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POI container question...


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I'm trying to remember...


Didn't POIs previously randomize the state of containers when they were reset by a quest?

In other words, if I had 4 cash registers which were loot-able (closed drawers), when I reset the POI the number of registers with closed drawers might change....no?

It seems like this no longer happens....or did I imagine it in the first place?




-Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀

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19 minutes ago, theFlu said:

For those I can say that the state did indeed change earlier.


And they are not now, correct?

I can't say I've seen anything change after a POI reset, but I just wanted to have others confirm this in case I was imagining it ;)


If they have become "static"....then all I can say is...boring choice 😕






-Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀

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1 minute ago, Morloc said:

And they are not now, correct?

I haven't paid attention to it enough to say anything. Somehow it felt like it was a lot less random at least - I think I was hoping to get a vending machine to change into functioning one at one POI over several quests, but it never did. But that might as well be a high chance for that specific vendo being swapped to a perma-dead one, or the chance just being low, or me being unlucky etc etc..


If you don't mind testing, you used to be able to reset a quest by logging out, to restart a quest over and over.

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I know workbenches changed, in A19 anyway. It could go from working to non-working and vice versa of course. So if I found a working workbench near my base early game that was working and I had a quest there, I would cancel the quest. Of course now with A20, there are only non-working ones. I noticed the same with cars, as far as their stage in completeness, in A19, but haven't yet noticed that with A20 yet.


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3 hours ago, Morloc said:

I'm trying to remember...


Didn't POIs previously randomize the state of containers when they were reset by a quest?

In other words, if I had 4 cash registers which were loot-able (closed drawers), when I reset the POI the number of registers with closed drawers might change....no?

It seems like this no longer happens....or did I imagine it in the first place?




-Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀

In alpha 19, yes.

In alpha 20, I haven't noticed any changes when I clean out a POI before starting the Trader's mission. 

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I believe it still works this way (as OP stated) but I haven't paid close enough attention.

Was also doing a lot of wrenching when double-dipping (clearing POI then activating quest and clearing again) which may or may not influence if it gets randomized or could just be my memory being randomized.

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The POI designer has "helper" blocks which will take on one of two or more states (open or closed, or maybe one of a few different crate types, etc.). So when you build out your store you put "cash register helper" where you want the registers and then the game decides searchable/not-searchable when the POI is generated. Car helpers, med cabinet helpers, workstation helpers - lots of them.


I tested a couple of these and couldn't get them to change state after the POI was created. Looks like now each POI within a world has a fixed seed tied to it, and no matter how many times you reload a POI each "helper" will keep its configuration. If, for example, the RNG seed for a POI were (world seed + POI sequential #) it would behave like this. Auto Store #1 on the map might look different from Auto Store #2, but each store will never change after the world is generated.


It'll help with consistency - reloading a POI doesn't magically turn that empty husk of a car into a fully searchable/wrenchable one. But also a little boring.


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20 hours ago, Boidster said:

reloading a POI doesn't magically turn that empty husk of a car into a fully searchable/wrenchable one. But also a little boring.


It does cut both ways of course. If the lot has 5 full cars, they'll stay full no matter how many times you do the quest.

I wonder why they (probably) changed the way this works...hopefully they're aware.


BTW...Thanks to anyone who checked/tested this stuff. I think about it while I'm at work but can't check anything directly.




-Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀

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