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Khaine's A20 Modlets! (Bigger backpacks, Lockable Slots, Behemoths, Random Wandering Hordes, etc)


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6 hours ago, seven said:

You're on track. Respawndelay is in game days, so increasing to 0.5 would mean a 12 game hour respawn.


Thanks! I went with .25 and it felt a little more manageable in my solo game.


My multiplayer game with buddies I'll probably leave it on default, though. Need that extra challenge. 


Speaking of, we're finding Blood Moons a little underwhelming - any chance of the "Bigger Blood Moon" mod being updated to A20? That one seems like it does exactly the thing we want. 

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On 12/4/2021 at 6:35 PM, KhaineGB said:

I tried to find the answer to my question through reviews and such but not sure I found it. Does this work for A20.5 and is it server side only - or does the client need to install it as well?

Can this be used with the other mod More Animals or whatever it is?

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12 hours ago, Sugarfree said:

I tried to find the answer to my question through reviews and such but not sure I found it. Does this work for A20.5 and is it server side only - or does the client need to install it as well?

Can this be used with the other mod More Animals or whatever it is?

Yes it works with 20.5. I tested all of them and everything seems good.

Yes, everyone needs to install it due to custom models.

No idea if it works with other mods. I see no reason why not though since it's just blocks.

On 5/17/2022 at 12:19 PM, Professor Phobos said:


Thanks! I went with .25 and it felt a little more manageable in my solo game.


My multiplayer game with buddies I'll probably leave it on default, though. Need that extra challenge. 


Speaking of, we're finding Blood Moons a little underwhelming - any chance of the "Bigger Blood Moon" mod being updated to A20? That one seems like it does exactly the thing we want. 

I can look into that when I get some free time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope this is the correct place to post this, apologies if not.
This is not really a bug on your part, but I'm hoping you can tell me how to fix it.
Chicken Coop Mod, Playing on Vanilla, A20, local game.
I had a coop, something fell on it and destroyed it, and now I have an invisible one-block area that I can not place anything on. In the console, it spams this message:
ERR Block on position 2324, 33, 1680 with name 'DFChickenCoopFull' should be parent but it is not! (1)
I've confirmed the co-ordinates in that message are the same spot as the issue.
Since it is a 1 block area, and the coop is larger than that, I'm guessing it is the spawn location that got stuck.
Using Notepad++ I looked through my game xml files to try to find that entry hoping to be able to easily edit it, but I only found reference to it in blockmappings.nim (which is probably the source of the issue) but I'm uncertain about editing a .nim file. I'm hoping there is a less potentially-destructive way to fix it than me messing with a compiled file.
Thanks for making these mods available, I'm also using the FoodWater and WanderingHordePatch. :)

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On 6/7/2022 at 8:34 PM, AaronG85 said:

I've just installed 'Score' as it was required for another mod, but noticed as soon as i did the '12 Slot Crafting Queue' doesn't seem to work anymore? any tips on getting it too work?


I fixed this by changing the name of the mod by adding 000 to the folder name so it loads first.

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On 12/4/2021 at 9:35 PM, KhaineGB said:

96 Slot Backpack - Pretty self explanitory.



I have one modlet installed, this one for the 96 slot backpack and need help with modifying a file.  When I fill my inventory, only the first 45 spots will accept items, and the rest that I try and grab start to fill my toolbelt.  No items above 45 will fill out slots 46-to-96 of the backpack.  If I manually drag and drop I can put items into any of the 96.  Anyone have a workaround for this?  I've been on servers with expanded backpacks where grabbing a large number of items from a storage container will fill past the 45 mark in the backpack.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying to use the 15 slot toolbelt mod, local game single player. The only other 2 mods I have installed are the Hud Plus & Patch.


When I first tried the 15 slot mod, it showed the extra slots but I couldn't access them. Found another post where someone had the same issue and you said something about a DLL file. Noticed my mod folder for some reason didn't have the included DLL file, but my zipped file still did. Copied it over to the mod folder, now when I load the game I have 2 rows of 15 slots, the bottom row I can use 10 and the top row I can use the first 5. 


Did I do something wrong copying over the DLL file after the mod was already preloaded the first time? EAC is turned off. 


Disregard my post - I had 2 zipped files downloaded, one had the DLL and the other didn't. I installed the one that didn't have the DLL and copied it from the one that did. Deleted the mod folder and copied over the correct one, works like a charm now. 🤣

Edited by KiritoFL
update (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Lockable inventory slots.

Is there a way to make them stay locked when you log out?

For me I have to lock them every time I relog into game.

Thank You for this and for any info.

Also 3 slot forge and 96 slot backpack are Awesome, Thank You for all you do!

Edited by Whyspir (see edit history)
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Ok What a game changer having these 3 mods-Lockable inventory slot-96 slot backpack-and 3 slot forge .

 Makes My play time More Enjoyable.

Now if I could only find a way for Lockable inventory slot to remember the settings when I log out and back on again..

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On 7/14/2022 at 9:56 PM, Whyspir said:

Lockable inventory slots.

Is there a way to make them stay locked when you log out?

For me I have to lock them every time I relog into game.

Thank You for this and for any info.

Also 3 slot forge and 96 slot backpack are Awesome, Thank You for all you do!

Anyone know?

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I have installed the max zombie/animal/claim mod for vanilla, which I am a fan of in DF.  Not that my laptop likes the added spawns..


For DF I typically like 250-300 zombies, but in vanilla it caps me out at 100.  Is that a design feature?  Or do I can I toggle something to get the increased cap for vanilla? 

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Entirely up to you. You can distribute it as a modification to mine, or as your own mod if you like. I don't mind either way :)

On 8/3/2022 at 4:40 PM, OldWolf said:

I have installed the max zombie/animal/claim mod for vanilla, which I am a fan of in DF.  Not that my laptop likes the added spawns..


For DF I typically like 250-300 zombies, but in vanilla it caps me out at 100.  Is that a design feature?  Or do I can I toggle something to get the increased cap for vanilla? 

You can edit windows.xml to add more options. I set 100 as the max as it's the best balanace for zombie amount and lag.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Small thing but would it be possible that you add extra carry capacity for perk name="perkNightStalkerThiefAdrenaline" parent="skillNightStalker" under progression. Only has to be changed from 27 to 35 when using the 96 BP. Also is the food and water bar modlet supposed to be right on the bottom of the screen?

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