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Save the game is gone. Load Failed

Ivo Morais

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After an unexpected shutdown of the PC when returning to the game, the save game did not appear in the game list, when checking the files in the user's Appdata it found two records (main.ttw and main.ttw.bak) with the end " loadFailed". I've already tried a way to load the game again with a tip from a Youtuber, but the character's progress doesn't load, all the items and attributes that are on the character can't return. I would like to know a way to correct this error and be able to recover my saved game.

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If you were able to recover your world and it is just your character progression that you need to recover you can open the command console by typing F1 and then type: giveselfxp 50000


You can repeat that command and increase or decrease the number to fine tune how many levels you jump until you get back to whatever level you were at. Then just respend the points on whatever perks you want.


For your gear, type: cm into the command console 


Then, open the interface and click on the lightbulb icon over to the far right. Now you should be able to search for and give yourself anything you lost.


There is a command to increase the day but I can't remember it. Someone else can probably help out with that.

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11 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

@OP: Não sei se isso ainda funciona ... mas havia um tópico sobre o assunto que poderia ajudá-lo:



I'm not American, my English is intermediate, maybe I didn't understand the tip of the person who posted in the topic, because I found his explanation for the procedure very confusing, I found a Youtuber who gave the tip of creating a similar map and using the The main file of this new map could be copied and pasted in the map folder that caused the problem, I would only need to delete 4 main files before placing the new file. It works, however my items and my character's progress are lost, but the discovery of the map, base and items that are in that base is maintained, the changes made to the map are still there, but everything related to the character is lost.

1 hour ago, JCrook1028 said:

Going forward always back up your save file after a play session. Then you can never again lose more then your last session.

Unfortunately I didn't get this hint before starting the game for the first time.

13 hours ago, Roland said:

If you were able to recover your world and it is just your character progression that you need to recover you can open the command console by typing F1 and then type: giveselfxp 50000


You can repeat that command and increase or decrease the number to fine tune how many levels you jump until you get back to whatever level you were at. Then just respend the points on whatever perks you want.


For your gear, type: cm into the command console 


Then, open the interface and click on the lightbulb icon over to the far right. Now you should be able to search for and give yourself anything you lost.


There is a command to increase the day but I can't remember it. Someone else can probably help out with that.

Your tip is very good, it already solves 75% of the problem, only the skill points from the books are missing. Is there any command to score the perk books? About changing the time is: settime day hour minute (put the corresponding numbers and put space between them)

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7 minutes ago, Ivo Morais said:

Your tip is very good, it already solves 75% of the problem, only the skill points from the books are missing. Is there any command to score the perk books? About changing the time is: settime day hour minute (put the corresponding numbers and put space between them)


Glad you found the command to set the day to where you were. The books you read can be found in the creative menu that you enabled with cm. Just type the name of the book and give yourself a copy.

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2 hours ago, Roland said:


Glad you found the command to set the day to where you were. The books you read can be found in the creative menu that you enabled with cm. Just type the name of the book and give yourself a copy.

You're right, it has now solved 100% of this problem, I saw in the topic that Jost Ammam gave me that there were still some problems during the game, such as mission bugs and drone malfunctions or things like that, I saw this same comment on the Youtuber video which also tried to solve this issue of losing the game's save, I haven't talked to the merchant yet to find out if the stages have returned to level 1 or if it stopped where it was, but I will test the stages and comment here again to find out how the game behaved after these adaptations, but thank you for the support, it helped a lot.

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3 minutes ago, Ivo Morais said:

You're right, it has now solved 100% of this problem, I saw in the topic that Jost Ammam gave me that there were still some problems during the game, such as mission bugs and drone malfunctions or things like that, I saw this same comment on the Youtuber video which also tried to solve this issue of losing the game's save, I haven't talked to the merchant yet to find out if the stages have returned to level 1 or if it stopped where it was, but I will test the stages and comment here again to find out how the game behaved after these adaptations, but thank you for the support, it helped a lot.


If your quests are messed up, then your progress with the traders will be too.  I made a mistake in my mod then uploaded to my game.  Cleared out all of my quests and reset my progress with the traders.

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10 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:


Se suas missões estiverem confusas, seu progresso com os comerciantes também estará. Eu cometi um erro no meu mod e depois enviei para o meu jogo. Terminei todas as minhas missões e reiniciei meu progresso com os comerciantes.

Here for me is showing the first steps of the beginning of the game, collecting material to make the bed, bonfire onwards, if this happened to you, what is your suggestion so that the merchant's missions don't give problems?

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2 hours ago, Ivo Morais said:

Here for me is showing the first steps of the beginning of the game, collecting material to make the bed, bonfire onwards, if this happened to you, what is your suggestion so that the merchant's missions don't give problems?


@unholyjoe might know of some console commands to complete quests automatically is one option.


Another option is to go into debug mode (DM), turn on god mode, take a fetch quest, warp / fly directly to the satchel, take it back and turn it in, repeat until you get to where you were at.


A third option (if you are any good at doing xpath modding) is to do a quick modlet to remove the objectives from the quests so you can take them and they auto complete right away.  Do that until you get to the level you were at before.  Shutdown the game, then remove the modlet to continue as normal.


When it happened to me, I was testing out my mod so I went ahead and restarted a new playthrough as I had a list of issues to fix anyways.

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A 4th option - someone could create a modlet for you




Put this modlet in your mods folder and let it load up.  What it does is replace all T1-T4 quests with buried supplies.  Starting at T1, take a quest.  It will spawn a rally point around 300 m away.  Go there, activate the rally point, punch some grass.  Objective complete


Return to trader and turn in - congrats, after doing this one quest, you have now complete the first tier and here is the reward for doing so (just drop it if you don't want to get extra rewards).


In DM mode, interact with trader and select admin Options - reset quests.  Now the next tier is available.  Repeat until you get to your tier.


If you are advancing to T5 quests, finish the T4 quest, accept the reward, and close out the interaction with the trader.  There are no T5 quests in this mod so it will give you an error.  Remove the mod, then restart the game.  Quests should be back to normal.


Important Note:  To prevent the quests from getting corrupted again, once you finish the previous tier before your game was corrupted, accept the reward for completing the tier.  Logoff the game and remove the modlet folder.  After that, you should be okay (you may have to reset the quests again).

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1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:


@unholyjoe  might know of some console commands to complete quests automatically is one option.

sorry... i would like to help but you are talking to probably the only QA Tester who doesnt like to do quests..


i tested them when it was called for but in game play... i dont mess with them or treasure hunts and such...


i am an old fool who just walks around killing zombies the old fashion way.. club, bow and an occasional pistol when found. i dont even mess with vehicles.


and YES, i do enjoy my game very much or i wouldnt be playing it.

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4 hours ago, Jugginator said:

You can give yourself some turnins. "givequest test_turnin" will give you a completed quest to turn in.

Thanks!  My modlet also works, but you have to be careful not to mess things up further.

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15 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


@unholyjoe pode saber de alguns comandos do console para completar missões automaticamente é uma opção.


Outra opção é entrar no modo debug (DM), ativar o modo deus, pegar uma missão de busca, teletransportar/voar diretamente para a mochila, levá-la de volta e entregá-la, repetir até chegar onde estava.


Uma terceira opção (se você é bom em fazer mods xpath) é fazer um modlet rápido para remover os objetivos das missões para que você possa pegá-los e eles auto-completarem imediatamente. Faça isso até chegar ao nível em que estava antes. Desligue o jogo e remova o modlet para continuar normalmente.


Quando aconteceu comigo, eu estava testando meu mod, então fui em frente e reiniciei uma nova jogada, pois tinha uma lista de problemas para corrigir de qualquer maneira.

In fact, your explanation is very robust, I believe it will help in the process of taking the level of the missions to level 4, but my question was whether the process I did to bring back my save game could cause problems with missions type: Clear Area. I saw some people reporting that these missions are buggy after recovering the save game. Because if it's for the question of leaving the missions at the level I left, there's no problem for me to redo.

9 hours ago, Jugginator said:

Você pode dar a si mesmo alguns turnins. "givequest test_turnin" lhe dará uma missão completa para entregar.

Interesting your tip, is a possible feasibility.

14 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

Uma 4ª opção - alguém poderia criar um modlet para você




Coloque este modlet na sua pasta mods e deixe-o carregar. O que ele faz é substituir todas as missões T1-T4 por suprimentos enterrados. Começando no T1, faça uma missão. Ele irá gerar um ponto de encontro a cerca de 300 m de distância. Vá até lá, ative o ponto de encontro, soque um pouco de grama. Objetivo concluído


Retorne ao comerciante e entregue - parabéns, depois de fazer esta missão, você completou o primeiro nível e aqui está a recompensa por fazê-lo (apenas largue se não quiser obter recompensas extras).


No modo DM, interaja com o trader e selecione admin Options - reset quests. Agora o próximo nível está disponível. Repita até chegar ao seu nível.


Se você estiver avançando para as missões T5, termine a missão T4, aceite a recompensa e encerre a interação com o comerciante. Não há missões T5 neste mod, então você receberá um erro. Remova o mod e reinicie o jogo. As missões devem voltar ao normal.


Nota importante: Para evitar que as missões sejam corrompidas novamente, assim que você terminar o nível anterior antes de seu jogo ser corrompido, aceite a recompensa por completar o nível. Faça logoff do jogo e remova a pasta do modlet. Depois disso, você deve ficar bem (você pode ter que redefinir as missões novamente).


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