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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Lol, madmold said you will be able to craft gunparts, probably never loot one again though. So they are still in, kinda.


No, he said guns would be craftable using machine parts, metal, plastic, etc. you’ll craft the whole gun from the same materials we use to craft other items in the game and not from specialized parts that have tiers of quality.

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BTW...I just looked at the Kickstarter promises and NPCs including merchants and safe houses controlled by NPCs are specifically listed in those features that would come post final release. So I’m not even sure why anyone would be upset by the current status. TFP is already ahead of schedule on this promise. Where are the high fives rather than threats of backlash?


If bandits and neutral NPC survivors don’t make it in until after launch then TFP is simply fulfilling the expectations you should have had when you signed up for early access. It is literally all spelled out for you.


yes. however. there were always some things that were SAID to be included in the NPC genre of the game. pets and domestication. there was catfood and dogfood in the game. i do remember that being stated, that domestication was included. although that would be better off as some DLC or something. things like that were mentioned and stated.


now the only problem people would have is previous things being stated were included in the NPC genre. then turning around and saying that its not included.

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I have a question about pathing.


I know it is being worked on, and am happy that it is.


Is part of that, that they will be able to get to places that we can on a basic level.


For example:


Make them able to jump through the toothy design.

Make them able to crawl through 1/4 block poles going sideways.

Make them able to walk through two 50 pillars side by side.


I think this would help a lot and kill some of the more popular base designs and have people, myself included, come up with new ones.


It seems like these designs are used because it is known they will work because the zombie pathing can not handle it.


Thank you for your efforts and I am looking forward to A17!

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yes. however. there were always some things that were SAID to be included in the NPC genre of the game. pets and domestication. there was catfood and dogfood in the game. i do remember that being stated, that domestication was included. although that would be better off as some DLC or something. things like that were mentioned and stated.


now the only problem people would have is previous things being stated were included in the NPC genre. then turning around and saying that its not included.


This is the same old problem that has resulted in Joel changing the way he communicates. People took his "hopefully we can do it" comments as promises.


Pets and domestication were never part of the original goals or stretch goals. Joel posted that he wanted to be able to have a wolf pet like the dog pet in FO4. It is something he planned to do but there is no guarantee. It is still something he wants to include but you can't take that as a sure thing until it is actually announced as in. A pet follower might be added before launch. It might be added after launch. The idea might get scrapped for this game and shifted over to the next game altogether. Such are the facts of life about development. Until gold release none of us should get too attached to any feature planned or already in the game as that just leads to huge disappointment. Look at those who felt that "spam crafting" was an integral core aspect of the game....or sticks and sharpened rocks....


Just for clarification "domestication" as in turning a wolf into a pet is what Joel talked about numerous times but "domestication" in the sense of persistent chickens and boar and deer that could be penned up and turned into an animal farm has always been denied as being something the game will have.

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Shoot. What I would like to see is the player being able to use both hands.

Such as holding a torch in one hand and use a weapon with the other.


It's hard to fight what you can't see.


This!!! Even if you can only hold certain items such as the torch or flashlight in the other hand. This would be awesome.

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Just for clarification "domestication" as in turning a wolf into a pet is what Joel talked about numerous times but "domestication" in the sense of persistent chickens and boar and deer that could be penned up and turned into an animal farm has always been denied as being something the game will have.


I'm sure Tin or someone else will find a way, especially with the changes coming in A17.


Or, at least, I'm hoping they will.

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This is the same old problem that has resulted in Joel changing the way he communicates. People took his "hopefully we can do it" comments as promises.


Pets and domestication were never part of the original goals or stretch goals. Joel posted that he wanted to be able to have a wolf pet like the dog pet in FO4. It is something he planned to do but there is no guarantee. It is still something he wants to include but you can't take that as a sure thing until it is actually announced as in. A pet follower might be added before launch. It might be added after launch. The idea might get scrapped for this game and shifted over to the next game altogether. Such are the facts of life about development. Until gold release none of us should get too attached to any feature planned or already in the game as that just leads to huge disappointment. Look at those who felt that "spam crafting" was an integral core aspect of the game....or sticks and sharpened rocks....


Just for clarification "domestication" as in turning a wolf into a pet is what Joel talked about numerous times but "domestication" in the sense of persistent chickens and boar and deer that could be penned up and turned into an animal farm has always been denied as being something the game will have.


Roland i don't normally like to disagree with you, but in this case it was a big thing. there are or WERE items in the game. that we poked and prodded about since day one. cat and dog food, why have that kind of stuff in the game if you WEREN'T planning on it. or it was a maybe. Joel has been talking about block space and matts and what not saying there wasn't enough room so why waste space with something that may or may not make it into the game.


now i'm not saying i'm attached to anything at this point. there has been too much disappointment with alot of features, alot of backstepping. features get put in stay a long time then inevitably get canned and removed. to us that was precious dev time wasted so when features that WERE a possibility or dreams couldn't get the attention they deserved.


now i'm not saying all this should be brought into the game because we asked i'm simply saying you gotta look at it from a different perspective and understand these sort of things that have gone on have made people a little bitter about the development of this game. and features that were promised or labeled a "possibility" would have made it if not for the fact of all this back stepping about features.

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... cat and dog food, why have that kind of stuff in the game if you WEREN'T planning on it...


I always assumed that the cat and dog food were in the game because people actually will eat them under the right circumstances, but only if they're desperate. So it's more likely that you'll find cat or dog food in a house that's been looted before rather than human food, since the first looters would take the human food leaving only what they didn't want.


Of course, I love the idea of domesticating a wolf, but 7DtD does work without it.

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Dog food and cat food being in the game we’re just low tier garbage food. They weren’t meant to be clues that pets were coming. They were meant to be food you eat if you don’t have anything else.


I want pets too. :) So does Joel. Work on it has been done so it’s hopeful. Just not a guaranteed promise.

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Dog food and cat food being in the game we’re just low tier garbage food. They weren’t meant to be clues that pets were coming. They were meant to be food you eat if you don’t have anything else.


I want pets too. :) So does Joel. Work on it has been done so it’s hopeful. Just not a guaranteed promise.


ya i know. i'm just sayin hopefully you can understand the bitterness that has been rubbed on wounds in the past.


as far as npc's there are only two things i wanna see. the factions which have been talked about. to add the the survival aspect making enemies and whatnot. and being able to "hire" npc's to help guard your base. that would be awesome. and that feature would no doubt help with pvp.

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Dog and cat food is part of what is it in the houses, just the pets have been eaten. Didn`t imagine that it could bring the idea of bringin dogs and cats ingame, hm.

I don`t own a pet but I still keep some food when friends come with their dog or some sort of creature.

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I'm sure Tin or someone else will find a way, especially with the changes coming in A17.


Or, at least, I'm hoping they will.


Hope so, too.


Bringin a pet to eat infected flesh tough. How will it survive or it could just dont care. I am not an example since i lost my dog in FO4, but if not .. still..in some of your next games pimps, this idea will be one of the best :)

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Dog and cat food is part of what is it in the houses, just the pets have been eaten. Didn`t imagine that it could bring the idea of bringin dogs and cats ingame, hm.

I don`t own a pet but I still keep some food when friends come with their dog or some sort of creature.


i've been here a very long time. that convo was brought up a long time ago about what they meant.

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ya i know. i'm just sayin hopefully you can understand the bitterness that has been rubbed on wounds in the past.


Are we still talking about a game? An Early Access game? If the words bitter and wounded describe anyone's feelings about things put in and taken out of a game then a) video games may not be for them if they can't detach to even that extent and b) EA for sure isn't.


Early Access is a peek inside the dev process. The kinds of things you described as causing bitter feelings and wounds are the part of EVERY game dev process. We just get to see them now.


If I ever felt in the least bitter about a decision by a game dev on a feature of THEIR game, I would turn off my computer and never turn it on again.


Edit: And this is coming from someone that thought the removal of Spam Crafting was the worst mistake ever made by a dev. Well, not really, but that is the way my posts sounded when I went back and looked at them later. ;)

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Good news everyone!!!! While helping my daughter with her AP Calculus homework last night I found the formula Roland used to create the big red HP bar. After several hours of painstakingly doing differential equations I finally came up with the answer this morning.


Here it is: 87 104 101 110 32 105 116 39 115 32 114 101 97 100 121

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Good news everyone!!!! While helping my daughter with her AP Calculus homework last night I found the formula Roland used to create the big red HP bar. After several hours of painstakingly doing differential equations I finally came up with the answer this morning.


Here it is: 87 104 101 110 32 105 116 39 115 32 114 101 97 100 121


Aha! The hexadecimal binairy conversion of "Its done when its done™". Nice work and a good confirmation as well! Well done :)



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Are we still talking about a game? An Early Access game? If the words bitter and wounded describe anyone's feelings about things put in and taken out of a game then a) video games may not be for them if they can't detach to even that extent and b) EA for sure isn't.


Early Access is a peek inside the dev process. The kinds of things you described as causing bitter feelings and wounds are the part of EVERY game dev process. We just get to see them now.


If I ever felt in the least bitter about a decision by a game dev on a feature of THEIR game, I would turn off my computer and never turn it on again.


Edit: And this is coming from someone that thought the removal of Spam Crafting was the worst mistake ever made by a dev. Well, not really, but that is the way my posts sounded when I went back and looked at them later. ;)


i have an inkling you havn't been here since the the EARLY alphas. i'm not saying that the nature of features for an early access game won't get the axe every now and then. but when over a dozen of features have been axed that were good features, but people "complained" that it was this or that so it gets axed. and features that were wholesomely approved by the community didn't make it in or whatever. it doesn't matter what the nature of EA is it gets annoying to most people. i'm not saying that they need to stop doing it. i'm just saying that there are some things that cause bitterness when devs just listen to a few people on the forums and can something. so ya theres bitterness

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I'm just saying that there are some things that cause bitterness when devs just listen to a few people on the forums and can something. so ya theres bitterness


Causality can be a bitch to determine and if I feel bitter that it started raining because a few people were carrying umbrellas, that bitterness is largely a product of my own erroneous perception.

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