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  1. My opinion is the same. Nerfing means reducing options and taking away choices. Better belancing? YES! The pimps could do so many good things to improve the trader: If your lootstage and or traderqueststage is below item quality, then prices should be doubled or trippled. Progressionitems like vehicles, magzines or beaker should be always available, but also at increased prices and yes if your gamestage is to low, the price should be 5-10 times the normel price. Why? Because now you might have goals, ("only 50k more dukes for that beatufiul motorcycle) and you have to do tough choices. 750 dukes for that vehicle magazine or food, so I might not starve to death?
  2. 30 springs means that you have to wrech a bunch of cars and or beds. Could be done in a couple of days. 30 duct tape mens, that you have to have at least 5 dew collectors or you have to buy water at the trader and vending machines. Not easy but also can be done in couple of days. 120 forged iron, you really complain about 120 forged iron? Thats 1440 iron! If you want to have the xp from the mining mission to mine 1.000 iron, you need 440 iron more. Even with a stone axe something, that can be done in a single night. I play survival games to struggle and yes I also like grind. Having everything and no more goals meas for me, it is time to start over.
  3. When we (a group of 4 players) ascend from the mid- into the endgame we usually sit at a couplee of thousand bones and with the new changes of the water collectors we will be able to produce any amount of water. Now there are recipies where we can put those resources onto good use. I am happy that there are expesive recipies.
  4. So you are going to tell me, that it is a problem to produce 90 glue, 90 water while you are in the endgame?
  5. The HP-Buff of the zombies, is in fact a huge buff for crowd control. Anything, that slows down zombies, pushes them back, kocks them down is now even better than befor. So in my opinion it is a big buff for str and int. So yes int has a big problem it is now even more OP.
  6. It would be nice if you can give us numbers. Damage, attack speed, perhaps even DPS. If you have no numbers, than you should ether give us examples or it might be the case, that it feels for you in that way.
  7. So you have to adapt and change tactics. Shotguns are verry good, not only damagewise but also because auf the slow effect. Another option is to use ladders to go into safety and snipe with a bow or huntingrifle.
  8. ElCabong you are right, if you have time and space you can aim and out them with headshots down. But like I said, I tried to use it as a O-sht-weapon, that means somithing went wrong and than you have to react fast. I will try ladders and barbed wire. thats cheaper and I think I will die less often. Especially against ferral, without propper armor. Using ammo in lowtier pipeweapons is a waste of resources. Use a bow or a crossbow. ...and of corse don't let them hit you so you will not die. 😛
  9. difficulty 2, no mods, no perks tier 1. I play an int-build and in future i will place barbed wire and ladders in my belt and stop wasting precios slots on pipe weapons and ammo.
  10. How glad I was, when I got the option to get a pipemachinegun-set. JO-HO 15 x 7.62 mayhem for over 500+ dukes. Thats a good investion. I thought. One POI later I met Mr. constructionworker (not the ferral one, a normal plain construktionworker, when I dropped down into a chamber. No problem I thought and pumped each end every of my 15 shots a point blank into his chest. ..and got whacked by him. Bleeding i tried to down him with my pipe pistol .....well to shots later I was dead and now I know that wasting precios ammo into pipe garbage is just a waste of money. I have to try spike traps or barbed wire especially again ferral.
  11. Of corse does that mean, that you also whish to have the rate of fire of the compund bow reduced to that of the crossbow. Or am I wrong?
  12. I don't think you can argue, that only the raw damge matters. Lets assume for a moment the pimps would have changed pelletshells in the following way, without changing the damage: Spread is changed to 180 degree, damge fall off 50% PER meter, to 0 damage for ranges for more than 5 meter. I think we can both agree that that would be a brutal nerv to pellet damage. Slugs are still verry good. They do more damage at range and at armored targets. And don't forget, that you don't want to shoot at demolishers with shells. 😉
  13. Can you tell mee, at which range did you shoot the soldier boy? Point blank probably. Where each and every pellet hits and there is no damage drop off because of range. Please do us the favor and do the same at 5m, 10m and 20m range. Then you might have the answer.
  14. Also recomendet information did you run only tier 1 or higher pois. Woodland or a biome with a bonus to gamestage?
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