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Why are there no "player built" poi's?


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What I mean is, why do we not see these weirder, more practical structures in the wild? The wild is so lifeless right now... 
And they would make for AWESOME dungeons. 
Just imagine you come across a castle, you go in and you trip a wire and an alarm goes off and hundreds of zombies ( similar to horde night) but you also have some defenses that you can use.

Then you go deeper inside and instead of zombie sleepers (yawn) there are still active traps.
Spikepits, Turrets, and so on and you have to somehow get through there.

And in the end there will be extreme loot. Especially rare stuff like acids and wheels and sewing kits (stuff you can not craft)

and depending on your game stage maybe even a vehicle.

I mean not every "player POI" has to be this elaborate, but if I play on multiplayer servers, these "ruins" of old player bases are everywhere. And it would make the world feel a bit more alive. Like there have been other survivors before you... and you are just one more survivor trying and struggling to survive.


This would make the world feel more alive by like... 10 fold with the addition of maybe 5-10 pois.

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There absolutely are tons of player built PoIs but the problem, at least as I see it, is the game is not integrated into the Steam Workshop and/or there is not a suitable website containing user generated content (for example Nexus).


There is (or was, no idea if it works with A20) the "7D2D Mod Launcher" which allowed you to install mods, although it uses as a 'blunt object' approach it certainly worked. How much nicer would it be for you to go to the workshop, select single or packs of PoIs, start up the game, random gen a map and the new PoIs are automatically rolled into that world.


If you look at minecraft (and yes, obvs their builds are not 7DtD PoIs) you see so much creativity, and I just don't believe that 7DtD couldn't incorporate the sort of community. It seems such a missed opportunity considering the game has been going for nigh on a decade, and Steam Workshop has been around for as long, yet newer tech like the (imo, pointless) twitch integration gets resources and time assigned to it.

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11 hours ago, Laz Man said:

Have you tried the community compo pack?  Apart from the very specific loot requirements and electrical traps, it has alot of experiences you are describing.


@stallionsden should be able provide you more info.

That sounds lovely.

But I was thinking about official "player built" pois.


I don't see a reason why they shouldn't include a few of those. The world feels so lifeless. The more seemingly player built things there are in the world, the more it looks like there are other survivors out there (like there are supposed to be, according to the lore)

I don't want "real" buildings like they have now, but what players would build. Hard corners, efficient design, electric traps funnels and so on.

I guess I could mod them in, but I can't see why something like that shouldn't be in the base game.

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2 hours ago, ricp said:

There absolutely are tons of player built PoIs but the problem, at least as I see it, is the game is not integrated into the Steam Workshop and/or there is not a suitable website containing user generated content (for example Nexus).


There is (or was, no idea if it works with A20) the "7D2D Mod Launcher" which allowed you to install mods, although it uses as a 'blunt object' approach it certainly worked. How much nicer would it be for you to go to the workshop, select single or packs of PoIs, start up the game, random gen a map and the new PoIs are automatically rolled into that world.


If you look at minecraft (and yes, obvs their builds are not 7DtD PoIs) you see so much creativity, and I just don't believe that 7DtD couldn't incorporate the sort of community. It seems such a missed opportunity considering the game has been going for nigh on a decade, and Steam Workshop has been around for as long, yet newer tech like the (imo, pointless) twitch integration gets resources and time assigned to it.


steam workshop has been long announced as planned for release. I guess that they don't want to incorporate it earlier because steam workshop seems to have no working versioning and workshop would then allow installing mods from old alphas without any check.


40 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:

That sounds lovely.

But I was thinking about official "player built" pois.


I don't see a reason why they shouldn't include a few of those. The world feels so lifeless. The more seemingly player built things there are in the world, the more it looks like there are other survivors out there (like there are supposed to be, according to the lore)

I don't want "real" buildings like they have now, but what players would build. Hard corners, efficient design, electric traps funnels and so on.

I guess I could mod them in, but I can't see why something like that shouldn't be in the base game.


I agree that the wilderness currently is a bit lifeless, at least in the forest, but the new RWG is hot off the press and had a focus on towns, I assume the wilderness will get some improvement too.


And I think your impression that those player built bases are normal is just because you play on high-population open servers. For most people playing 7D2D there are no remnants of player-built bases and they would look gamey and out-of-place (like the ones in compo pack do)


Consider that "in reality" people would not build "bases" from scratch as they are not super-builders with the ability to carry 1000 blocks of concrete. They would take over any building that looks sturdy and put traps in there and barricade entrances. And you can see examples of this in many POIs


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For official fan-made POIs to be included in the game, they would have to be vetted, tested, and approved by our level design team. The members of that team already have a long list of their own designed POIs that they are designing and testing and approving for inclusion. It comes down to time and right now there isn’t time. 

What TFP has done in that area is hired some of the most talented fans who were designing POIs  and made them part of the team. So in that sense A20 does include fan-made official POIs— and so will A20.x updates and A21. 

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Very nice and I already know that, but I meant POIs that actually look player built.

Not this nice clean POI style of "real" houses.


You know... not a single POI of a player actually looks anything like a house. Because houses aren't practical for stashing stuff/survival nor for horde defending.

Remember those holes in the ground that led into a cave? That at least looked like something a survivor has built. 
More like those. 

Rough edges, unaligned corners, less color and more practical.

Something that you could theoretically take over as a horde base/base and it would do a decent job.

And yes it would look out of place for those that never played multiplayer, but that would quickly go away and players would start to integrate them into their ears game survival.

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45 minutes ago, Roland said:

Ah….so force TFP into acknowledging officially what it considers a cheesy vs legit player base design… ;)

oh whats wrong with a poi that has 300 sleepers all set to passive...

ammo piles in every corner of every room...

or unlocked t5 loot chests in every room...

set to a quest as a fetch & clear T5.


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Happy New Year everyone!  There are actually some survivor site POIs out in the wilderness that look like horde bases that failed. (E.g. spike traps, corpses, etc.)


Not sure if player built horde bases will ever be added part of vanilla because they would look inconsistent with the rest of the POIs in the game world.


However, I think it would be cool if there were POI versions of our electrical traps as that would make even more interesting survivor sites.


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1 hour ago, Roland said:

Ah….so force TFP into acknowledging officially what it considers a cheesy vs legit player base design… ;)


Why not? :D

I personally don't see very many cheesy base designs on coop servers.

People that know what they are doing and actually want to have a good time build awesome structures that not only look impressive but also work.



I remember MM built a castle like structure in his gameplay videos.
I mean you can even combine this with a community event. Like what other games have done before.

"Here is how you build a poi...

Send us YOU coolest looking POI that you want other players to experience and the best 3-5 POIs get one free copy for their friends as well as get implemented into the main game in the next alpha! (with possibly minor changes)

Here you could actually introduce T6 POIs like that huuuuge underground base that one of the you tubers built in A11 I think.

There are SO many possibilities with very limited amount of work needed from TFPs themselves AND it would bolster publicity and give the community something to do. Win-Win-Win


You can even make it different properties. "small->huge" or "home base or horde base" and stuff like that.



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Might be nice to see, maybe behind a switch - mostly to be used on servers. It might feel off on an SP world; I know I build weird stuff, but the rest of the world seems continuous.


And, yeah, about building weird stuff.. My bases have half of their structures levitating for practical purposes, so, maybe the stuff I've created wouldn't be all that nice to run into... :)

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More cobbled together survivor sites and have them be non-quest POIs. I don't like to move into POIs anymore because of the questing.

I also tend to move around a bit; my sleeping bag that is, sometimes even the claim block. I'll tend to wind up with regional bases when travel distances get to be too much and quests being too time-consuming.

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On 1/1/2022 at 12:55 PM, meganoth said:


steam workshop has been long announced as planned for release. I guess that they don't want to incorporate it earlier because steam workshop seems to have no working versioning and workshop would then allow installing mods from old alphas without any check.



Yeah, trying to implement something like Workshop, when it wasn't rolled in earlier, will be like hitting a moving target until we get to some sort of beta/full release.

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