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Version 1.0 (Alpha 22) Dev Diary

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1 hour ago, toores said:


I don't like Fortitude's weapon of choice, so it won't be my first tree to level up. By the time I feel like I have the points to spare for LotL, I always have enough food to skip farming alltogether.



Honestly some of the spots they put certain perks always seemed kind of weird to me, but I guess they had to go somewhere, or we'd have weirdly uneven perk trees. Master Chef being in Strength for example, makes no sense to me at all, but really, where are you gonna put it? I guess a tree of general perks would work, but we don't have that, so into Strength it goes.

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10 hours ago, Old Crow said:

Something I'm noticing from Streamer Weekend:


While loot progression and trader progression is slowed down (yay!), level and gamestage progression is NOT slowed down to match. One base settings, one streamer was getting feral bikers while still fighting with stone and primitive weapons. It's too easy to progress too quickly stagewise while not being equipped decently enough deal with your first horde, unless you customize your settings to adjust things.


A reduction in experience gained from looting and crafting might be in order at default?

Not sure if that's a bad thing. If you meet them in POIs or in the wild, kite or run away. If they show up in horde night make sure you have something very solid between you and the horde, and keep repairing it. 

It sounds a bit like all that's needed is a shift in the mindset away from "everything is easily managable except for dogs."

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2 hours ago, Old Crow said:


Honestly some of the spots they put certain perks always seemed kind of weird to me, but I guess they had to go somewhere, or we'd have weirdly uneven perk trees. Master Chef being in Strength for example, makes no sense to me at all, but really, where are you gonna put it? I guess a tree of general perks would work, but we don't have that, so into Strength it goes.

Chopping Meat is hard work. :D

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10 hours ago, Laz Man said:


Let's just say, this is just the beginning. 😆.  I don't want to steal Faatal's thunder. 😎


Reminds me. The ingame thunder sounds awesome to me.


Side note: Whoever is in charge of the gui. Could you thicken the food and water bars from 8 to maybe 11 or 12? I imagine it is not just my old eyes that sometimes can't see where the colour ends on them with some backgrounds. Thank you for your consideration.


Edited by Gamida (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, Old Crow said:


Honestly some of the spots they put certain perks always seemed kind of weird to me, but I guess they had to go somewhere, or we'd have weirdly uneven perk trees. Master Chef being in Strength for example, makes no sense to me at all, but really, where are you gonna put it? I guess a tree of general perks would work, but we don't have that, so into Strength it goes.

Think of each tree as being able to mitigate health/damage/stamina on its own.  Strength tree needs the most food, and the best food most quickly for stamina and healing.  Endurance has fast healing and pain tolerance for health mitigation as well as farming, Intelligence has the medical perk, agility has maneuverability and armor perk, and perception has range and the ability to get more meat from hunting.  Its not perfectly balanced lol.

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2 hours ago, Skaarphy said:

Not sure if that's a bad thing. If you meet them in POIs or in the wild, kite or run away. If they show up in horde night make sure you have something very solid between you and the horde, and keep repairing it. 

It sounds a bit like all that's needed is a shift in the mindset away from "everything is easily managable except for dogs."

I also saw that some streamers where hitting steel tools and the like around day 12 on 60 min days. I know they were pushing it a lot but that is still IMO.

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I've watched quite a few streams and have yet to see anyone mining.  Do we know if the mining sounds, specifically metal on metal, have been updated?  Also, with all the new inventory sounds, is there an option to disable them?  As a person with sound sensitivity, I refuse to use any power tools due to the "ear assault" lol.  I would love options for quieter task related sounds if possible.

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16 minutes ago, GRITTY said:

Pek çok yayın izledim ve henüz madencilik yapan birini görmedim. Madencilik seslerinin, özellikle metalin metal üzerine güncellenip güncellenmediğini biliyor muyuz? Ayrıca tüm yeni envanter seslerinde bunları devre dışı bırakma seçeneği var mı? Ses hassasiyeti olan bir kişi olarak "kulak hasarı" nedeniyle herhangi bir elektrikli alet kullanmayı reddediyorum hahaha. Mümkünse görevle ilgili daha sessiz sesler için seçenekleri çok isterim.

Are there bandits in the game?

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Just now, Phoenixshade35 said:

if that guess happens to be real, would that make it 11mst? im horrible at time zones haha


So probably not at least for another 2 hours, but maybe 4/5 hours from now

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Just now, Doomofman said:


So probably not at least for another 2 hours, but maybe 4/5 hours from now

thats fair, i mean i got today off so im patient, but i can only shoot tnt carrying dodos for so long haha, i know when it does come out im more than likely going to be wearing miner gear, got a set your gonna rock?

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1 minute ago, Phoenixshade35 said:

thats fair, i mean i got today off so im patient, but i can only shoot tnt carrying dodos for so long haha, i know when it does come out im more than likely going to be wearing miner gear, got a set your gonna rock?


No, I've watched a ton of 1.0 over the weekend but still not really decided on what I'll go with. I'm a bit of a loot fiend though so likely to go with pieces that boost that

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Just now, Doomofman said:


No, I've watched a ton of 1.0 over the weekend but still not really decided on what I'll go with. I'm a bit of a loot fiend though so likely to go with pieces that boost that

the reason im gonna choose the mining stuff is it is my schtick, im the dwarf who digs a hole, but in my first horde base ima have a box in the floor with gear to compliment combat *begins singing diggy diggy hole*

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I'll be going for a brawler build, so I'll be keeping my eyes out for Biker and Raider armor

Just now, Phoenixshade35 said:

the reason im gonna choose the mining stuff is it is my schtick, im the dwarf who digs a hole, but in my first horde base ima have a box in the floor with gear to compliment combat *begins singing diggy diggy hole*



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