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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Leveled items = Slower Progress = Good for gameplay (not so good as more items for a deeper progression would be)


For PVP its bad, but IDEAL PVP games would have zero progression !


There are other, better ways to slow progress. Actual fun ones, too! Better than the tedious grind we have now, that discourages progression because I can just buy my magical abilities.

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More importantly though, it's crap that a lvl1 opens a cabinet and finds a 4 wrench but a lvl200 finds a 600. It's dumb. Levelled loot /can/ work, as a piece of the balance puzzle, but as a system on its own it's dumb.


And that would be different in pure random how? If it is purely random then not even level would make a difference. The lvl 1 could still get a 4 and the 200 get a 600 or anything in between.


Earlier you said, "People always mistake what can be done in the context of what the game is like now, but I like to envision things in how the game could be.." The current loot system is by definition "what can be done in the context of...." Leveled loot is an easy way to balance early game and end game. If it was purely random then you would have to choose. 1) Make early game so easy it is laughable because you have all purple gear by the end of week 1 OR 2) make the late game unplayable because you would still be finding the same crap you found at lvl 1 but now you have irradiated cops to deal with. Those are the ONLY two choices with the current state of the game and straight random loot. Leveled loot gives the third choice of "Make early game and late game both playable."


Now, once the game is more complete maybe that could change and there would be ways to make the loot area based. That is NOT an option right now. At least not without hundreds of dev hours trying to distribute the loot in a world system that is changing constantly so would have to be redone every patch. Leveled loot is a good compromise. When the game goes gold maybe I will change my mind.


After all the posts about this I still have no idea what you think a "good" loot system would be. Just what you think it should NOT be. In the current state of the game define your perfect loot system. If you say "random" then please explain how you get around the problems I just mentioned above.

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To be fair I've had this discussion about a bajillion time, and I've suggested alternative suggestions about a bajillion times (including this discussion), but I think you misunderstood something I said earlier... I don't WANT the available choices, I want better choices, even if it means reinventing a few wheels.

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To be fair I've had this discussion about a bajillion time, and I've suggested alternative suggestions about a bajillion times (including this discussion), but I think you misunderstood something I said earlier... I don't WANT the available choices, I want better choices, even if it means reinventing a few wheels.


They are reinventing a few wheels. Its called A17. ;)

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Yeh. No. If you've played the game you know that a level 200 is getting purple every time. The small probability of getting a brown is the exception that proves the rule.


More importantly though, it's crap that a lvl1 opens a cabinet and finds a 4 wrench but a lvl200 finds a 600. It's dumb. Levelled loot /can/ work, as a piece of the balance puzzle, but as a system on its own it's dumb.


Leveled harvesting makes sense. On board with that. Levelled loot not so much.


I agree to some extent.


I can see the idea behind the current loot, the fact that being low level means low level items and high level means high level items seems balanced enough.


However, I think it carries too much weight in the current system.


Personally, I hope that one day we can have a system that's more dynamic in general. That is a loot system that has some way of accounting for where the container is (I'm thinking something similar to the districts we have for cities), as well as some area based difficulty that factors into it. That way there's a risk and reward aspect, as well as logical places to go looking for certain items.


There are currently POI with decidedly higher difficulty & gamestage, but what if these POI could also have higher odds of rare or high quality items?


What if certain districts had different odds for items?



They could, to some extent, do this in how they design their POI, moreover how they design the containers and their layout. Of course, the challenge here is bloat, as this would give us a bunch of nearly identical containers with different loot lists, which would take up a lot of block id's and make the loot table massive.


They could also redesign the loot lists in general, so that this is done through logic & in a dynamic manner. A sort of smart loot system that is intricate, so we wouldn't need a ton of similar blocks and lootlists to achieve this effect. Rather it would account for the district / group a POI belongs to. However that could be a lot of effort to implement, and could turn out to be a large system that's a lot of work.



But yes, I agree that leveled loot should only be a piece of the puzzle, and not the basis of the entire loot system.

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I show 3 of many many new houses in the new prefab editor. All of Diersville has new houses with the dungeon like gameplay that the skyscrapers of A16 has. And I talk about vehicles a bit at the end.


new... prefab editor? Like, one you're going to release with 17?

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I show 3 of many many new houses in the new prefab editor. All of Diersville has new houses with the dungeon like gameplay that the skyscrapers of A16 has. And I talk about vehicles a bit at the end.


So no news on the new traders? (And do you mean by "hand modeling" the traders they will look more lifelike?)

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Well I disagree on this in some way. "Wasteland" and "Burnt Forest" biomes, What incentive does anyone have to even go to them atm? None.. well other than too see if you can thrive in them. Especially when other biomes will provide you the same stuff like you're saying. Why even have them in the game then? Gotta give ppl something, a reason for even going in them. which is why I agree with MM about having "Legendary" items and whatnot. The greater the risk, The potential for greater rewards.


I played on BGG server and I think I was only one looting in a burnt biome I found to the north. I ended up with enough shale to make a little over 300,000 gas. Good times. lol only thing I had to use it in was my one little minibike.

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Welcome to 7daystodie anonymous (7DTDA)

My name is Obuthan and I’ve been checking in every few minutes for MM’s video.

I also play 7DTD ALOT! So much so I should really have names for all the zombies in game.

I like base building and beating the tar out of zombies in a POI. I also snipe sleeper zombies as a hobby.

Scavenging is a regular event for me. Then going to a trader to be bad mouthed by a greasy smelly NPC.


***video needed.....addiction.....ugh....***


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