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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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I have a progression question for you all. If you could make a note of how many game days it took you to get to levels 10, 20 and 30, and if doing this you played normally or if you power leveled, that would be helpful. The new higher exp for killing zombies may push character level way ahead of skill level so this may need some balancing as we go. Under the old exp system I averaged 1 character level per day with strictly no power leveling. I expect that will increase under the new system.


I hit Lvl 20 on day 20, only really power leveling primitive and journeyman crafting from time to time.

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I have a progression question for you all. If you could make a note of how many game days it took you to get to levels 10, 20 and 30, and if doing this you played normally or if you power leveled, that would be helpful. The new higher exp for killing zombies may push character level way ahead of skill level so this may need some balancing as we go. Under the old exp system I averaged 1 character level per day with strictly no power leveling. I expect that will increase under the new system.



@xyth, I'm currently sitting at lvl 12 on Day 8, have ventured out at night a few times and picked up a few random zed kills nothing drastic. Total zed kills: 138 and counting. Pretty much just killing any individual zeds i run across during the day while scavenging. Still sitting in the stone age for the moment... having a hard time finding clay and coal.. could just be the area I'm in. I'll advise as I go along, might take a while :)

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Game dog, your bug report has been heard. Twice. I will look into the minibikes, but there may be little I can do. Vehicles are... hanky in 7d2d.


As far as placing blocks while in DM, what is the actual issue? What type of blocks and are you on the ground? Is it that DM kills placement entirely or that it doesn't let you ignore block physics?

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Re: the minibikes. The turn radius is configurable in XML, and I don't know if Spider changed that from vanilla but that's the first thing I would check. Too tight a turn radius might cause the bike to colide with itself and would explain the damage your getting. I can't check till I get home though.

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My internet is down. The server needs the mod reinstalled to start up. Unlike them your our only hope. Only you have access. Make sure after you have the mod installed properly you set the seed name to the current one DeadisDead i think. You can check the save file to be sure. Internet people won't be here till tomorrow afternoon so I'll be unable to do anything till then.

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My internet is down. The server needs the mod reinstalled to start up. Unlike them your our only hope. Only you have access. Make sure after you have the mod installed properly you set the seed name to the current one DeadisDead i think. You can check the save file to be sure. Internet people won't be here till tomorrow afternoon so I'll be unable to do anything till then.


That almost makes him Obi Wan.

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Hi Spider one question. I have a realy big FPS problem if the NPC-Survivor shoot at me or zombies. one or two NPC are ok, but i was in a realy little town and there was 4-5 NPC plus 20 zombies and i have had 5 FPS (normal i have 60 without the npc and more than 20 zombies). How can i reduce the spawnrate from this NPCs (by the way the NPCs with clubs or knifes are ok, only the gun-people make the problem).


Is it the entitygroups.xml, are they a "horde", can i delete them here, whats the name from the gun-survivor-people or can you help me in any form for my problem?

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I cant seem to be able to open forges, campfires. I can open vehicles fine, but anything that uses workbenches and such it only shows a little fire symbols and will not open up at all to be not able to craft anything.

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Hi Spider one question. I have a realy big FPS problem if the NPC-Survivor shoot at me or zombies. one or two NPC are ok, but i was in a realy little town and there was 4-5 NPC plus 20 zombies and i have had 5 FPS (normal i have 60 without the npc and more than 20 zombies). How can i reduce the spawnrate from this NPCs (by the way the NPCs with clubs or knifes are ok, only the gun-people make the problem).


Is it the entitygroups.xml, are they a "horde", can i delete them here, whats the name from the gun-survivor-people or can you help me in any form for my problem?


I have the same issue in my current game. The town next to my base (if it makes a difference it has the missile launch silo) has a bunch of Bandits that wander around the town firing shotguns and assault rifles continuously. This is one of the towns that has constant re-spawning of zombies (cops, brutes, dogs, etc.). The non-stop activity causes massive lag all around the town and the noise from the continuous firing of many guns with infinite ammo is INCREDIBLY LOUD AND ANNOYING. I have never seen Bandits in this town previously so i am unsure if a recent change added them or modified their behavior but the combination of factors is really unpleasant.

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That heards same Vormithrax. If there is a silo in my town i dont know, but the rest i can confirm. I think the raiders are a big problem for my pc. How can i disable it?


Edit: Yes its a town with many Farms, Foodbuilding and a Cornfield with Rocketsilo



Edit.: have found that in the spawning.xml



<entityspawner name="BanditSpawn">

<day value="*">

<property name="ResetToday" value="false" />

<property name="EntityGroupName" value="BanditGroup" />

<property name="Time" value="Any" />

<property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="0" />

<!-- in full seconds -->

<property name="TotalAlive" value="8" />

<property name="TotalPerWave" value="8" />

<property name="DaysToRespawnIfPlayerLeft" value="2" />

<!-- in game days -->

<property name="AttackPlayerAtOnce" value="false" />




is it all or is there are stuff for these guyse? And can i delete it without crashes or other bad things?



Edit: Have deleted it and the server runs fine, maybe the right thing for you too Vormithrax? (shure before edit the file, save it for a backup. And dont forget after the chance the server restarting. hope it will helps you too.

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Game dog, your bug report has been heard. Twice. I will look into the minibikes, but there may be little I can do. Vehicles are... hanky in 7d2d.


As far as placing blocks while in DM, what is the actual issue? What type of blocks and are you on the ground? Is it that DM kills placement entirely or that it doesn't let you ignore block physics?


DM mode is SO you can ignore block physics so you can repair a poi, or build a town for a community. Now that you across the board killed placing blocks while off ground ( which I am fine with by the way as are my players) it also seeps into admin mode, meaning it interferes in admin work like quickly making community areas and fixing map breaking glitches like those slivers of land that sometimes get left behind in mid air when people improperly collapse or destroy a building and it needs filled with a terrain block.


What I was asking for is a way to flag when you are in DM mode as this feature being enabled for admins on a server can literally be a wall in the way of progress. For example we wiped for this update, and when we launched I constructed a very small community meet up area. Well I tried to. Unless you intend that admins who run multiple servers to have to construct stairways all around a building so they can quickly place blocks to make a building like this.


Not suggesting it be placed back in the game but messing with admin privileges native to vanilla can be a hindrance for server admins who spend their time maintaining and fixing community areas and or glitches in terrain.

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Is there any way to make sticks now? For the receipes that don't require the new branches?


Only scrap wood, than you get sticks.


Edit: by the way, you can find the missing texture for "Woodbranch" from the client in the server side ...\Mods\SDX\ItemIcons

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Jax, again, I understand. It is not the intention to remove the ability for people in DM mode to place blocks. Please stop thinking I'm trying to stop that. I was asking because I need to know exactly where this problem is occurring.


Now the intent was to let DM override this change. I coded it with that as a check, but apparently I missed something. I need to go over that logic with a fine toothed comb.


Now, about that workstation issue. It's anyone else getting that? I've been doing some work on the workstations, but none of that should be actually being changed in the game, yet. If I had better information on what is happening, I might be able to help.

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Jax, again, I understand. It is not the intention to remove the ability for people in DM mode to place blocks. Please stop thinking I'm trying to stop that. I was asking because I need to know exactly where this problem is occurring.


Now the intent was to let DM override this change. I coded it with that as a check, but apparently I missed something. I need to go over that logic with a fine toothed comb.


Now, about that workstation issue. It's anyone else getting that? I've been doing some work on the workstations, but none of that should be actually being changed in the game, yet. If I had better information on what is happening, I might be able to help.


It's cool I didn't think you were, I was just trying to best explain it so it didn't sound like I was asking to get around the mechanic. I love the mechanic. And surprisingly so do many on our server. I praise you guys for a lot but I specifically praise you and the team the most for one specific thing. You have converted a few players into loving hardcore gameplay. I tried myself for so long to convey that hardcore feel but make it rewarding and fun. You guys managed it and then some. I have nothing but good things to say about it for that reason alone.


Thanks for taking the time to look into it.

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