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47 minutes ago, Survinator said:

Вот такая вот беда вылетает иногда когда сражаешься и это дико бесит
Если найду какие ошибки буду кидать в дискорд.

Если это в городах или на краю города - тогда известная ошибка, но я её не смогу исправить. 

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Japanese Localization has been added to current version (v20.6.05)


- express great gratitude to ちびにゃ for his great work on translation and localization!
The translation was made based on the source language, with the experience of playing this mod, which is a very important factor.


- many Thanks to ひろけーえぬえぬ for the advice and initial translation of keywords when i started doing it on my own.


- Thanks to はぴろう for his website, which presents various mods and translations into Japanese of the game 7dtd.
Because of this site - mods become more understandable to the Japanese audience!


- Thank to the まあぁしゃ, Gwienn, LiaR25 streamers on twitch who have been making constant singleplayer streams for almost a month in CSH mod! 
(i still continue to watch the recordings and read the comments!)
- Thank かづみん, りゅう&まぁ【NORUKA,】, ひめ0119  for the multiplayer game and broadcast on YouTube and Twitch :)




Visit the site https://hapirouinfo.jp/ where there are Japanese localizations for various mods from the game 7DTD !








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MOD version UPDATE - CSH_v20.6.06 (test version) 

(not available in modlauncher while tests are underway)



- many minor improvements
- many minor bug fixes (also, non-fatal errors were fixed because of which the old features did not work)
- the work of the infection was redone
- new bugs added 


(this not compatible with previous worlds and saves)



- found problems in multiplayer when killing zombies on the client side. Looking for an errors.




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MOD version UPDATE - CSH_v20.6.07 


(in relation to the versions v20.6.05)

- many minor improvements
- many minor bug fixes (also, non-fatal errors were fixed because of which the old features did not work)
- the work of the infection was redone
- new bugs added 

- also fixed MP bugs from v20.6.06

- many Thanks to chibinya for the Japanese translation !


(this not compatible with v20.6.05 worlds and saves)






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have someone tip for seeds? I try 4 times on v20.6.06(test) 15K map and 2 times on v20.6.07, but city distribution is still weird, like on picture. No city on green biome and if is more snow biome, there was always a big city on it. I would like to try more seeds, but generating 15k maps take 40-60 minutes.


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Sometimes, in the whole biome there are not even roads going to POI in the wilderness.
And sometimes everything is fine.
I can't influence it in any way. An indirect solution to the problem (as it is done in vanilla) - is to put cities through every meter.
But it's acceptable for vanilla.


PS: For statistics, when generating, i get 3 acceptable worlds out of 5.

PPS: this 15k world i will use (it suits all my needs) https://disk.yandex.ru/d/zcxaIJAe9wlGyQ

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Mod version: v20.6.07
Classic Style Hardcore was introduced from 7D2D MOD LAUNCHER.

The content of "CSH Survival Basics" in the Japanese Journal is the same as "Tips and Tricks 1".
[You copied and pasted the contents of "Tips and Tricks 1" to "CSH Survival Basics" by mistake.


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I've come across 2 things I want to bring to your attention.

Firstly, there seems to be a bug with the steel shovel, sometimes when left-clicking the steel shovel, there's a lot of red errors. I have to move an item on my toolbelt to stop it and exit the game. If I try to open my inventory, the red text appears again.

Secondly, I was wondering if this was intentional or an oversight.
A book called "MacDyvers Book" can only be read once, meaning the 40 XP for Armour crafting this book provides can only be gained once.

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Thanks for the report!
I didn't find any errors regarding the shovels. But i will watch the stream recording and pay attention to the circumstances under which this happened.
Regarding the book - yes, it was done intentionally (and it's not just this book), but this may change in the future if the balance requires it.
The set of books is not in the final version now.

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