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Everything posted by Lantian885

  1. Guess I didn’t get that yet, kinda find it funny lol
  2. Old “armless” taking flight lol
  3. sounds like that would be the issue, just that extra file would probably screw things up, no need to be embarrassed it’s an easy mistake to make
  4. try backing up your mods file in total, then start a new creative world (so you can just test things) and try adding them one at a time till you stop seeing new zombies, that way you dont risk your main save. if you really want guppy's start with that one and go from there
  5. I see them all the time, due to the amount of them I see more than I do the default ones, it could possibly be the over all amount you are using as guppy's add about 40 new zombies and if you have more than one or two that could do it. guppy should hopefully know more, but it may be you have to decide what ones you want more.
  6. its possible, I only know about the entity groups file from guppy's mod because I tweaked it so they spawned in POI's. its possible that another mod is over riding it having a higher priority and stopping guppy's from spawning. I dont know about zombie spawn probabilities and the entitygroups I sorted out only add more zombies to the default lists of what can spawn
  7. Thought you would be interested in seeing this @Guppycur its possible that there is a conflict with other mods that add new zombies, shouldn't need a new save tho
  8. Finally updated with all three zombie groups https://gitlab.com/lantian885/mod-files @Guppycur while testing the new Zombies I noticed that Doom tends to glitch a bit with a disappearing head
  9. I should have the entitygroups modified to add the third set on Monday will post a new link once it’s done and tested.
  10. i'm just testing the new groups
  11. I've only just finished adding the second set.
  12. off out for drinks (a lot of them) so I will look at updating the entity groups tomorrow. Can you let me know the harder zombies (ones with more health) so I can make sure they are not in the early game spawns and I'll need a list of the names
  13. no probs, wanted to make sure I didn't break your mod lol
  14. yeah it will need updating, was just a few uppercase characters that should have been lower case
  15. @MrSamuelAdams@Dk710 This new file should clear the issues you have been having, turns out it was easier to fix than I assumed. https://gitlab.com/lantian885 Just download the file and replace the one in the mods folder (I suggest delete the original and add this one, just to be safe) Let me know if you still get any errors
  16. I think I have found the issue, it will take me about an hour to fix, then I will post a new gitlab link and those errors should be gone you'll just need to swap the entitygroups file with the new one I post till the author can update
  17. well I have just deleted my mod file completely, and used the new update and I'm not getting any errors. are you running any other mods? I know its a lot of questions just trying to figure out if I've broken it lol if its easier and you dont mind you can add me on discord with lantian885 username
  18. can you do me a favour go onto page 8 and find the gitlab link I posted and try swapping out the entitygroup file there with the one in your mod folder and let me know what happens? That way I can tell if it is my file that is breaking things or something guppy changed with his update?
  19. @Guppycur I will look at updating to entity groups when you have the new zombie models ready to go. @Dk710 did you update the groups from the link I posted or the update on page 1?
  20. Not necessary to start a new world, if you update to the latest version on page 1 they should spawn in poi's and on horde night.
  21. This is the edited file, download it and replace the entitygroups file in mods config folder, till the dev makes it part of the mod. https://gitlab.com/lantian885/mod-files
  22. what exaclty is the issue, you are having? was that when you tried to spawn the guppy zombies in or was that in a POI?
  23. I understand that, but no I didn't record anything just had them spawning when I was first testing the code for horde night. I have the altered xml on gitlab if you want it
  24. See a video of what exactly?baby’s on horde night?
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