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Guppy Mods - A21


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1 hour ago, MrSamuelAdams said:

Not getting any errors with spawning but may have to take out until the spawn hack is implemented that hitch got me killed LOL

Maybe should DM mode when I log in and spawn one of each type to remove the hitch? would that work 

update, the hitch crashed the game lol

Edited by MrSamuelAdams (see edit history)
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Crash def not related to that then.  I just shot one in the head and got a hard to desktop crash, investigating it now.  White chick, short black hair.




Yep.  Headshotting belle causes a crash to desktop. 


I'm going to remove her until I can fix it later.


Entity mod updated.  Added the load hack and disabled Belle (she can still be spawned from f6, just don't do it). 😃

Edited by Guppycur (see edit history)
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6 minutes ago, MrSamuelAdams said:

right when I posted with the new download, the stuttering wasn't happening so that was good. But someone must have spawned and crashed the game. I couldn't f1 to see since game crashed. 

I've been in for a while and haven't seen that.  Hm, I'll keep trying to repro.  

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Yes please report any desktop crashes in particular. If you have a log or can get a log, that would be great.  I was able to track down an issue with Belle because the log's last entry showed me killing her.  No entries past that, but it helped me find an issue with her.

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5 hours ago, Shooter_5081 said:

Hallo ich habe eine frage habe einen server und das zombie pack bei einem bestehenden spielstand eingefügt funktioniert das weil so find ich jetzt keine zombies von dem pack 😕 lg chris 

English please :)

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8 hours ago, Shooter_5081 said:

Hallo ich habe eine frage habe einen server und das zombie pack bei einem bestehenden spielstand eingefügt funktioniert das weil so find ich jetzt keine zombies von dem pack 😕 lg chris 

You should always use a fresh game when installing a mod.  But this should work on new unexplored areas.

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Played this mod today and have had two crashes one when I hit the cheerleader in the head and another just now when I drove into the stripper hasn't been every time as I have spawned them in to test. also should the zombies spawn in poi's or is there something else I will need to do to get them to do that?

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17 hours ago, Lantian885 said:

Played this mod today and have had two crashes one when I hit the cheerleader in the head and another just now when I drove into the stripper hasn't been every time as I have spawned them in to test. also should the zombies spawn in poi's or is there something else I will need to do to get them to do that?

Just realized something; you're probably grabbing the wrong version.


Grab the one from the first page link; I changed repos.


I'll delete the other one from that first repo I posted when I get to a computer. 

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2 hours ago, Lantian885 said:

Thanks I’ll have a look when I get home, got mine from ‘7daystodiemods’ are you planning on adding them to sleeper groups? If not do you know where I can find instructions on how so I can do it myself?

Oh that website is not very good about keeping current information.  I happened upon it a few days ago and saw that they managed to combine my a20 and a21 version in their description, so there's no telling what link they are using. 


I eventually plan on including them in sleepers but it is a ridiculous amount of work so have been putting it off.  The entitygroups file is where that's done at. 

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