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True Survival


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On a separate note: I started three different games in single player and in every game i had a buzzard attacking me before i could even get my profession chosen. Two of those games also had NPC/Bandit's attacking me in the first couple minutes. Maybe i just got really unlucky in the random gen but this seems pretty harsh if it were to happen to someone completely new to the mod.


I have the same experience, have started couple of times and always few seconds after appearing on the new map I'm chased by the bandit also spitters always hitting me with their spit regardless if i move or not like they have some kind of tracking system witch makes dodging almost impossible also animation seems to be off i cant see spit coming towards me only thing i can see is Bloated Walker getting ready to spit then spit is hitting me.


Spider this mod is very well done and very challenging, thank you very much for creating it.

Edited by szutix (see edit history)
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Hay peps posting blurry images of red errors in game helps no one and tells me nothing. If you want to help, post a link to your output log then I can see what is causing the issue maybe and fix it.


Buzzards only do 2 damage and Bandits cant run.





Also if any one knows GitHub and wants to push any bug fixes that they do I will check them and merge them with the Mod files

Edited by Spider (see edit history)
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while I'm playing with a Mac I can't use the mod-launcher. The only folder I could not find for manual installation is "7D2DPatches" Can anyone tell me where to find it normally on windows? May I could find it by this way.

May the "resources.assets.7D2DPatch" is just for the launcher and not for the game?



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while I'm playing with a Mac I can't use the mod-launcher. The only folder I could not find for manual installation is "7D2DPatches" Can anyone tell me where to find it normally on windows? May I could find it by this way.

May the "resources.assets.7D2DPatch" is just for the launcher and not for the game?




The 7D2DPatch files can be applied manually with xdelta, if there's a version of that for mac. I can give you instructions, but it's not critical to the function of the mod. It changes the looks of the zombies.

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The 7D2DPatch files can be applied manually with xdelta, if there's a version of that for mac. I can give you instructions, but it's not critical to the function of the mod. It changes the looks of the zombies.


thx for the answer. But, I can't play it at all, because there is always an error with all code written like this:


<property name="Model" value="#Potato?PotatoPrefab" />


I think it's a path-error on Mac with the "#" and "?". If I remember right I had the same with A15 and true survival.

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thx for the answer. But, I can't play it at all, because there is always an error with all code written like this:




I think it's a path-error on Mac with the "#" and "?". If I remember right I had the same with A15 and true survival.


That means it can't find the Asset bundles. Can you post your entire output log?

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That means it can't find the Asset bundles. Can you post your entire output log?


I send you a pm with the entire output log.

The part with the error is like this:


SDX: Could not find bundle 'Potato'


(Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


2017-09-04T17:04:11 13.055 ERR Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' (Model '#Potato?PotatoPrefab' not found on block with id 260)

2017-09-04T17:04:11 13.055 ERR Loading of blocks aborted due to errors!

2017-09-04T17:04:11 13.056 ERR at BlockShapeModelEntity.Init (.Block _block) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at BlocksFromXml.CreateBlocks (.XmlFile _xmlFile, Boolean _fillLookupTable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

2017-09-04T17:04:11 13.313 ERR Loading and parsing items xml file (Unknown block name 'wallTorchPlayer' in use_action!/ at ItemActionPlaceAsBlock.ReadFrom (.DynamicProperties _props) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ItemClassesFromXml.CreateItems (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 )

2017-09-04T17:04:11 13.313 ERR Loading of items aborted due to errors!

2017-09-04T17:04:11 13.313 ERR at ItemActionPlaceAsBlock.ReadFrom (.DynamicProperties _props) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ItemClassesFromXml.CreateItems (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Exception: Block with name 'treeTallGrassDiagonal' not found!

at BlockPlantGrowing.LateInit () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Block.LateInitAll () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at WorldStaticData.Init (System.String _name, .XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at WorldStaticData+CP.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


I know this "path-error" from other mod's in A15. But in 16 it was now problem till know.

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Ok better explained download and install options listed on front page

-Mod Download-




Mod is a work in progress just like the vanilla game.


Please post all bugs here and I will see what I can do. Thanks for playing.



Fastest Easiest Way To Play True Survival A16.2 IS to download and install the 7d2dModLauncher from here-



Mod Launcher Instructions-

  1. Remove 7D2D from your system completely & manually delete any remaining files in the 7D2D folder that are left after uninstalling.
  2. Re-DL 7D2D on Steam.
  3. After it's finished downloading, right click and go to Properties -> Betas -> Choose 16.2. Wait for the game to downgrade back to 16.2.
  4. Now open 7D2D launcher and expand the "True Survival" on the top left. Highlight True Survival 16.2 and UN-Check "Use EAC" then click Play.



Or download and install the True Survival 16.2 files manually here-


!!A MUST HAVE!!And all players also need to download and install Xtrakicking 16.2 Zombie Texture Pack from here-






Download Server Files here-





OLD 15.1 ALPHA DOWNLOAD--> https://github.com/SpiderJZMOD/True-Survial-A15-JZMOD.git

OLD ALPHA 15.2 SDX DOWNLOAD--> https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?59466-WIP-True-Survival-SDX

Steam Group and Mod Forums –http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HardcoreSurvivalServer


Terms of Use*


:hippie: YOLO!


- - - Updated - - -



Hay does that guy have a forum account? If so whats hes name. I wanted to pass along some info if he was going to do a LetsPlay

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Currently trying to play this for the pass 3 days now, and its kicking my ass. I've already tried all the steps posted within the forum. but i keep getting this error "MissingMethodException: Method not found: EasyAntiCheat.Server.HydraEasyAntiCheatServer<ClientInfo>.HandleClientUpdates." its even ran in admin still getting nothing.. any help will be appreciated, heads starting to hurt heh:bi_polo:

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Assistance Please


Currently been trying to get this mod to work, ive tooken all the troubleshooting steps. But for the life i me i havent been able to get it to work, going on 3 days now. i keep getting a "HydraEasyAntiCheat.Server.EasyAntiCheat" Error and it is constant loads all the way then when i go to play it gets stuck at loading character. The message is constant throughout from loading the game to starting a game. Any help will be much appreciated.

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New error detected:


I was dug into a hill passing the night away when my console popped up spamming this ->


2017-09-04T13:39:39 4507.452 INF Spawning Wandering Horde.

2017-09-04T13:39:39 4507.453 INF AIDirector: Spawning wandering horde moving towards player '[type=EntityPlayerLocal, name=Deven, id=171]'

2017-09-04T13:39:39 4507.453 INF Party with 1 player(s) has a computed game stage of 20

2017-09-04T13:39:39 4507.453 INF Party members:

2017-09-04T13:39:39 4507.453 INF Player id 171 gameStage: 20

2017-09-04T13:39:39 4507.498 INF Spawning screamer horde zombie from animalZombieDog

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at EntityGroups.GetRandomFromGroup (System.String _sEntityGroupName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AIWanderingHordeSpawner.KU (.World , Single ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AIWanderingHordeSpawner.Update (.World world, Single dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AIDirectorWanderingHordeComponent.OT (Single ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AIDirectorWanderingHordeComponent.Tick (Double _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AIDirector.FU (Double ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AIDirector.Tick (Double dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at World.OnUpdateTick (Single _partialTicks, ArraySegment`1 _activeChunks) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GameManager.DA () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


and then this repeats a lot ->


2017-09-04T13:39:39 4507.763 INF Spawning screamer horde zombie from animalZombieDog

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at EntityGroups.GetRandomFromGroup (System.String _sEntityGroupName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AIWanderingHordeSpawner.KU (.World , Single ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AIWanderingHordeSpawner.Update (.World world, Single dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AIDirectorWanderingHordeComponent.OT (Single ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AIDirectorWanderingHordeComponent.Tick (Double _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AIDirector.FU (Double ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AIDirector.Tick (Double dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at World.OnUpdateTick (Single _partialTicks, ArraySegment`1 _activeChunks) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GameManager.DA () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


(Filename: Line: -1)


That last bit repeats about 100 times in my log before I was finally able to shut down the game. Hope that helps!

Edited by Deven (see edit history)
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Yeah, I got the same message yesterday.


- - - Updated - - -


Currently been trying to get this mod to work, ive tooken all the troubleshooting steps. But for the life i me i havent been able to get it to work, going on 3 days now. i keep getting a "HydraEasyAntiCheat.Server.EasyAntiCheat" Error and it is constant loads all the way then when i go to play it gets stuck at loading character. The message is constant throughout from loading the game to starting a game. Any help will be much appreciated.


Sounds like you haven't rolled the vanilla version back to 16.2

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In the launcher it just keeps saying "refreshing mods for true survival A16.2"


It might be because it's on 16.3.


If I opt into 16.2 and go into true survival can I switch it back to 16.3 and my vanilla game will still be there..


Last question. Are you supposed to play on NOMAD difficulty or higher for this mod?

Edited by MrSamuelAdam (see edit history)
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Added Mod settings to front page


Red settings are REQUIRED all others are Suggested Game settings-

<property name="GameWorld" 				value="[color="#FF0000"]Random Gen[/color]"/>		
 <property name="GameDifficulty" 			value="[color="#FF0000"]3[/color]"/>  			
 <property name="ZombiesRun"				value="[color="#FF0000"]0[/color]" />			
 <property name="BuildCreate"				value="false" />			
 <property name="DayNightLength"			value="[color="#FF0000"]60[/color]" />			
 <property name="DayLightLength"			value="[color="#FF0000"]18[/color]" />		
 <property name="PlayerSafeZoneLevel"	                value="[color="#FF0000"]50[/color]" />		
 <property name="PlayerSafeZoneHours"	                value="[color="#FF0000"]20[/color]" />			
 <property name="DropOnDeath"			        value="[color="#FF0000"]0[/color]" />				
 <property name="DropOnQuit"				value="[color="#FF0000"]0[/color]" />				
 <property name="BloodMoonEnemyCount"		        value="[color="#FF0000"]64[/color]" />				
 <property name="EnemySpawnMode"		        value="[color="#FF0000"]true[/color]" />				
 <property name="EnemyDifficulty"			value="[color="#FF0000"]0[/color]" />				
 <property name="BlockDurabilityModifier" 	        value="[color="#FF0000"]100[/color]" /> 				
 <property name="LootAbundance" 			value="[color="#FF0000"]100[/color]" /> 				
 <property name="LootRespawnDays"		 	value="[color="#FF0000"]100[/color]" /> 			
 <property name="AirDropFrequency"			value="150"/>    
 <property name="AirDropMarker"			value="true"/>	
 <property name="MaxSpawnedZombies"		        value="[color="#FF0000"]80[/color]"/>   
 <property name="MaxSpawnedAnimals"		        value="50"/>
 <property name="EACEnabled"				value="[color="#FF0000"]false[/color]"/>  
 <property name="BedrollDeadZoneSize"		        value="20"/>

Edited by Spider (see edit history)
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