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"Locate Treasure Nearby" Um, where exactly?

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I've started playing around with Treasure hunting and find it's a great way to gain a boatload of ammo, and it's a reasonably fun mini-game. But I'm stuck on what I think is a bug? I'm on a quest to find a treasure and the quest journal shows no distance to the treasure. I look at the entry on the right side of the screen where my quests are tracked, and it states simply "Locate treasure Nearby". But there is no treasure box on my compass, no yellow circle on the ground in view, nothing whatsoever to indicate where in fact my treasure is located, "nearby" or otherwise. My other treasure maps all have a distance listed and even show up on my compass, just not this one that is "nearby".


Is this just a bug, or am I missing something?

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I have had this happen too. No quest marker, no distance to the treasure. Are you using any game mods? I have been sent to POIs where the yellow "!" doesn't exist. And honestly don't recall if a mod was active at the time or not. 


I say its a bug, but maybe a mod did it? 



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Yeah, treasure quests don't have the same yellow start quest marker. Just the yellow dashed circle on the ground when you get near it (this happens whether or not it's marked as 'Active' on your quest.


@Apocalyptical Survivor If it is marked as Active, you should see a yellow treasure chest marker on your hud, in the compass, as well as on the minimap. If you're not seeing any of those, it sounds like it's bugged and I would report it. I've personally never experienced it, but I do know others who have.

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  • 2 months later...

I had this happen one time where a treasure map quest was in my tracker twice for some reason. I completed the one with the distance, but had to cancel the one that said nearby.


I had another the other day that was under a POI.  I had to dig under the porch down into the underground part of the POI to get the treasure box.  It wasn't so bad, though... It was right before the treasure room, so I killed those zombies and looted that at the same time.  Lol.

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1 hour ago, Roland said:

No less likely than turrets. If an entity renders before the terrain around it does then away it goes. 

Ugh.  Yeah okay, I've seen this phenomena before, but it's not universal.  If you could make this happen to road clutter and rocks, so I can drive through open areas at breakneck speeds, that would be lovely.


The amount of @#%$&$%* shopping carts I hit in the road as they render makes me wanna pull my hair out.


And before you ask, no I do not have road rage tendencies.

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3 hours ago, Roland said:

No less likely than turrets. If an entity renders before the terrain around it does then away it goes.

Otherwise good, but the chests are blocks, not entities, no?

blocks.xml(21794) :

<block name="cntBuriedFoodStashChest">


About as likely to fall off the world as your forge.

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