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A20 i'm disappointed


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6 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


I didn't confirm anything such.  What I confirmed was that your methodology was incorrect (basing the perk on wild plants and not on planted plants) and confirmed my suspicion that you have not actually played with the new mechanics, just complaining about something that you either incorrectly read in patch notes or wasn't paying attention while watching someone else farm in the game.

Yes u did by testing the crops out of seeds.
As i said i did not had time to do that just to test some gathering from plants (as described to see even what an existing plant drops)
I did not pretended that test to be complete as mentioned in my comment above where i even asked if there is a way to force the growth in creative mode / debug mode


6 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

FYI, I like the new farming mechanism in 7D2D.  It now makes you have to work at it in order to get a self sustaining farm instead of the old method of just planting one seed and punching crops until you have a farm.

If u like the new system then it's a huge problem, the new farming system is just objectively bad. And i think my idea is way better even for how u said u'd like farming to be.  U have to PLAY correctly not WORK hard it's a game and u should have fun ... not been bothered by illogical and absolutely pointless gaming mechanics.
P.S. Do you realize this is a game not a full time job?

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14 minutes ago, v101 said:

Yes u did by testing the crops out of seeds.
As i said i did not had time to do that just to test some gathering from plants (as described to see even what an existing plant drops)
I did not pretended that test to be complete as mentioned in my comment above where i even asked if there is a way to force the growth in creative mode / debug mode


If u like the new system then it's a huge problem, the new farming system is just objectively bad. And i think my idea is way better even for how u said u'd like farming to be.  U have to PLAY correctly not WORK hard it's a game and u should have fun ... not been bothered by illogical and absolutely pointless gaming mechanics.
P.S. Do you realize this is a game not a full time job?

It's only a job if you make it a job. If your not willing to follow mechanics then you should stop playing games forever. Every single game has mechanics, and farming is highly optional. I'm on day 43 without any form of crops and I have countless amounts of canned goods in my chest I've been eating.


Occasionally I make bacon and eggs if I happen upon a bird nest I have yet to destroy. Other than that, the horde comes every 7 days. That's SEVEN hours of gameplay on default settings, it is like a job if you play perfectly 24/7 and have to use every single mechanic, even the optional ones.


I fail to see where the "working" hard part even comes in. It's called throw a seed in a crop plot, punch when ready to harvest, make 50% of the crops to seeds so you have to do very little math.. profit.


Can I ask why you haven't grabbed or attempted to make a modlet to bring the old farming back? You could easily copy the old crop files from the A19.6 files, do some appending and then <remove "xpath= specify x"/> to the new A20 files and be done with it.


I might do it myself just so y'all quit whining about it. The devs gave a 50% for an extra seed at LotL 2, and it's been proven that LotL 3 gives a better farm than A19.6 considering we also get so much more seeds from loot, not to mention the POIs with so much vegetables.


I'm on a server at day 10-11 currently with 3 friends and we already have 30 bacon and eggs, 125 mushrooms, 10 chili dogs, 15ish cans of sham, 16 spaghetti, 7 vegetable stew, and some other odd ones. Not to mention the 87 potatoes, 200 corn, and 70ish blueberries. We're not struggling in the slightest with farming, there's just too much. We're bottlenecked by crop plots.

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13 minutes ago, PoloPoPo said:

Makes sense 🥱

It makes sense when you realize a lot of that time was in A16.4 and A17. The game has DRASTICALLY changed and the devs make massive changes to it every update and change mechanics constantly, which is apart of the early access tag.


I'm not going to recommend an early access game that my friends may hate in the gold version, I personally like it, but I can't speak for everyone. Early Access is still a risk to buyers when we don't know what the fully finished product will contain, or if it even happens as the warning states on Steam. It's easier to wait till it's out of early access, then tell people that way they get a full product and can make a decision.


A18 was truly a real big @%$# bag. Remember when our hunger was linked directly to our stamina bar? The bicycle always used stamina regardless of speed, only getting stone tools regardless of the crate or POI in A19.6 if the gamestage was under 20.


Compare those to A20, see the massive differences? It could get better or worse. The devs are on the right path. Currently farming is getting tons of hate (which i don't think it deserves), but it goes to show how the early access tag works. You aren't buying the final product and it may not be what you want.

Edited by Darklegend222 (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Darklegend222 said:

The devs are on the right path.

No they are not, they "lost the plot", and seeing comments like yours and the other above confirms me that you should never post in the forum or dev should never listen to you.
Changing core game systems at every release only shows how lost they are. In a dev cycle changing so much only makes the code messier and messier to a point there is no more control and everything crumbles into a messy code/game. Of course sometimes you have to change things even drastically if they dont work, but why wasting time into creating an annoying as hell drone, instead of adding a randomizer for zombies types.

And on another side, please dev decide if you want to go for a ton crap of stupid zombies with some "special" zombie mixed in, or if u want to go for less but harder ones.

As i said pipe weaps could have been a nice addition for early stage if handled correctly, and that is not the case.
New farming is so bad that is even a pain talking about it, should be reverted back to A19 and kept like that.
The new drone adds absolutely nothing.
The new loot system and RNG is terrible like finding the same item or recipe over and over, and not getting what you should need. Not even at the traders.

On the positive side, vehicles addons are good, and the new building blocks is good.
We need to see fixed the structural integrity as it's quite bugged for what i tested atm.

So as i said multiple times, the few good things of this new release are just destroyed by the bad additions.


1 In addition dev should fix the fact that a bone knife level 4 is better than an hunting knife level 2.
A level higer tier weapon should be better that an level 6 inferior tier weap. The only difference should be boosted by installed mods.

2 The repair kit should be ereased and weapons / armors should need "parts" for fixing and beeing repaired. 1 forged iron and 1 duct tape and u can fix an entire car or machingun ... that is BS u should need parts for doing that. And repair kit maybe for minor fixes .... i'd like to see something like that in game. And maybe the ability to craft such parts. Not only to get them from "scrapping".


Edited by v101 (see edit history)
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46 minutes ago, v101 said:

No they are not, they "lost the plot", and seeing comments like yours and the other above confirms me that you should never post in the forum or dev should never listen to you.
Changing core game systems at every release only shows how lost they are. In a dev cycle changing so much only makes the code messier and messier to a point there is no more control and everything crumbles into a messy code/game. Of course sometimes you have to change things even drastically if they dont work, but why wasting time into creating an annoying as hell drone, instead of adding a randomizer for zombies types.

And on another side, please dev decide if you want to go for a ton crap of stupid zombies with some "special" zombie mixed in, or if u want to go for less but harder ones.

As i said pipe weaps could have been a nice addition for early stage if handled correctly, and that is not the case.
New farming is so bad that is even a pain talking about it, should be reverted back to A19 and kept like that.
The new drone adds absolutely nothing.
The new loot system and RNG is terrible like finding the same item or recipe over and over, and not getting what you should need. Not even at the traders.

On the positive side, vehicles addons are good, and the new building blocks is good.
We need to see fixed the structural integrity as it's quite bugged for what i tested atm.

So as i said multiple times, the few good things of this new release are just destroyed by the bad additions.


1 In addition dev should fix the fact that a bone knife level 4 is better than an hunting knife level 2.
A level higer tier weapon should be better that an level 6 inferior tier weap. The only difference should be boosted by installed mods.

2 The repair kit should be ereased and weapons / armors should need "parts" for fixing and beeing repaired. 1 forged iron and 1 duct tape and u can fix an entire car or machingun ... that is BS u should need parts for doing that. And repair kit maybe for minor fixes .... i'd like to see something like that in game. And maybe the ability to craft such parts. Not only to get them from "scrapping".


You do understand that the people who do drones, weapons, RWG, loot balancing, and all the other stuff are all different people right? The gun team certainly isn't balancing loot, and the art team certainly isn't going to handle the balancing and damage of pipe weapons.


Based on you saying the devs haven't taken it in the right direction, you must not have been here during A18 back when we didn't have food/water bars, our food WAS the stamina bar. So yes, they are certainly getting their act together on making the game work.


You also understand they added a 50% of an extra seed with LotL 2 correct? You bought a game in early access and here you are complaining about it. Having concerns and voicing them is one thing, but going out of your way to make such statenents that "THIS GAME NEEDS TO WORK MY WAY" and not doing anything to mod or make it your way is just annoying.


And they did add a new zombie type, have you been to the wasteland biome yet? As for your pipe weapon argument, stop being so @%$#ty with them. The rifle is for hunting, the shotgun is for close-range "im in trouble", the machine gun is good for groups, and the pipe pistol is good all around. Get better with them and use them accordingly. They're made of pipes dude, these aren't end-game weapons.


As for the code, what makes you think it gets "messier and messier" you obviously have no idea of what you're talking about. You do understand they DELETE unused code (bloat), stuff that doesn't need to be there, and work on optimizations right?


Go back to A15 and compare it to now, they've done a great job despite having some poor choices along the way which got changed. It's early access, they're testing, balancing, adding, and changing everything. That's how it works.



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4 hours ago, v101 said:

Yes u did by testing the crops out of seeds.
As i said i did not had time to do that just to test some gathering from plants (as described to see even what an existing plant drops)
I did not pretended that test to be complete as mentioned in my comment above where i even asked if there is a way to force the growth in creative mode / debug mode

If u like the new system then it's a huge problem, the new farming system is just objectively bad. And i think my idea is way better even for how u said u'd like farming to be.  U have to PLAY correctly not WORK hard it's a game and u should have fun ... not been bothered by illogical and absolutely pointless gaming mechanics.
P.S. Do you realize this is a game not a full time job?


Yes I know what I said about farming but I was also responding to your comment (that you stated as fact)



Try to do a "farming" run and tell me if the new farming system is good, i tested in CM ... and i can admit that is pure BS, not even with livin off the land maxed out you get more from the field than u have planted (that is the point of farming i plant 1 to get 10 .. takes time and effort  but ...)


The only BS is that you didn't even have an understanding of how the mechanism was working.  At max Perk level, you get a minimum of 6 crops back per plant with a 50 percent chance of a 7th crop.  You also have a 50 percent chance of getting a seed back.  At the highest level of LoTL perk, you will get back a minimum of 1-2 crops plus seed if your harvest fails to generate a seed (this assumes you took  5 of the new crops to make a new seed to replace).  When you have a large farm (say 10+ of each crop), the numbers are going to shoot up when you max out the perk as you will get be getting back some seeds.  Even if you have the worst random luck out there, you are going to harvest 10-20 plants each harvest after you have to convert crops to seeds to replant your 10 plot farm.


Also, just because you say something doesn't make it objectively bad.  You don't like the new farming mechanism, that's your subjective opinion.  Just like my opinion that I like the new farming mechanism is my subjective opinion.  And our definitions of working hard is definitely not the same.  When you create a farm and harvest it, you just have to punch the crops to harvest them (fairly easy task and quick to do).  Check your inventory and see how many seeds you have, craft up the number of seeds you need to replant all the existing plots (again, easy task to do); then just put those seeds into your hotbar and quickly go down the row planting seeds until you run out.  Switch seeds and repeat.  None of that is really that hard to do; and based on growing cycles, not something you have to do everyday.

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2 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

You also understand they added a 50% of an extra seed with LotL 2 correct?

While I agree more with you on you guys's current argument, you've mentioned this bit twice now; Wasn't the change an added chance for a crop, not a seed? Quite a bit of difference, the chance for an extra crop isn't really worth mentioning, nevermind the implementation time spent.. :)

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3 hours ago, theFlu said:

While I agree more with you on you guys's current argument, you've mentioned this bit twice now; Wasn't the change an added chance for a crop, not a seed? Quite a bit of difference, the chance for an extra crop isn't really worth mentioning, nevermind the implementation time spent.. :)

Is it actually a crop and not a seed? I could be mistaken on that, I'm not the farmer in the group. He actually likes the new implementation because it gives him more of a reason to keep 3 perks into it instead of growing 400 of every crop and then removing his perks from the skill just to save 3 perks.

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3 minutes ago, Darklegend222 said:

Is it actually a crop and not a seed?

Yeh, I dropped into game for another reason and checked the description, it's crop.


And that's an interesting point about the skills.. I never wanted to optimize on that level, I used the combo of glasses and stew to give me a quite cheap LotL in earlier patches. Plus it was less punching anyway :)

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On 12/31/2021 at 7:33 AM, v101 said:


Do you realize that not all players do that, they hit play on steam and just play the game?
You cannot pretend all players to read stuff online, even if official.

An important information should always be in the most viewed place. It's common sense.
It takes litteraly no time to add a message box in the main menu (the right place to put critical information).
Devs can also use such panel to display more info or notes for the players so who does not follow the forum or the dev page will be informed about critical stuff.


Dude, this comes off as whining because a game in alpha isn't finished so the player has responsibilities. If the alpha is so bad, actually say what's wrong with it. Without actually giving reasons, it's just whining for the sake of whining. Bugs are a part of games in alpha and beta stages. This is an experimental build to boot. It will likely be a while before even this alpha hits its endpoint. Then again, if all you do is whine that it's not perfect and don't provide constructive criticism, the only person to blame for the issues not being fixed is yourself. You have to actually tell them what you find wrong with it for them to know you don't like that detail/mechanic.

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