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True Survival


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I will be separating the threads for the SDX version of True Survival so it doesn't get confusing. It can be found in the SDX section of the forums here- https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?59466-WIP-True-Survival-SDX

Its a work in progress. I will be releasing the files tomorrow but with many warnings. The first being that its far from a finished product but I'm hoping by putting the files out there a smarter person might be able to figure out how to get it to load on a server. It needs to be tested more than I can do by myself at this point. The second is that you may find it easier to remove your own kidney then to get this to start up lol. I will post step by step instructions on how I get it to load for SP/Coop but be warned it can be frustrating.

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I will be separating the threads for the SDX version of True Survival so it doesn't get confusing. It can be found in the SDX section of the forums here- https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?59466-WIP-True-Survival-SDX

Its a work in progress. I will be releasing the files tomorrow but with many warnings. The first being that its far from a finished product but I'm hoping by putting the files out there a smarter person might be able to figure out how to get it to load on a server. It needs to be tested more than I can do by myself at this point. The second is that you may find it easier to remove your own kidney then to get this to start up lol. I will post step by step instructions on how I get it to load for SP/Coop but be warned it can be frustrating.


As evidenced by your attempt to walk me through it last night ahhahahhhahh:beaten:

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Had just started with the previous mod build and was loving it. I usually never die playing this game but with this mod I've died close to 10 times before Day 10. LOL. I love that.


Gonna restart with a friend using this updated mod tonight now. The new professions look cool. I'm most likely gonna be a Burglar for that lockpicking ability. Was hoping to see something like that.


As a suggestion for the Farmer (which seems the least appealing profession to me) maybe consider giving him some items as well or the exclusive ability to utilize them. I was thinking a bucket immediately but I'm trying to think of other things he may use. A bucket of water may irrigate his crops to help them grow faster. Also I'd consider giving him a shotgun. That alone may make his profession more appealing. OH...and give him the chicken coop recipe early on. That would be a big benefit for a farmer early game.


Great work on the mod!

Edited by CornDoggyDizzle (see edit history)
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As someone who hasn't touched 7D2D in a long time, I just wanted to say how awesome this mod is. I loved playing the Arma DayZ mod and this mod has that same desperate feel, really cool. Really glad you guys have been putting in this effort to put a new coat of paint on the game. Looking forward to your release of the SDX mod. Keep up the good work!

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Hi, first playing this mod. Thank you for all your work.


Question please: Tried a SP and started with an Engineer. I had all the recipes shown in the crafting list. When i tried a new game (Law Enforcer), now no recipe is shown. i can type stoneaxe and then it shows up for crafting. Do you know, what i can do, so the recipes are listed again, like my first try?


Thank you.

Edited by derNokel (see edit history)
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Hey Spider, I am trying to merge your buffs (Z-virus/Bioinfection/wound system, sleeping bags/beds give warmth, and the stuffed buffs) in with Valmod but am having some setbacks. Are you using a custom .dll to allow the use of more advanced buffs? After adding them and fixing up any error I could find, I am now getting the error:


"ERR Loading and parsing 'buffs.xml' (Unrecognized xml element buff)"


Edited by budzilla (see edit history)
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Hey Spider, I am trying to merge your buffs (Z-virus/Bioinfection/wound system, sleeping bags/beds give warmth, and the stuffed buffs) in with Valmod but am having some setbacks. Are you using a custom .dll to allow the use of more advanced buffs? After adding them and fixing up any error I could find, I am now getting the error:


"ERR Loading and parsing 'buffs.xml' (Unrecognized xml element buff)"




Visit XML Validator, and copy and paste your entire buffs.xml in there. Looks like it may be a bad copy and paste, and that site should help you identify where.

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No my buffs dont need any custom .dll edits. But I have found that the buff file is the most complex .xml file and can be the most game changing. If you could post your buff file i could take a look for you.


Ya and I have poked around to see what I changed to make the open container bug but I cant seem to figure it out. If any one does let me know and I'll fix it in the download

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Here is my config/xml's




(I just noticed I had an extra </buff> tag at the bottom, I removed it but the issue still persists.)


Edit; I've made a forum thread so we don't clutter up yours:


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hmm nothing is jumping out at me. If you cant find it work the problem backwards. Start near the top and insert a known bug. Like call a buff that does not exist. Then start it up check the log and make sure you are getting the new known bug you added. Then slowly move the known bug down the file starting it each time and making sure you are still getting you know bug. At some point you will pass the real bug you are looking for and when you check the log you will see the bug you have now. Use all this information to narrow in on where the problem is in the file. You should be able to narrow it down to what line of buff code has the error.

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I tried adding "<buff id="testBuff" duration="0" actions="buff(test)" />" to the top but am still getting the same error, no mention of the missing buff.


""ERR Loading and parsing 'buffs.xml' (Unrecognized xml element buff)""


Edit; I think I might be better off just starting from scratch at this point lol

Edited by budzilla (see edit history)
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I'm no xml expert but I think this section is your problem.


<buff id="stunned" mutex="stunCooldown" duration="4" actions="increment(@wellness, -0.5, 0, 0, 1)" onexpired="stunCooldown" type="speedmodifier" icon="ui_game_symbol_stunned" name_key="stunned" description_key="stunnedDesc" tooltip_key="stunnedTooltip">

<modify id="0" stat="speedmodifier" mulValue="0.1"/>


Looks like a closing tag is missing, and this section is just above where your error is thrown.

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Thanks xyth, that seemed to be the problem. However i'm now having an issue where only some of the buffs seem to be working. The limp, car alarm, and partially the Z-virus. The bite/wound system doesn't seem to be working as intended. I can't sustain any of the injuries such as bruises, wounds, gashes etc. and if i'm grabbed by a zombie and bitten it skips straight to stage 1 of the Z-virus, no chance to bandage, cauterize or anything. I'm stumped because I'm not getting any errors in the console or anything


Are they maybe dependent on something that I haven't included? (Although you'd think if that were the case I'd be getting errors in the console)



Here is the current config:


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Post the games error log, maybe something there. Also, the order things are listed in each XML file matters. If you cut and pasted things in the bottom of a file that are referenced by things above it, then it won't work properly. Those are tricky to find but generally are whats happening when all the obvious errors are fixed.


I suggest you start commenting out sections of functionality in each xml, like comment out everything related to wounds, and get to a point where everything left is working, then one by one edit back in a feature and test. You bit off too much at one go.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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