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A16 (stable) rwgmixer re done top to bottom! (refined)


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I am still learning all the in's and out's but I think so? The big issue atm is trying to get it to place on the streets themselves. It looks like you need a block reference as well, so you would need to make it a block to have it be places on a street. Also the spawn volume is going to look for a prefab, so somehow you need to tie the block that gets placed as a prefab as well... I think :)


edit: BTW idk if you have tried it yet but how is the terrain gen running for you if you did?


Real life is sadly blocking (no pun intended) me from 7DtD, but I will try to get to it today or tomorrow. Problem is that I run some of my private modifications, so I will have to see if anything needs to be changed for compatibility. I am burning to get to try it though, so as soon as possible. :-)


As for the block, I think you can just have a small stone in the very middle (and if needed, in corners, but I doubt it's needed). I know I did a very "disconnected" farm prefab (many small bits in a bigger area) on it a year ago, and at least back then it worked fine.

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Real life is sadly blocking (no pun intended) me from 7DtD, but I will try to get to it today or tomorrow. Problem is that I run some of my private modifications, so I will have to see if anything needs to be changed for compatibility. I am burning to get to try it though, so as soon as possible. :-)


As for the block, I think you can just have a small stone in the very middle (and if needed, in corners, but I doubt it's needed). I know I did a very "disconnected" farm prefab (many small bits in a bigger area) on it a year ago, and at least back then it worked fine.


Yeah I understand completely about RL stuff :) just curious is all :)


Yeah I'll do some testing and all that but still working on my latest water source poi... pita as it is. I got 1 more layer of water to fill in then I can start adding decorations to it.

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Ooh, these look pretty indeed and would work nicely with the worldgen I'm working on too as the only water I currently have are rivers.


Btw, has anyone noticed that editing the TemperatureHeight lines in weathersurvival.xml influences the height display of the gameworld?


For example, with the default weathersurvival.xml when standing at water level and looking at the map, it tells me I'm at -28m. With TemperatureHeight lines all set to "0" the map says I'm at 32m. Other numbers will give other heights. It's purely a display thing, nothing else changes.

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Ooh, these look pretty indeed and would work nicely with the worldgen I'm working on too as the only water I currently have are rivers.


Btw, has anyone noticed that editing the TemperatureHeight lines in weathersurvival.xml influences the height display of the gameworld?


For example, with the default weathersurvival.xml when standing at water level and looking at the map, it tells me I'm at -28m. With TemperatureHeight lines all set to "0" the map says I'm at 32m. Other numbers will give other heights. It's purely a display thing, nothing else changes.


Yeah, that's one of the reasons I no longer bother with the temp height values anymore and just zero them out. Soon I'll have a prefab d/l link so ppl can grab what they want from it. I am currently itemizing the poi's in the new rwgmixer and putting together a few more hub street rules so I can have a wider variety of layouts throughout the map.

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I've started looking into street generation today. It kind of puzzles me how on a completely flat world a simple "[FF+FF]" generates something in one cell but pauses generation for a few seconds and then generates nothing in another. Even forcing cells with position parameters like


<cell_rule name="testCity1" position="0,0"/>
<cell_rule name="testCity1" position="-1,0"/>
<cell_rule name="testCity1" position="0,1"/>


... will not always guarantee a spawn. Different seeds seem to make no difference which cells do create that simple pattern. It's always the same cells that either do or don't.


While typing this post I found out it has something to do with road generation. On a completely flat and empty map there are these holes in the ground with a piece of road in them. When hubs spawn they always have one or more roads out towards these points. Pressing <TAB> in the RWG previewer shows something hinting towards that direction too but I just can't put my finger on it yet.




Browsing through the forums the past couple of weeks I noticed you've been doing this thing for a loooooong time. I'll do my own digging of course but maybe you can help me shine a little light on this?

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Yeah, the roads are a mess right now and are affecting things in a weird way at times. Till they get the roads halfway fixed we're going too keep seeing these inconsistencies caused by them. I have faith Kinyajuu will get it straighten out in the near future though (hopefully xD).


Yeah I have been messing with it for awhile. Still have many more things to find and try out. Good luck on your digging, hopefully it'll open up new areas for all of us :)

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Thanks, I'll keep digging. :thumb:


One thing I just found out is that there's a bug in the street_gen parser. Any character before a "]", except a "*" or rule letter, gets lost. For example, the following will draw a square but it will be missing the last piece:


<street_gen level="1" length_multiplier="4">
<axiom value="[FF+FF+FF+FF]"/>


Put in any completely random character (except a replacement character) and the square will be closed. Even characters that make no sense will work:


<street_gen level="1" length_multiplier="4">
<axiom value="[FF+FF+FF+FF.]"/>


This next one should draw 4 T's at a 90 degree angle but it won't because the the F's in the T-rule get eaten:


<street_gen level="1" length_multiplier="4">
<axiom value="[FFT]+[FFT]+[FFT]+[FFT]"/>
<rule char="T" replace_with="[-F][+F]"/>


However, this one will:


<street_gen level="1" length_multiplier="4">
<axiom value="[FFT]+[FFT]+[FFT]+[FFT]"/>
<rule char="T" replace_with="[-F_][+F_]"/>


I'll just use the a bogus character like "." or "_" for now until this gets fixed. They'll be easy to find and replace then.

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I also fixed my hub spawning issue. Turns out that the minimum size for a guaranteed hub spawn is 207x207 and the maximum 1004x1004 (at least in a completely flat world with no biome decorations). It doesn't matter if it's a rural, town or city hub.


Also, the height parameter isn't being used at all. It can safely be left out.


I'm now looking at a size 5 preview full of the little crosses from the previous post. Yay, time to lay down some roads!


	<hub_rule name="testCity">
		<hub_type value="city"/>
		<width value="207, 1004" /> <!-- min = 207x207, max = 1004x1004 -->
		<!-- <height value="100, 1200" /> -->
		<path_material value="asphalt" />
		<path_radius value="10" />
		<downtown_zone_size_perc value="0.5"/>
		<prefab_rule name="none"/>
		<street_gen level="1" length_multiplier="4">
			<axiom value="[FFT]+[FFT]+[FFT]+[FFT]"/>
			<rule char="T" replace_with="[-F_][+F_]"/>

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I also fixed my hub spawning issue. Turns out that the minimum size for a guaranteed hub spawn is 207x207 and the maximum 1004x1004 (at least in a completely flat world with no biome decorations). It doesn't matter if it's a rural, town or city hub.


Also, the height parameter isn't being used at all. It can safely be left out.


I'm now looking at a size 5 preview full of the little crosses from the previous post. Yay, time to lay down some roads!


	<hub_rule name="testCity">
		<hub_type value="city"/>
		<width value="207, 1004" /> <!-- min = 207x207, max = 1004x1004 -->
		<!-- <height value="100, 1200" /> -->
		<path_material value="asphalt" />
		<path_radius value="10" />
		<downtown_zone_size_perc value="0.5"/>
		<prefab_rule name="none"/>
		<street_gen level="1" length_multiplier="4">
			<axiom value="[FFT]+[FFT]+[FFT]+[FFT]"/>
			<rule char="T" replace_with="[-F_][+F_]"/>


Nice! BUT the actual biggest you can make a hub cell is 1600. Just a FYI they're still messing with the street gen so with every new version that comes out you should go back and double test your finding when they do. I've noticed in multiple instances when doing terrain gen they have added new functions that at one time wasn't working. FE "Blend" wasn't working for quite awhile but only as of A16 stable (or around that time) has been working again.

Don't want you to miss something and not double checking as they release later builds :)

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Nice! BUT the actual biggest you can make a hub cell is 1600. Just a FYI they're still messing with the street gen so with every new version that comes out you should go back and double test your finding when they do. I've noticed in multiple instances when doing terrain gen they have added new functions that at one time wasn't working. FE "Blend" wasn't working for quite awhile but only as of A16 stable (or around that time) has been working again.

Don't want you to miss something and not double checking as they release later builds :)




Oh! just so you don't think I am misleading you about the 1600. Take a look at the screen shot and the second cell down under the 5. My cell size is 1806.

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Okay, now that's impressive! XD


I'm really wondering how it chooses to spawn a hub or not then if it has room enough to do so. You'd assume that in a flat world a hub would always spawn up to the maximum allowed size. While still toying with the vanilla hub_rules and vanilla cell_size of 1800 they just won't spawn when < 207 or > 1004. I'll try adding some terrain gen, like a bit of hilly terrain, and see if that makes any difference.

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Okay, now that's impressive! XD


I'm really wondering how it chooses to spawn a hub or not then if it has room enough to do so. You'd assume that in a flat world a hub would always spawn up to the maximum allowed size. While still toying with the vanilla hub_rules and vanilla cell_size of 1800 they just won't spawn when < 207 or > 1004. I'll try adding some terrain gen, like a bit of hilly terrain, and see if that makes any difference.


Yeah 207 is the minimum no doubt. Minus the terrain issues, Its actually how your streets are laid out and how versatile you have it done.

Your best bet is to build a strong axiom then build rules that are easily repeatable and can work with the axiom.




<hub_rule name="CityXLg">

<hub_type value="city"/>
<width value="1785, 1785" />
<height value="1785, 1785" />
<path_material value="asphalt" /> 
<path_radius value="10" />

<prefab_rule name="cityPois"/>

<downtown_zone_size_perc value="0.75"/>

<street_gen level="35" length_multiplier="5">  

	<axiom value="[F[T]F+F[T]F+F[T]F+F[T]F.]"/>

	<rule char="T" replace_with="-FFF-[FFFI]+[FFFI]+[FFFI]"/>
	<rule char="I" replace_with="[F[T]F+F[T]F+F[T]F+F[T]F.]"/>
	<alt_commands chars="T"/>




This is the rule I am using to make that big hub, short sweet and simple. You can see how I set it up and everything feeds off each other and is set to repeat over and over again until it reaches it's max potential.


Now will this work with every terrain gen and get that big? Nope! but it does have the potential to utilize every available area that it can grow. :)


You're best bet is to think of it as a microorganism that wants to replicate itself or plant cells that want to branch out. Using simple structures that can be used to attach themselves.

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Oh! just so you don't think I am misleading you about the 1600. Take a look at the screen shot and the second cell down under the 5. My cell size is 1806.


Is that done with your present build available for download? Or is this with unpublished tweaks?



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Is that done with your present build available for download? Or is this with unpublished tweaks?




Unpolished atm. Still doing minor tweaks n such but should be available soon. I have many different hub street layouts to help make each hub kinda feel different from each other. First run will be without the compo pack though and just my poi additions. If everything seems to work right with the majority without any major complaints then I'll add a rwgmixer with the compopack pois.


If you notice, the map doesn't have any natural water areas but that's why I made the extra water poi's. Plus without adding the large bodies of water and just spreading out the water source poi's it runs smoother.. so far :)

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Haha, I think your microorganism anology is spot on. It really wants to creep around to find it's way.


Adding some hilly terrain did the trick. No issues with hub sizes up to 1600 even on the vanilla rwgmixer. I guess on a flat world, when trying to generate large hubs, it can just get stuck on itself or run outside of it's borders too quickly. It doesn't really matter though, 1000 is more than enough to see if a set of rules does what I want before I set them loose in the "real" world. But it's good to know what the issue was and being able to set that aside.


Now, yours is a thing of beauty though and will be a great help to me. That's the way how I got into this stuff in the first place; I took the vanilla, your and Clockwork's terrain generators and completely pulled them apart to look at each piece individually to see how they worked and interacted with eachother. I'll be taking a good look at this one too so a huge thanks for that.


Also, I'm a fan of the KISS principle so this one is right up my alley :-)

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Heyyy... I thought nesting "[]" tags didn't work. Has that been fixed? Because you're doing that.



Indeed it does! Oooh, this creates possibilities!


hehe this is what I was talking about going back over things after every build or what not. I have been going back over everything for 2 weeks now finding new things that didn't work before :)


Makes it so much easier now to build these little street systems instead of doing it the old way :)


you can even do stuff like: [F[FF]F] As well now :)


edit: that didn't come out right.

What I mean is.. You used to be able to do this: [F[FF] but you couldn't do: [F]FF] but now you can.


edit2: Which makes a world of difference and you're able to streamline things a lot better while getting it more complex at the same time.

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Yea, I'll make sure to do that too, especially when looking for info in old threads. Something can't be done? Let's try it anyway ^^


I've looked into your street_gen rules and drew it out on graph paper. That's a pretty nice pattern that should not only find it's way through the terrain well but also give a good mix of small and big POIs. I'll start a game and take it for a spin to see what it looks like from up close.


This definitively gave me a good idea how to go about doing this, so thanks again!

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Yea, I'll make sure to do that too, especially when looking for info in old threads. Something can't be done? Let's try it anyway ^^


I've looked into your street_gen rules and drew it out on graph paper. That's a pretty nice pattern that should not only find it's way through the terrain well but also give a good mix of small and big POIs. I'll start a game and take it for a spin to see what it looks like from up close.


This definitively gave me a good idea how to go about doing this, so thanks again!


No worries. Hope it helps :)

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