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The 7D2D Mod Launcher - A Mod Launcher for 7 Days to Die


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Can you check and uncheck the EAC setting?


Yes .. it allows me to do both, but it was already unchecked .. but I checked it .. then unchecked [ never used in any of my games ] .. and did that help what I sent you, I was having a heard time to upload anything for some reason .. wasn't sure.

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Yes .. it allows me to do both, but it was already unchecked .. but I checked it .. then unchecked [ never used in any of my games ] .. and did that help what I sent you, I was having a heard time to upload anything for some reason .. wasn't sure.


In the Mod Launcher, can you check, then uncheck the "Use EAC" option as well? Then try to re-launcher.

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sphereii .. God I'm SO sorry for be so stupid .. I did NOT notice that it was checked in your Launcher .. it must have auto check with the update .. And .. I .. JUST never noticed it. Me bad


Well .. I will look more and better .. next time and check everything out before becoming a Pest.


You Have a GREAT Day and I just lovin the Launcher .. it works so nicely and I tell everyone about it that plays .. Enjoy, Gary



PS .. Old Gamers .. god! help us sometimes

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sphereii .. God I'm SO sorry for be so stupid .. I did NOT notice that it was checked in your Launcher .. it must have auto check with the update .. And .. I .. JUST never noticed it. Me bad


Well .. I will look more and better .. next time and check everything out before becoming a Pest.


You Have a GREAT Day and I just lovin the Launcher .. it works so nicely and I tell everyone about it that plays .. Enjoy, Gary


Glad you figured it out!


Enjoy playing the mods! :)

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Hi Spherii I just downloaded an update for you mod launcher and now most of the mods are gone was that supposed to happen?


Hey jprasch.


I cleaned up the mod list and removed the mods that were only compatible with Alpha 15.2. The mods listed will work with Alpha 16.1. As the modders catch up and port their mods to Alpha 16.1, the list will grow.

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Well most modders would know better than to re-use a folder from a previous build. One would think ;)


How about making a How to use github for uber beginners? Plus a youtube video.


I made up a quick bare minimum Git Hub tutorial. It's really bad :) I'm on a slow arsed laptop with no mic, but hopefully it's something.



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The help files in the launcher don't tell me how to install Hal's SDX mods, HELP!


The Mod Launcher doesn't compile SDX mods itself, rather it installs re-packaged mods, like Valmod, True Survival SDX, etc. For that, you would need to use SDX 0.7.0.

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Morning sphereii


Just a thought .. in the Launcher under Experimental: you have Valmod Overhaul Bigger Backpack .. [ it is Not set up for A16.1 (b1) ]

and it will crash on start .. it is only set up for A16 (b129) ..Valmod has not had a chance to update yet .. and I just tried to run it under A16.1 (b1) - crashed


Only Valmod Overhaul is A16.1 (b1) Ready and will run fine.


Just a thought .. hope your weekend is good well so far. Gary

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Morning sphereii


Just a thought .. in the Launcher under Experimental: you have Valmod Overhaul Bigger Backpack .. [ it is Not set up for A16.1 (b1) ]

and it will crash on start .. it is only set up for A16 (b129) ..Valmod has not had a chance to update yet .. and I just tried to run it under A16.1 (b1) - crashed


Only Valmod Overhaul is A16.1 (b1) Ready and will run fine.


Just a thought .. hope your weekend is good well so far. Gary


Thank you very much. I removed the entry until it gets updated =D

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WHy am I unable to see War of the Walkers for 15.2 on here anymore?


Also .. dwallorde .. hopes to have it updated to A16.1 (b1) in about a week and it's is one of my favorites along with Valmod.


But Valmod won't have his updated until sometime in August. ONLY [Valmod - Overhaul] is A16.1 (b1) ready along with Combo-pack.


Just a couple of thoughts

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Also .. dwallorde .. hopes to have it updated to A16.1 (b1) in about a week and it's is one of my favorites along with Valmod.


But Valmod won't have his updated until sometime in August. ONLY [Valmod - Overhaul] is A16.1 (b1) ready along with Combo-pack.


Just a couple of thoughts


Yeah, I've been watching their threads. It's tricky supporting the older A15 stuff, since they could be updating their main repos for A16, which could make the A15 stuff act really strange. To reduce reports of "it's broken!" in their threads, I opted to just remove all the older entries.


I still have all the old references, so if someone wants to continue to play, I can give them a link. Or if a modder approaches me and says "Yes, that'll continue to work with A15.2 while I work on A16", I can keep a link in the default list.


I will be trying to do something a bit differently for A17 (possibly A16) where I can maintain the older links too.

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Yeah, I've been watching their threads. It's tricky supporting the older A15 stuff, since they could be updating their main repos for A16, which could make the A15 stuff act really strange. To reduce reports of "it's broken!" in their threads, I opted to just remove all the older entries.


I still have all the old references, so if someone wants to continue to play, I can give them a link. Or if a modder approaches me and says "Yes, that'll continue to work with A15.2 while I work on A16", I can keep a link in the default list.


I will be trying to do something a bit differently for A17 (possibly A16) where I can maintain the older links too.


If at all possible, is there a way to get a link or other working solution to play A15 Valmod Expansion with the big backpack again? Honestly I think A15 Valmod is better than A16 right now, was hoping to fire that back up, and very disappointed it's removed...

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If at all possible, is there a way to get a link or other working solution to play A15 Valmod Expansion with the big backpack again? Honestly I think A15 Valmod is better than A16 right now, was hoping to fire that back up, and very disappointed it's removed...


No problem, here's all of Valmar's mods. Click on Open URL, and copy and paste this URL in, and look under the 7Days2Mod category.


Only compatible with A15.2:



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noticed most the supported mods are no longer in the launcher :/

what happened? ( besides A16 dropping to stable that is ) even the simple ones aren't in there any more.


We are waiting for when the modders catch up to A16.


I am not sure if the modders will be using their existing download links as they work on A16, or if they'll use a different one. If they use the same one, your game will break as they start tweaking things before full release.


If I leave them there, people will invariably try to install the mods untop of A16, since I cannot tell what version of game is actually being used yet.


Only the mods that are known to be working for A16 are appearing now.


however, the older links are still available, and can be added using the "Open URL" button. Which mods were you interested in playing?

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