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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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What the hell are these? I found them in the wasteland crumbled buildings.



Those are loot placeholders. They're supposed to be replaced with trash or crates or corpses, or whatever. I've only ever seen them when changing xmls or flying around in God Mode.


More info, please. Were you on a server or SP? Flying? You say you were in the wasteland but where specifically?


You have to do something to make the hordes of rabbits, chickens, etc.?, because they never worked and I'm not the only one, thank you in advance


They are wandering... Meaning they spawn in the world, not on you. I've seen all of them, but only when staying in a town and never leaving a small area. If they spawn while you're exploring somewhere, and you leave the cell before they spot you, you will miss them.


RE: the new DLL


Anyone reading this thread might try using this DLL with other mods. If they use it in vanilla it should work fine, but in mods that also use a modified assemblyCSharp.dll, like those with bigger backpack mods, will result in lost backpack inventory and other unexpected results.


I can make a bigger inventory version. It's a trivial hack.


- - - Updated - - -


This, i have mentioned this before and it still does it.


That's because it's not a bug. You study the clothes to learn how they're made. It's weird to "read" clothes, but it's supposed to be like that.

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Of course i totally get that but it is not too hard to imagine it can be useful when compared to vanilla you have plenty more items. I got used to the 45 slots of Valmod and the way it improves the stacks and now i kinda miss it. I agree by default it should be as vanilla but if that choice was available awell wouldn't hurt

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Of course i totally get that but it is not too hard to imagine it can be useful when compared to vanilla you have plenty more items. I got used to the 45 slots of Valmod and the way it improves the stacks and now i kinda miss it. I agree by default it should be as vanilla but if that choice was available awell wouldn't hurt


It requires a DLL change and a change to some of the UI XML to work. Without Spider's explicit support, it would have to be modded by someone​ else, then kept current with every change Spider does .


I understand the appeal, but just seems like it will be an uphill battle keeping it up to date.


Valmar offers both, and I believe he regrets that decision.

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I think Spider said at one point in time that the bigger back went against the spirit of True Survival, and will likely be unsupported.


Backpack management is just part of the experience he wants players to have.


This is exactly right. Bigger backpack goes against True Survival mod.


- - - Updated - - -


Bandits reward an insane amount of xp when killed, compared to others.

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To clarify:


Once the testing is done for the DLL hack, I can make simple changes to the available DLLs, like 40 or 45 backpack slots, or providing a base version for building such changes into. I will NOT be providing a version made for any specific SDX mod, like TS or Starvation, which adds these features in where they were not already present.

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Those are loot placeholders. They're supposed to be replaced with trash or crates or corpses, or whatever. I've only ever seen them when changing xmls or flying around in God Mode.


More info, please. Were you on a server or SP? Flying? You say you were in the wasteland but where specifically?


Single Payer, no edited XMLs, no god mode. I was joyriding the mini bike in a wasteland city, when I saw specks of blue along the outskirts where a ton of those crumbled buildings are, every one of those bulings had that bugged loot in the same place.


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Ok, so I started a farm today and after buying the Seed Nursery. I realized the aloe, carrot and apple seeds are not unlocked and I dont a unique book or standalone perk for them. Is this an oversight? Or am I dumb and blind??


Only farmer profession can make some seeds (and fertilizer).

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Yes. Good luck getting into the munitions crates and army vehicles to find those pages tho... they're rare drops. You'll probably be level 100 before you find enough ;)


Thats ok, gives us something to work towards! I actually like the idea of profession pages, having to collect them, its kinda like studying to learn a new trade.


And if i ever hit 200, ill have steel pick axe lol

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Where be the carrots hiding? Plains? That's the only biome I haven't found. I'm probably just blind.


In the forest biome, and only in the forest biome. They are very small, dark shapes on the ground, rare and really hard to see unless you specifically hunting them.

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Where be the carrots hiding? Plains? That's the only biome I haven't found. I'm probably just blind.


In the forest biome, and only in the forest biome. They are very small, dark shapes on the ground, rare and really hard to see unless you specifically hunting them.


so as you eat more and more carrots will your eyesight improve so you can find them easier? could that be a carrot buff?

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so as you eat more and more carrots will your eyesight improve so you can find them easier? could that be a carrot buff?


When eating carrots, while drunk, maybe have a chance of doing damage to yourself as you poke your eye out? Dim the screen or blackout half until the buff wears out ?

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so as you eat more and more carrots will your eyesight improve so you can find them easier? could that be a carrot buff?


When eating carrots, while drunk, maybe have a chance of doing damage to yourself as you poke your eye out? Dim the screen or blackout half until the buff wears out ?


All fantastic buff ideas lol :p

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so as you eat more and more carrots will your eyesight improve so you can find them easier? could that be a carrot buff?


When eating carrots, while drunk, maybe have a chance of doing damage to yourself as you poke your eye out? Dim the screen or blackout half until the buff wears out ?


All fantastic buff ideas lol :p


better and better eyesight....Bugs Bunny perk

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Single Payer, no edited XMLs, no god mode. I was joyriding the mini bike in a wasteland city, when I saw specks of blue along the outskirts where a ton of those crumbled buildings are, every one of those bulings had that bugged loot in the same place.



Yeah, I have seen these as well, same situation. Single player, no godmode, no edited xml's etc..

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Where be the carrots hiding? Plains? That's the only biome I haven't found. I'm probably just blind.


Carrots, potatoes etc are extremely easy to find on days with extremely heavy fog. The fog seems to muck with their gamma or something and they stick out like dog balls. There are usually an average of 3 or so clumped together, sometimes more, sometimes less.


Its about the only thing that those heavy fog days are really good for... well... that and a nice air of ambiance.

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Anyone thought of adding an apiary to this mod? you could feed it with flowers etc. Of course it would need to be balanced in so it wouldn't become OP, and if done well, it could really help out the chef char with some more awesome meals close at hand.

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