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Subquake's Undead Legacy


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Good day Subquake


I guessing like everyone else .. YES, you are working on new Version .. BUT .. you are also waiting for the Fun Pimps to drop the next Update before release … Just so you can see what changes are made or broken.

SO to make sure .. ALL your Hard work isn't broken by said changes from the Fun Pimps and I totally understand that.

So lets hope it comes soon .. Patients IS A Virtue

Have Fun and Enjoy as always … the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:

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With the new mechanics of weights.

How will the transport of materials work?

Since before you could load with ridiculous amounts of materials (Stone and Wood for example) in your body which seemed very exaggerated.


The way this Mod takes is wonderful. : sonrisa nueva:

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I don't think A18 will be more different than A17, not as much as A17 is for A16, so I don't see reasons on making the mod up to date with future versions. The fact, that A17 release is taking me some is mostly because I am introducing some C# SDX core gameplay changes, that I wanted to do over 2 years now, way before the mod even had a name.


Got a bit sick yesterday with food poisoning, but I am recovering now.Working really hard on the A17 update, if A18 comes out first, well then it's going to be a A18 release, but as I stated before, I will post the first version once I feel that it's at a stage, where you can play the mod and have some fun instead of pushing half baked ideas out, later asking you to restart etc, when more features are added.


Regarding the new encumbrance system, vehicles now will play a more significant role in hauling resources and will make you think on how to best use them, load up heaviest stuff on the vehicles etc. Later I plan to add encumbrance system on vehicles as well, that could be upgraded with better suspension, engines with more torque, stronger frames as mods for vehicles etc.

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Zombie epidemic


Testing performance on how many zombie bodies I can have on screen to make it unplayable...



From average 50 - 60FPS:



To about 15-20FPS with over 300 dead zombies:




For some reason, that eerily looks like world war Z or something, like a mini bomb dropped there lol Im with the person above you, im really looking forward to this mod.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello, is anybody there???


Just to say hi and being patience.

Yep, keeping most chit chat on the discord channel until I have more cool stuff to show off, but until I do, decided to not post about minor progress updates on the forums.


Working really hard on getting it ready for you guys and girls!

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Yep, keeping most chit chat on the discord channel until I have more cool stuff to show off, but until I do, decided to not post about minor progress updates on the forums.


Working really hard on getting it ready for you guys and girls!


Thank you very much, again, for your work!!! it's amazing.

I'll be keeping an eye to the post, cause I do not like this "discord" things.

Sorry buy I'm an oldie :smile-new:

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Yep, keeping most chit chat on the discord channel until I have more cool stuff to show off, but until I do, decided to not post about minor progress updates on the forums.


Working really hard on getting it ready for you guys and girls!


Fantastic stuff Sub!!!


Much Love :strawberry:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Definitely not dead, development is going at full speed.


As I mentioned before, I keep most discussions over discord now. I will post on the forums when the mod will be closer to release. Anyone who is interested in checking out mods development, talk to me and other fans of the mod, are welcome to join my Undead Legacy discord channel: https://discord.gg/CZY8W2t


More info on the mods official wiki website: http://ul.subquake.com/wiki/


And if anyone feels generous and help me out a bit, can become a backer of Undead Legacy over Patreon ( https://www.patreon.com/subquake ) and get access to development channel on discord, where I post almost daily on what currently I am working on for the mod.

Edited by Subquake (see edit history)
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The Fun Pimps layed down an amazing framework for modding the user interface in the game, it's not perfect, but with a little bit of SDX magic I can do great things now and for Undead Legacy the user interface and interaction with the game world through it will be as much of an experience as the content of the mod itself.

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ETA is long due, wanted to release it around Christmas 2018, but life is life... so one deadline missed after another and I'm still working on the mod, but all for greater good, because I don't want to sacrifice quality and rush things.


New ETA: Sometime soon in 2019 :D

Thank you for the mod!

I want to help on this will have to criticize!

You are too keen on remaking the interface and the graphic component of the game. It is very difficult to navigate in your interface, after the usual game.

It is necessary to focus on the gameplay, to develop a strategic line of the new passage, which does not coincide with the standard game. The amount of loot and the difficulty of crafting will not change the game, but only artificially tighten it!

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That thermostat bar for temperature is beyond awesome! The whole rework of the HUD is just class, love it.


Have to disagree with the fellow above, what your doing together is what makes your mod the best, and from what I've seen it doesn't look like its hard to navigate but a lot easier? So not quite sure where that stems from but either way all I see is good work and will be 100% worth the wait for when its released :)


Thank you for your time and keep up the great work :)

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Thanks for getting back to me about the mod so fast Subquake. I was super glad to hear it didn't die out and for some reason I never saw the comment about the discord I will have to check it out. Will def be hitting the patron site up! Keep up the awesome work man. This mod just blows my mind and I feel like a little kid at Christmas time that has to wait and have breakfast before he gets to smash open those gifts LMAO. What an awesome UI bro, I doubt (and no disrespect to the other modders) that any of the other mods out there will hold a candle to this mod! Gonna be playing this mod until the end of time lol. Thanks a ton Quake for all you hard work!

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Toolbelt isn't the only thing, that got additional slots, here's how the backpack looks like (with multiple pages):




At the moment I've set it to have 5 pages, total of 210 slots, but it can be increased later, depending on feedback.


In Undead Legacy every item and block will have weight assigned to it and you will be able to carry around only certain amount of things, regardless of how many slots you have in your backpack, this change is something I wanted to have in 7 days to die for 3+ years now and I am finally happy about being able to implement such a feature.


Main reason is, that I don't want it to be so that a stack of feathers takes up as much space as a stack of iron ingots etc. It also will allow you to pick up bunch of different things without getting worried about not having enough slots, just like in games like Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Skyrim, ARK, Conan Exiles etc.

Edited by Subquake (see edit history)
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