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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Thanks, I actually remastered every biome. Some are subtle changes but unity 2017 did a number on the spectrums so it was just easier to redo them than to try to "fix" the lighting to look like it used to. The end result was all the biomes look better than ever so it was worth it.


Moving with engine updates is certainly bleeding edge , just my uneducated experience from tutorials and simple builds tells me that just minor engine updates seem to break builds brutally so kudos to you and the team in staying as bleeding edge as possible.

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Oh look another troll who can't read. I already posted on twitter and here too I think, that vehicles have a brand new physics system, so no more falling through the world. They don't go too fast for chunks, unless you are modding or playing on an unsupported system.


@Madmole Shouldn't waste your breath on folks who have nothing better to do than complain. A17 looks amazing from what you've posted thus far and I can't wait to play! You guys are doing an amazing job! ;)

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Speaking of Biomes, are you still looking into your mini biome idea? It came about when you showed the new snow (awhile back) and you took out all the trees, plants and just had a few rocks. People loved the look of it.[ATTACH=CONFIG]22961[/ATTACH]

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Yeah I actually saw some things like that and fixed them. I have no idea why they had player collision on.


Wait, what??? Being stopped by yucca, cacti and twigs was NOT intentional???? Holy *$(&(*%#$!


EDIT: Or *just* yucca? And the aloe vera, I suppose. They are the only two farming plants that block your path.

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Am I the only one looking at this bike and thinking the cargo compartment looks too small??? :)


- - - Updated - - -


Noooo dont remove my Yucca walls


Best Zombiedefense ever


No, they aren't. At least I've seen zombies hit them, so I never tried using them as walls. Now, if fun pimps ever allow me to plant cacti, then I have a few designs to try out... :)

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I'd like to see the recipe for the Hog. I'm hoping for many sub-assemblies as throwing a lawn mower engine in this bike doesn't make sense.

The V8 engine all by itself could be several sub assemblies, just to add complexity and sense of accomplishment when finally completing the bike.

And hey- you know what else needs a big engine...?



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I'm very disappointed that roland moved relevant posts of mine out of this thread. Shame on him just like SylenThunder powertripping on mod privilege.


My posts were regarding things that, if seen, may be put back in. I dont think MM is gonna go link hopping when he obviously has better things to do.


You shouldnt be moving posts you dont like full stop. Have some respect for the free speaking of paid members will you? Im not here to abuse people, just here to share ideas and challenge those that put other players down for not having modding ability.


Regarding that bike i noticed 2 things.


First i dont like the front, second the bike was supposed to be 2 seater. That looks nothing of the sort.


Does that mean 2 seats will be a concept saved for 4 wheel vehicles? Im curious.


Edit: @MM, on the off chance you see this, are you or would you contemplate the reimplementing of hud items?


You guys did such a nice job with it last time.


If not, would you mind sharing why the hud was removed previously?



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I'd like to see the recipe for the Hog. I'm hoping for many sub-assemblies as throwing a lawn mower engine in this bike doesn't make sense.

The V8 engine all by itself could be several sub assemblies, just to add complexity and sense of accomplishment when finally completing the bike.

And hey- you know what else needs a big engine...?




Could be a flat 8 maybe you need to salvage the supply plane engine.

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Nice, looking forward to the new vehicles and vehicle physics.


Would be sweet if we could have some sort of atv or buggy down the line :p


+1 .I especially look forward to one day putting together a car or truck. That's what I had always hoped for and still do more than a bike but glad to see progress and especially with the overhaul with physics. I love Project Zomboid and love what they are doing with vehicles. I could see that being similar and awesome in 7dtd .

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I'm very disappointed that roland moved relevant posts of mine out of this thread. Shame on him just like SylenThunder powertripping on mod privilege.


My posts were regarding things that, if seen, may be put back in. I dont think MM is gonna go link hopping when he obviously has better things to do.


You shouldnt be moving posts you dont like full stop. Have some respect for the free speaking of paid members will you? Im not here to abuse people, just here to share ideas and challenge those that put other players down for not having modding ability.


Regarding that bike i noticed 2 things.


First i dont like the front, second the bike was supposed to be 2 seater. That looks nothing of the sort.


Does that mean 2 seats will be a concept saved for 4 wheel vehicles? Im curious.


Edit: @MM, on the off chance you see this, are you or would you contemplate the reimplementing of hud items?


You guys did such a nice job with it last time.


If not, would you mind sharing why the hud was removed previously?




Yes i not going to argue with you but the replies i made on a different subject needed moving to another thread and was not hacked in distaste of subject and that goes for your post's too it was to bring more awareness to your post and discussion as that what was required to actually make it relevent.

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I dont think MM is gonna go link hopping when he obviously has better things to do.


You shouldnt be moving posts you dont like full stop. Have some respect for the free speaking of paid members will you? Im not here to abuse people, just here to share ideas and challenge those that put other players down for not having modding ability.


Nobody like if his Posts are removed or moved. But Rolands task here is to hold the Forum clean. So stay cool and dont take it personell.

Roland try to inform MM if he see here relevant posts mm is not aware of. If mm would need to read all that clutter he would have no time left to work on the game.

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Thanks, I actually remastered every biome. Some are subtle changes but unity 2017 did a number on the spectrums so it was just easier to redo them than to try to "fix" the lighting to look like it used to. The end result was all the biomes look better than ever so it was worth it.



Nice sight of biome makes travel satisfying.

Keep going on.

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I'd like to see the recipe for the Hog. I'm hoping for many sub-assemblies as throwing a lawn mower engine in this bike doesn't make sense.

The V8 engine all by itself could be several sub assemblies, just to add complexity and sense of accomplishment when finally completing the bike.

And hey- you know what else needs a big engine...?


Are you thinking a Bike shop area block say 2 by 3 and as you add bits to say the 'Toolbox' The parts are added to the bike and they appear in the building block as visual reference.

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