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Please stop trying to tell us how to play


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12 minutes ago, Urban Blackbear said:

M60's don't have bad durability, they have a high fire rate. Every bullet is a bit of degredation.

Well hmg need to have bigger durability

3 minutes ago, Darklegend222 said:

This thread is wild, it went from talking about how the mechanics have changed, to how horror needs to be "better suited FOR ME". Now we're down to M60 degredation.


Tune in to this thread to see what comes next!

WelcomE to 7dtd forum XD


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2 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

This thread is wild, it went from talking about how the mechanics have changed, to how horror needs to be "better suited FOR ME". Now we're down to M60 degredation.


Tune in to this thread to see what comes next!


The position that the devs should not implement the rules and conditions they want for their game is not very sustainable. It was inevitable that the topic would change to things that are even remotely debatable.


People get confused because the game used to not have as many rules and constraints when it was mostly bare bones scaffolding and they think that the game was meant to remain like that. It was not. If you are playing the regular game then you are playing an open world survival game with elements of tower defense and RPG and sandbox. But the main game is not a pure sandbox and is not intended to be.


For a pure sandbox, turn on the creative menu, enable god mode, and choose to either turn off enemies or simply turn off blood moon. Those options give you a pure traditional sandbox where you can do whatever you want and have no constraints or rules to live by.


So the game used to be more sandboxish back when it was more unfinished and rough. Now the game is less sandboxish because it is more developed with rules and conditions. If you prefer sandbox play then you can do it easily by using the options menu and the command console. If you want to play a game with rules  but you don't like the rules offered by TFP then you can look for mods that change the rules to what you like better.

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34 minutes ago, Roland said:

If you want to play a game with rules  but you don't like the rules offered by TFP then you can look for mods that change the rules to what you like better.

I fully agree.

PS: I love you, Khaine


            <Name value="Always Open Trader"/>
            <Description value="Removes open and close times from the traders."/>
            <Author value="Khaine"/>
            <Version value="1.0"/>
            <Website value=""/>


22 minutes ago, bandersnatch said:

Its funny listening to people defending the ability of zombies that can't sense you beyond about 30 yds above ground having omniscience regarding anything below ground.  Also, auger hands.



If you want real life, turn off your PC.

Oh wait, zombies don't even exist too...

Can you also plant and harvest anything in less than 24 hours? 

Oh, yes, I can understand now. The things should only make sense when it suits them.


Edited by DiegoLBC1 (see edit history)
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2 minutes ago, bandersnatch said:

Its funny listening to people defending the ability of zombies that can't sense you beyond about 30 yds above ground having omniscience regarding anything below ground.  Also, auger hands.


I haven't read people in this thread defending that idea. I have read people in this thread report that they've built underground bases and remained undetected. Not a single person has defended digging zombies by saying they think zombies should be omniscient underground. Instead, we have heard actual feedback from actual gameplay that the zombies are in fact not omniscient which is why there is no valid argument for "TFP forced me from the underground".


My suspicion is that the people who are still ranting against digging zombies and claiming that TFP is forcing players to stay above ground have not actually tried it and are simply going off patch notes they read back in A17. Or maybe they tried it in A17 when zombies were following much longer pathways to players than they are now and they have never tried it since then.


As for auger hands I'll just say that it is funny listening to people call for zombies to not be able to pound through dirt and rock underground when those same zombies can pound through wood, stone, concrete, and steel above ground....

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33 minutes ago, Roland said:


I haven't read people in this thread defending that idea. I have read people in this thread report that they've built underground bases and remained undetected. Not a single person has defended digging zombies by saying they think zombies should be omniscient underground. Instead, we have heard actual feedback from actual gameplay that the zombies are in fact not omniscient which is why there is no valid argument for "TFP forced me from the underground".


My suspicion is that the people who are still ranting against digging zombies and claiming that TFP is forcing players to stay above ground have not actually tried it and are simply going off patch notes they read back in A17. Or maybe they tried it in A17 when zombies were following much longer pathways to players than they are now and they have never tried it since then.


As for auger hands I'll just say that it is funny listening to people call for zombies to not be able to pound through dirt and rock underground when those same zombies can pound through wood, stone, concrete, and steel above ground....


You can't build an underground base and remain undetected.  Nobody I know has pulled it off and no streamer has demonstrated it.  I suspect you already know that..reflexively pushing misinformation while whiteknighting for TFP seems to be very popular around here.

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7 minutes ago, bandersnatch said:


You can't build an underground base and remain undetected.  Nobody I know has pulled it off and no streamer has demonstrated it.  I suspect you already know that..reflexively pushing misinformation while whiteknighting for TFP seems to be very popular around here.


TFP's subliminal message is: There is no 100% safe place.

3 options: 

- I accept this, or

- I turn off the horde night, or 
- I stop playing.

7 days to die.
Isn't  "7 days to Hide Yourself on Underground"

Edited by DiegoLBC1 (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, bandersnatch said:


You can't build an underground base and remain undetected.  Nobody I know has pulled it off and no streamer has demonstrated it.  I suspect you already know that..reflexively pushing misinformation while whiteknighting for TFP seems to be very popular around here.


Let's be clear. Are you including horde night in that? I don't stay in my underground base on horde nights and I am never detected down there during regular days and nights. I'm not pushing misinformation and there is nothing reflexive about it. I'm giving you actual gameplay testing as have other reporters in this thread. I can't help what streamers demonstrate or don't demonstrate. If any of them cared to dig a bedrock base then it would easily be demonstrated that they are safe down there on all normal days and nights. 


Even if you were detected-- let's say while ascending or descending, zombies only remember you for a short time and then they go dormant. If you take ranks in the stealth perks the timer for them forgetting about you and returning to non-aggro state gets even shorter so stealth can make it even more viable being down there. There is no way normal non-horde night zombies will dig down and destroy your base and kill you before their timer runs out


I agree with you that it cannot be pulled off IF you include horde nights. But....we've been assured over and over that you guys are not against digging zombies because you want to avoid horde night. So if horde night is the only time you are going to get hassled by zombies while down below and you don't want that and you also don't want to have to surface to fight them then the existing option to turn off horde nights is your best option. You will be able to dig down and remain hidden from normal zombies on a daily and nightly basis and having no horde night is exactly the same thing as remaining underground undetected by zombies on horde night.


Again, betting that you haven't actually tried it recently or that you are including horde nights when you say having an underground base and staying undetected can't be pulled off. 


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2 hours ago, Roland said:


Again, betting that you haven't actually tried it recently or that you are including horde nights when you say having an underground base and staying undetected can't be pulled off. 




I confirm this.

I started a new game, using the Bomb Shelter as a "base", which has a small underground bunker, but it's not very deep. Unless I make a lot of noise and have the bonfire and forge turned on, I'm never bothered by "normal" zombies. When I'm detected only one or two knocks on my door, and then they're gone.

During the horde night, yes, there is no safe place, they WILL find you.

Edited by DiegoLBC1 (see edit history)
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On 1/11/2022 at 3:48 PM, bandersnatch said:


You can't build an underground base and remain undetected.  Nobody I know has pulled it off and no streamer has demonstrated it.  I suspect you already know that..reflexively pushing misinformation while whiteknighting for TFP seems to be very popular around here.

Play the game. It is ez and zombies no longer dig. I mined 10 blocks below ground with a screamer above me.  She and other zombies nvr once digged down. 

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On 1/11/2022 at 3:48 PM, bandersnatch said:


You can't build an underground base and remain undetected.  Nobody I know has pulled it off and no streamer has demonstrated it.  I suspect you already know that..reflexively pushing misinformation while whiteknighting for TFP seems to be very popular around here.


On 1/11/2022 at 5:24 PM, Roland said:


Let's be clear. Are you including horde night in that? I don't stay in my underground base on horde nights and I am never detected down there during regular days and nights. I'm not pushing misinformation and there is nothing reflexive about it. I'm giving you actual gameplay testing as have other reporters in this thread. I can't help what streamers demonstrate or don't demonstrate. If any of them cared to dig a bedrock base then it would easily be demonstrated that they are safe down there on all normal days and nights. 


Even if you were detected-- let's say while ascending or descending, zombies only remember you for a short time and then they go dormant. If you take ranks in the stealth perks the timer for them forgetting about you and returning to non-aggro state gets even shorter so stealth can make it even more viable being down there. There is no way normal non-horde night zombies will dig down and destroy your base and kill you before their timer runs out


I agree with you that it cannot be pulled off IF you include horde nights. But....we've been assured over and over that you guys are not against digging zombies because you want to avoid horde night. So if horde night is the only time you are going to get hassled by zombies while down below and you don't want that and you also don't want to have to surface to fight them then the existing option to turn off horde nights is your best option. You will be able to dig down and remain hidden from normal zombies on a daily and nightly basis and having no horde night is exactly the same thing as remaining underground undetected by zombies on horde night.


Again, betting that you haven't actually tried it recently or that you are including horde nights when you say having an underground base and staying undetected can't be pulled off. 


Roland, here is me a second time - appreciating your grace in communication.   I have way less patience than you do when it comes to handing out details instead of doling out consequences when saltposters try to think they are coming to collect.

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18 minutes ago, Roland said:

Hmm...maybe a bug... Should I check into it...?


If stealth.txt is to be believed, and if you ASSume that "hunted" means "will dig to get to you if necessary", then possibly a loss of line of sight would be enough to make the zombies just mill about but not really have anything underground to target.


A20 stealth.txt, formatted for your pleasure:



Zombies (actually all entities), sleeping or awake, can see, hear, and smell you. Hearing and smelling work similar.

  • If a zombie sees you, you become "hunted".
  • If you are "hunted" and disappear out of sight (stepping into a very dark place where the zombie can not see you) you immediately lose the "hunted" status.
  • The zombie will still continue moving to your last known *location* for 30 seconds. (hardcoded)



Edited by Boidster (see edit history)
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I'm definitely going to try a more shallow underground base and see how it goes. The thing that is weird is that if you are in a POI you will get zombies outside who cannot see you and can only hear you and they come and start pounding on walls and doors to get into the POI and never seem to stop. I would think that it would be the same in a bunker just 10 blocks underground and you would constantly have wilderness spawns digging down towards what they can hear.

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Digging cost (as calc'd by the AI) is too high maybe? It's a good question. Edit to add: or maybe the "move to last location" is an x,z location only unless you are being hunted? Could be worth seeing what happens with an elevated platform when the Z's stop hunting. Do they mill around at ground level, or will they path to stairs to try to get to your y-value.

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1 hour ago, Roland said:

I'm definitely going to try a more shallow underground base and see how it goes. The thing that is weird is that if you are in a POI you will get zombies outside who cannot see you and can only hear you and they come and start pounding on walls and doors to get into the POI and never seem to stop. I would think that it would be the same in a bunker just 10 blocks underground and you would constantly have wilderness spawns digging down towards what they can hear.

Default settings
Find the Bomb_Shelter (Bart's Salvage).

It's the place I use as a base. The hatch to the "bunker" has direct access to the kitchen, where I placed my fire and forge.  If you want try/test, these are the circumstances I mentioned in my previous post, about not being detected.

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