, mocap zombies that can fall forward in a pit, grab the ledge of a 2-3 wide pit and pull themselves up on the other side (or climb up the wall of a pit recognizing you are at a higher elevation. Much more believable than jumping zombies and less fast-action mocap needed so maybe not as big of a performance issue. My mind (limited in gaming) wants to think so at least.


I think I need to play a game on the hardest level with a lower day cycle to limit my build time to really get the feel of the game. I've been playing it the way I want to play, but should try it the way hardcore gamers want to play it. That is what's great about the game. It appeals to all gameplay styles. I have played on a server however and it wasn't much harder... just shorter days.

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I must not live as much on the edge in my game play as I thought I did. Full disclosure, I do play on 120 minute days. Ridicule if you must, but I like to build so the extra daylight is great, but I still want the danger so I don't turn the zombies off. Anyways, your idea would be more feasible than jumping zombies in my opinion. Imagine, mocap zombies that can fall forward in a pit, grab the ledge of a 2-3 wide pit and pull themselves up on the other side (or climb up the wall of a pit recognizing you are at a higher elevation. Much more believable than jumping zombies and less fast-action mocap needed so maybe not as big of a performance issue. My mind (limited in gaming) wants to think so at least.


I think I need to play a game on the hardest level with a lower day cycle to limit my build time to really get the feel of the game. I've been playing it the way I want to play, but should try it the way hardcore gamers want to play it. That is what's great about the game. It appeals to all gameplay styles. I have played on a server however and it wasn't much harder... just shorter days.


I almost only play on a PVP server as I find late game too easy but don't like bullet sponge zeds... and I love tricky base design to keep human raiders out...


Having zeds grabbing ledges like that would be amazing, reminds me of dying light... If they did that they would probably have to work in player ledge grabbing/parkour and that is probably a bit too much to ask for. The other way for zeds to get up is for them to climb on each other a bit better then they do now, having both things would be even better.


Honestly my biggest wish for the game is a melee combat overhaul with dying light like animations... Doesn't have to be anywhere near as good but the combat at the moment feels so... wooden.

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