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Questions about Lucky Looter


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So I am going with a Perception build this time around and going with Lucky Looter.  I currently have 4/5 points in it but I got to thinking about something last night.  Does the perk only work for me or for everyone in my party?  Basically should I be the one looting everything now or will my whole party benefit from it?  Also, would me being the only looter be more of a min/max type of thing and we won't really see that big of a difference in loot no matter who loots?  Not sure how Lucky Looter really works these days so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Lucky Looter is percentage based (It adds a percent of your current loot game stage on top) now since loot is game staged. Depending on your game stage and the game stage of your party members, you can see different effects from this. The higher your game stage and the higher the perk, the better the loot modifier. The only difference between the new system and the old is : 10% of game stage 10 = +1 game stage loot, while 10% of game stage 100 = +10 game stage loot. Those numbers are not to be taken literally, as I do not have the actual modifiers memorized, just as an example.


Alas, the effects are only for the person with the perk, it DOES NOT extend to party members.

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8 minutes ago, Reckis said:

Eh, the change makes sense. LL would be seriously OP if it affected the entire party.

I disagree VERY MILDLY with this statement. It used to affect the whole party and it wasn't that bad was it? As it is now, the one guy in the party has to open all the chests and parcel out the loot - assuming the party is actually working cooperatively and sharing loot around more or less efficiently.


I'm biased I guess - I play co-op exclusively. Maybe there's a consideration for 3+ party sizes that I can't see. The way we played in A18 was just we each opened whatever we came across and then shared anything interesting. Now he (he's the perception guy usually) will have to loot all of the important containers and I'll just wait around for him I guess. It will be a very mild annoyance and I just don't know how I'll cope!

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5 hours ago, Boidster said:

I disagree VERY MILDLY with this statement. It used to affect the whole party and it wasn't that bad was it? As it is now, the one guy in the party has to open all the chests and parcel out the loot - assuming the party is actually working cooperatively and sharing loot around more or less efficiently.


I'm biased I guess - I play co-op exclusively. Maybe there's a consideration for 3+ party sizes that I can't see. The way we played in A18 was just we each opened whatever we came across and then shared anything interesting. Now he (he's the perception guy usually) will have to loot all of the important containers and I'll just wait around for him I guess. It will be a very mild annoyance and I just don't know how I'll cope!

err  nope  lucky looter always affected only player owning it  they didnt changed anything  about it just poked to values ( changed fixed bonus to  5% /rank)

gratz you missed extreme amount of good loot in a18 this way

ofc loot was always based on  highest gamestage in party


party wide  ll would make perk obsolete for  4/5 members .... or if it stacked it would be  +125%   to gs for all :D

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We clearly have been playing under a severe misunderstanding of "loot gamestage". We figured that lucky looter would be factored into who has the highest GS for looting and that is used for the party. But NOOOOOO, apparently it's pick the highest base GS, then if you have LL great you (and only you) get the bonus too.


I should have been making him open all the chests this whole time!!

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8 hours ago, Boidster said:

We clearly have been playing under a severe misunderstanding of "loot gamestage". We figured that lucky looter would be factored into who has the highest GS for looting and that is used for the party. But NOOOOOO, apparently it's pick the highest base GS, then if you have LL great you (and only you) get the bonus too.


I should have been making him open all the chests this whole time!!

I remember too that it was different in A18 and everyone grouped up and together profited from LL bonus. Which was another reason to choose some other attribute and hoe someone else takes PER.


You either use it seriously now to maximize your loot (minmax in other words), then only the PER player will open the important loot containers or maybe every container. Or you don't change anything and roleplay the PER player **inexplicably** is often the one with the lucky find.


I read about a group who really has fun clearing a POI like they were in a tactical shooter, with everyone having a clear task: One who opens the doors, the front line brute, the looter, the wrencher, something likes this. And they have fun.


In my co-op group we agreed on the other extreme (and we do this since starting to group in A16). We won't let loot chances change our game and specifically everyone would get at least one container of the final loot room (on my insistance really since I like to get the surprise of a nice find myself instead of getting told via teamspeak what is in there). We still all profit from LL because at least one container therefore is opened with the LL bonus.

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22 hours ago, Reckis said:



Lucky Looter is percentage based (It adds a percent of your current loot game stage on top) now since loot is game staged. Depending on your game stage and the game stage of your party members, you can see different effects from this. The higher your game stage and the higher the perk, the better the loot modifier. The only difference between the new system and the old is : 10% of game stage 10 = +1 game stage loot, while 10% of game stage 100 = +10 game stage loot. Those numbers are not to be taken literally, as I do not have the actual modifiers memorized, just as an example.


Alas, the effects are only for the person with the perk, it DOES NOT extend to party members.

Thank you for the information.  Having a better chance at getting better loot is nice but being the only looter kind of sucks.  Our group fights hard to clear out a building and we finally make it to the treasure room.  Then they have to sit around and watch as I collect all the loot.  Whenever the supply drops arrive we all sprint after them in a mad rush to secure them first and then they have to wait as I loot them.  I currently have the highest game stage so that added on with 5/5 in Lucky Looter, plus a few of the loot books, makes sense for me to do all the looting.  I guess as long as the group doesn't mind then I'll keep doing it.

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3 hours ago, Sjustus548 said:

I guess as long as the group doesn't mind then I'll keep doing it.

Between the two of us usually I'm the miner/industrial crafter/cook, he's the sniper/weapon/mod crafter. I stick with shotgun & pistol, he usually has better stealth. Having him be the primary looter for the Big Loot Boxes won't be a big change. I think for a party that plays together often, it makes sense to specialize a bit. In more random matchups we might get WoW type "Need a looter!" requests to party up. 🙂


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15 hours ago, Sjustus548 said:

Thank you for the information.  Having a better chance at getting better loot is nice but being the only looter kind of sucks.  Our group fights hard to clear out a building and we finally make it to the treasure room.  Then they have to sit around and watch as I collect all the loot.  Whenever the supply drops arrive we all sprint after them in a mad rush to secure them first and then they have to wait as I loot them.  I currently have the highest game stage so that added on with 5/5 in Lucky Looter, plus a few of the loot books, makes sense for me to do all the looting.  I guess as long as the group doesn't mind then I'll keep doing it.

My personal experiance with having LL5 in a group of 4 is the following. We all loot, we all found good loot and thats the point, I don't have the feeling that you must have LL5 to find good loot. So if you have fun doing so, just do it, but don't feel oblieged to do so.

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18 hours ago, Gr.o.m. said:

My personal experiance with having LL5 in a group of 4 is the following. We all loot, we all found good loot and thats the point, I don't have the feeling that you must have LL5 to find good loot. So if you have fun doing so, just do it, but don't feel oblieged to do so.

Well, technically you don't need it, the intention is to get you better loot sooner. Eventually everyone's gamestage will be high enough that the perk wont make a difference, statistically.

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3 minutes ago, Reckis said:

Well, technically you don't need it, the intention is to get you better loot sooner. Eventually everyone's gamestage will be high enough that the perk wont make a difference, statistically.

Isn't it the other way around?   Since it's percentage based at low GS it's impact is minimal.... as your GS gets higher, so does the benefit of LL.

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1 minute ago, Kalen said:

Isn't it the other way around?   Since it's percentage based at low GS it's impact is minimal.... as your GS gets higher, so does the benefit of LL.

Yeah, but with the finite amount of loot, eventually the percent boost just doesn't matter anymore.

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Looks like for T3 loot, 5 levels of LL will kick in about level 72 (giving you access to T3 early) and would stop giving any benefit at level 212. That's for the standard loot probabilities. There are a couple of probability distributions used in special cases which would still be boosted by LL up to level 777. Assuming "loot gamestage" is also used when those probabilities are used. They are tied to loot groups (i.e. strong zombie loot bags) so I'd think normal looting rules would apply.

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