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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Ignore the insensitive trolls laughing. They spend too much time on the forums and don't always notice someone making their first ever post.


But yeah. It's gonna be a while. Probably shouldn't count on playing A17 this year.


It's true. Some people (looking at you Jackel!) have over a thousand posts. Kray kray.


...but yeh, you'll find that 1) Pimps don't release er, release dates, because when they did they were always wrong, and 2) It takes a while. They have an "it's done when it's done" strategy that has served them well. Oh, and 3) Even if it comes out, it'll be an experimental release, meaning you'll have to opt into it on steam and it'll be buggy as heck, so you can report bugs.


Good luck, and enjoy many more months of A16.

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Shouldn't @Roland put up on the first post that there are now 4 wheel vehicles in the game? After, at the end of his most recent video, he said that they are already in the game.


He said they are working on it but until I see the model it ain't going on the first post. They have been "working on" the motorcycle and the gyrocopter for a long looooooooooong time.

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I thought it was stated that in A17 there wouldn't be any four wheels vehicles? When did the memo get sent out?


Right before the end of MM's most recent video. Here's when it was said:

23:00 mins. into it. Hope it helps.


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He said they are working on it but until I see the model it ain't going on the first post. They have been "working on" the motorcycle and the gyrocopter for a long looooooooooong time.


Wait, MM said that there's gonna be a gyrocopter? that's crazy cool!

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Right before the end of MM's most recent video. Here's when it was said:

23:00 mins. into it. Hope it helps.


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Wait, MM said that there's gonna be a gyrocopter? that's crazy cool!



Oh, I took that to mean it won't be in a17, they are working on it but expect it to be later. not getting hopes up, rather go its not going to be in it then be surprised then go yes! and it not be there and go NO! ! ! Well, some would, I could care less on a four wheel vehicle, there is just me in SP so I don't need seating for another person. And I don't want a truck to carry everything, just one, maybe two more rows in backpack.

Although the one in the War of the Walkers with 72 looks really nice :)

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If the people who are working heavily on the new dungeon type houses want something to think about, what if they worked on one, large in a sense, where you end up going through tunnel networks linking houses together through the basement but you need to find the fake walls in order to move through the tunnels, it would be cool to finish a POI and in the basement while destroying stuff coming across a hidden passageway that takes you to another house, it would give us kind of the underground feel like the mines we find cobbled together with what looks like a large dungeon, i personally would love that, possibly even leading to another type of underground bunker that was built but sadly did not get used sort of scenario.

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Animal and zombie spawn areas



I have been thinking about the spawning of both. Zombies would be found around areas that people live. Homes, business towns and city's.

But further out in the wild you would find less and less zombies and more wild life and escaped animals.


I think that this would fit nicely in the game.

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That's a great idea for in the future when we can hopefully design a world. As it is now, MM only showed us three houses. They are probably on a roll redesigning brownstones, barns, sheds, destroyed city buildings..... It's gonna be a whole new world.


What I'd like to see are stashes buried in the basements of some of the houses and not just up in the attics. No clues or guarantees, and the only way to out if one exists is to dig.

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Or it was over run with digger zombies and you just set them free


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If the people who are working heavily on the new dungeon type houses want something to think about, what if they worked on one, large in a sense, where you end up going through tunnel networks linking houses together through the basement but you need to find the fake walls in order to move through the tunnels, it would be cool to finish a POI and in the basement while destroying stuff coming across a hidden passageway that takes you to another house, it would give us kind of the underground feel like the mines we find cobbled together with what looks like a large dungeon, i personally would love that, possibly even leading to another type of underground bunker that was built but sadly did not get used sort of scenario.

Or it was overrun with digger zombies and you just set them free.

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Animal and zombie spawn areas



I have been thinking about the spawning of both. Zombies would be found around areas that people live. Homes, business towns and city's.

But further out in the wild you would find less and less zombies and more wild life and escaped animals.


I think that this would fit nicely in the game.


But zeds roam around, they don't stay in one area. It would suck to not find any zeds in the wild. The cities can be too much for the new folks. Plus there are random houses in the wild where you can think that zeds came from.

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But zeds roam around, they don't stay in one area. It would suck to not find any zeds in the wild. The cities can be too much for the new folks. Plus there are random houses in the wild where you can think that zeds came from.


That's why I was saying you would find fewer of them the further you get from civilization.


Most would have turned boarded up in buildings and got stuck there, falling asleep (sleepers). Some roam but only a small amount compared to most.


Plus this would allow more animals to spawn. I hardly see any animals in the game any more. :(

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