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Alpha 20 Seed Thread!


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Time to share your seeds again!

Please post
Seed name : 
Biome adjustment settings : 
Screenshot : 
Number of traders if known : 


You can find out details on POI and trader placement via this tool.

Please not that this thread is NOT for discussion of Nitrogen/KingGen. This is for seeds using the in-game RWG mixer.


Also note that it is helpful to provide the full selection menu options used when creating the seed as they will change the layout.


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Seed name :  Death

Size:  6144

Biome adjustment settings : MMDFFD_6310


Towns: Many
Wilderness POIs: Many
Rivers: Default
Craters: Few
Cracks: Few
Lakes: Default
Plains: 6
Hills: 3
Mountains: 1
Random: 0

Number of traders if known :  10 ( Joel*3, Jen*1, Rekt*3, Bob*1, Hugh*2)


name="trader_joel" position="-2062,41,-417" rotation="2"
name="trader_jen" position="1223,43,1881" rotation="1"
name="trader_rekt" position="677,43,-1876" rotation="3"
name="trader_bob" position="-1656,44,773" rotation="0"
name="trader_hugh" position="-1499,37,1530" rotation="0"
name="trader_rekt" position="1891,45,1170" rotation="3"
name="trader_hugh" position="1483,39,558" rotation="1"
name="trader_joel" position="-335,42,1434" rotation="0"
name="trader_rekt" position="615,44,-611" rotation="2"
name="trader_joel" position="1577,46,-2134" rotation="3"


Screenshot : 

Edited by Red Eagle LXIX (see edit history)
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We don't know what's normal and what's exceptional with the new generation yet, but I was testing the random slider on this seed and got two results that both seem pretty nice to me. The plains and wasteland are the two largest biomes, which seems nice, since with loot changes those are now the early game and end game locations. So far by generating several seeds I have noticed that factories seem quite scare in the new RWG, especially compared to the overpopulation the was in alpha 19.


Seed: bandits

Size: 6144


Settings 1:

-Towns: many

-Wild POIs: many

-Rivers: default

-Craters: few

-Cracks: few

-Lakes: default

-Plains: 6

-Hills: 3

-Mountains: 1

-Random: 10


This gave me a map with a lot of mountains, large settlements in the wasteland and forest with small ones in the desert and snow biomes. It also had

-9 traders

-2 factories (1 of factory_02 and 1 of the new 03)

-5 skyscapers, 1 of each, plus an extra book skyscraper!

-43 stores of good variety


Edit: started a game on this one and spawned like a 10 second stroll from a trader. FYI named the game "SoloExprmnt" if the name still has an effect on spawnpoint...


Settings 2:

-Towns: many

-Wild POIs: many

-Rivers: default

-Craters: few

-Cracks: few

-Lakes: default

-Plains: 6

-Hills: 3

-Mountains: 1

-Random: 0


This map had the same biome layout, but less mountains and different settlements. It had:

-8 traders

-1 of the new factories

-6 skyscrapers (one of each plus 2 more book skyscrapers!)

-47 stores of good variety


Both seem pretty solid setups to me. I ran the generation twice with both settings to make sure that the random slider didn't change the result.

Edited by Firecat (see edit history)
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I generate on a dedicated using the .xml. I used A19's 8k 'HebephrenicDecimalization' and one, it did not blow up the server and two, looks amazing and mirrors the same results for POIs and the creation of megacities in the documented biomes. The road systems and trail systems interconnect smoothly. Trails end with a POI instead of nowhere very consistently. I did not see very many isolated POIs. There were six skyscrapers but, they all did not end up in megacities. Some were in smaller cities and towns. Everything about the map had a more "expected human engineering" feel to it. And the natural areas seemed more natural. Like, no more pot holed fields of unrunnable and undrivable wilderness. No more "bathtubbed" POIs surrounded by stamped cliffs that you plunge headlong down in freefall. A20 <3<3<3

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20 hours ago, SapphoSihn said:

I generate on a dedicated using the .xml. I used A19's 8k 'HebephrenicDecimalization' and one, it did not blow up the server and two, looks amazing and mirrors the same results for POIs and the creation of megacities in the documented biomes. The road systems and trail systems interconnect smoothly. Trails end with a POI instead of nowhere very consistently. I did not see very many isolated POIs. There were six skyscrapers but, they all did not end up in megacities. Some were in smaller cities and towns. Everything about the map had a more "expected human engineering" feel to it. And the natural areas seemed more natural. Like, no more pot holed fields of unrunnable and undrivable wilderness. No more "bathtubbed" POIs surrounded by stamped cliffs that you plunge headlong down in freefall. A20 <3<3<3

That's awesome.


I'm also running a dedicted on Nitrado and was going to use RWG for our next adventure. A big one size 10240.


I was wondering one thing though, I don't see any settings like Towns/Rivers/POIs etc in the config files like there is in the single player or in-game UI like the screenshots above.


How do we configure those on a dedicated, or can we even?

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Seed: Jotunheimr

Size: 8k


Towns: many

Wild POIs: many

Rivers: many

Craters: default

Cracks: default

Lakes: default

Plains: 6

Hills: 6

Mountains: 1

Random: 2

Great solo/beginners map. Small Wasteland but clear path of progression as plains, desert, and snow all have large cities with multiple skyscrapers in each. The starting town next to my spawn is the perfect size to get started in.


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Seed name : tits
Size : 6k

Number of traders if known : 10

T5s : 6 (3 in wasteland, 3 in snow biome for best loot levels)


I had to reroll many times to get a nice small map with even biome and trader distribution with t5 locations in snow and wasteland biomes, but I think the results couldn't be much better. Nice small starter area with plenty of nice cityscape in the harder biomes


Screenshot :





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Seed name : UnholyStenchOfTheManticore
Settings : All Default
Size : 8k
Generated Region Name : West Zenifota Territory
Number of traders if known : 9
POIS: 2716
Don't click the spoiler or scroll to 2nd image if you want to discover the POIS



▲ trader_bob (-1680, -1489)
▲ trader_hugh (-1160, 333)
▲ trader_hugh (2841, 2351)
▲ trader_jen (-702, 2385)
▲ trader_jen (2428, -1323)
▲ trader_jen (-2262, 2735)
▲ trader_jen (881, 217)
▲ trader_joel (2183, -1577)
▲ trader_joel (-2782, -2611)
▲ trader_rekt (580, -511)


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A20 Seed name : ScandanavianDoppelgänger (Alpha B218)
Settings : All Default
Size : 8k
Generated Region Name : South Vobicido Mountains
Number of traders if known : 10
POIs + Prefabs : 2742
▲ trader_bob (2743, 788)
▲ trader_hugh (646, -2160)
▲ trader_hugh (746, -786)
▲ trader_jen (503, 2552)
▲ trader_jen (2413, -1442)
▲ trader_jen (-1981, 2962)
▲ trader_jen (939, 535)
▲ trader_joel (2553, -2756)
▲ trader_joel (1434, 125)
▲ trader_rekt (-1394, 2144)
Edited by MrCrunchyOwl (see edit history)
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A20 Seed name : FrighteningLuxAeternaSound (Alpha B218)
Settings : All Default
Size : 8k
Generated Region Name : New Lawole Valley
Number of traders if known : 10
POIs + Prefabs : 2594
  • ▲ trader_bob (2643, 195)
  • ▲ trader_hugh (-1645, -3059)
  • ▲ trader_jen (-203, 2401)
  • ▲ trader_joel (-808, 1328)
  • ▲ trader_joel (2698, 786)
  • ▲ trader_joel (-2690, 2614)
  • ▲ trader_joel (2520, 1342)
  • ▲ trader_rekt (-2534, -920)
  • ▲ trader_rekt (2128, -800)
  • ▲ trader_rekt (-1725, -1780)

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Salutations Survivors!

I've lurked on the forums anonymously for a while but decided it was time to create an account and add my thoughts in on the new Alpha 20 RWG.


I have seen for a long time that most people prefer to simply list how many traders there are on a map but with the new Tile Generation RWG System, that seems a bit redundant now as Traders are practically guaranteed to spawn in nearly every city and town and at a specific location, no more need to hunt them down IOW.

In that regard, I believe it may be time to change what we are listing for our map seeds when posted. I've been testing out many new RWG seeds and since I still have yet to find what I'm looking for, I wanted to reach out to the community and respectfully request that anyone who finds a map matching or closely resembling my criteria, please reply to this post with said seed and settings so that I can try it out and share it with my friends.


Here is a list of what I am looking for:

A minimum of one(1) of each tier 5 POI

Majority of tier 5 POI's located in one city or two nearby cities, which should be situated in either the Snow or Wasteland Biomes

Cities in Every Biome, so that players may choose to play anywhere and progress around the map as they choose

Map size either 8k OR 10k, in order to accommodate multiple players in PVE or PVP games


I hope that someone finds the seed combination necessary to bring this map to life. I've generated probably 60+ maps in the last few days, with no success yet. If anyone has been able to generate a map similar to what I'm looking for, please let me know so I can duplicate it on my game, I would greatly appreciate your effort and response.

Thank You

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On 12/13/2021 at 1:51 PM, Kemloor said:

Salutations Survivors!

I've lurked on the forums anonymously for a while but decided it was time to create an account and add my thoughts in on the new Alpha 20 RWG.


I have seen for a long time that most people prefer to simply list how many traders there are on a map but with the new Tile Generation RWG System, that seems a bit redundant now as Traders are practically guaranteed to spawn in nearly every city and town and at a specific location, no more need to hunt them down IOW.

In that regard, I believe it may be time to change what we are listing for our map seeds when posted. I've been testing out many new RWG seeds and since I still have yet to find what I'm looking for, I wanted to reach out to the community and respectfully request that anyone who finds a map matching or closely resembling my criteria, please reply to this post with said seed and settings so that I can try it out and share it with my friends.


Here is a list of what I am looking for:

A minimum of one(1) of each tier 5 POI

Majority of tier 5 POI's located in one city or two nearby cities, which should be situated in either the Snow or Wasteland Biomes

Cities in Every Biome, so that players may choose to play anywhere and progress around the map as they choose

Map size either 8k OR 10k, in order to accommodate multiple players in PVE or PVP games


I hope that someone finds the seed combination necessary to bring this map to life. I've generated probably 60+ maps in the last few days, with no success yet. If anyone has been able to generate a map similar to what I'm looking for, please let me know so I can duplicate it on my game, I would greatly appreciate your effort and response.

Thank You



And what settings are you using?  if you are leaving the defaults for hills, mountains and towns, you are very unlikely to get that golden seed.  

For example: 



This is all within 1km of a single central point around 4 traders bordering Forest/Snow(central point is in Snow)


I will say from my playing around, yea, there's gonna be a whole LOT of really crappy seeds, a lot of mediocre ones, and a fairly small number of amazing ones based on anyone's subjective definition of amazing.   If you are leaving the default settings you are hamstringing yourself since town/city placement is the very last thing done after hills, mountains, cracks, lakes, rivers, etc so city placement has to fit essentially within whatever's left over that's flat.    And of course, leaving default town size makes this much worse.  


SeedName: FluffierConjecture

Size: 8192
Towns: Many
Plains: 8
Hills: 3
Mountains: 1
Random: 1

Best base location just inside the snow biome border from Forest.

3 Large cities with a medium city and Small town between in a tight cluster split between Forest and Snow biome.

4 Traders within 1 km of the suggested base location with a 5th ~2.3 km to the North.

Loads of high value Quest-able POI's within 1km from suggested base location


It is however missing the Shotgun Messiah Factory anywhere on the map, however most of the other tier 5s existing multiple times and most of them are within 1km of the suggested base location




One more thing to NOTE, jacking up the plains and removing all the hills and mountains is not going to guarantee a great seed or even a halfway decent one for that matter

Edited by JoeDaFrogman (see edit history)
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