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[PREFAB] McDowell's Restaurant (by LazMan)

Laz Man

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Hello Survivors,


I present to you my first Alpha 16 prefab creation for Random World Gen games. McDowell Restaurant (Based on the popular McDonalds fast food chain). As always, leave feedback below and let me know what you think! Enjoy!


Summary of Features:


-55 Voxels Wide, 88 Voxels Long, 17 Voxels Tall

-3 level building, drive thru and surrounding parking lot

-13 hard difficulty sleeper volumes

-42 possible sleeper spawn locations

-Can be spotted in the distance (Distant POI mesh file included)

-hidden loot for keen eyed scavengers


LAST TESTED COMPATIBLE VERSION (as of 08/04/17) : ALPHA 16.2 b7 experimental.


Download Link (see included readme.txt file for installation instructions):




Release Video:





Reference Pic:






Dining Area:



Purchase Counter / Kitchen:



Basement Walkin Cooler:


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The painting system definitely opens alot of detailing options. Im loving it. Look at those trash cans i made lol. The blocks were one full block with a half block on top, then painted accordingly. I cant wait to see what this prefab looks like when im done.

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Yes, smaller houses are better for the rwg. With the new Painttool you can build a lot of

things in A15 not possible. Nice McDowell. I come to get a Chickenburger.

In Magolis Collection there is an MacDonald i think, perhaps placing the buildings in different Hubs.

I am looking for the download to visit McDowell.

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awesome stuff lazz, I hope that the mesh includes the giant sign, that's gonna look so cool when you spot it down the far end of a street.


I hope so, I haven't messed with Hal's mesh generator yet. The new tools are amazing. You guys are going to be blown away once I release this prefab. *evil laugh*

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Love the basement storage. Reminds me of the San Jose store I worked in one summer. The cooler was downstairs and we would open the cooler and get a cool breeze each time the outer doors opened. Now we just need female zombies wearing lime green and tangerine yellow polyester a line mini dresses.

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Really good looking Prefab. The Microwave is a good idea. Is it a quarterblock with oven texture ?

The last burgers sold here were to hot ^^, the cars are burned out :)

If you let us download it, i will take it in my town.


Yup, oven texture on 1/4 block. :)

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Please share your findings!!! :)


Just have a look in the prefabs folder, 01_dev_freight_lift and 01_dev_lava_bucket in particular caught my eye, but they are all mostly little builds you could add to appropriate prefabs.

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