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Paint textures for A19


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Sorry if this has been said before but from what I've found quite a few want more textures to pick from for painting but no answer has really been given to why it can't be a thing. So why is it that in alpha 16 we had such a wider variety of textures to pick from but now we are reduced to under 200, from which nearly all of them are worn down and decayed? 


For someone who quite enjoyes decorating their base this is a bit sad when you realise that your base you've now cleared and fortified can't look nice inside even though you have paint available. Why was the books removed? Will they be available again perhaps in alpha 19? Maybe not as book unlocks but just unlocked by default as that seems like less of a hassle. Thanks for any answer..

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30 minutes ago, IroncrossBG said:

They just remove stuff for no apparent reason

That word is key. I mean, it is certainly possible that TFP is composed entirely of developer-trolls whose primary means of enjoyment comes from denying things to us players for no reason other than to cause us irritation.


I choose to believe that TFP is composed entirely of developer-trolls who have other irritating behaviors, but who do not drop things from the game without some reason. Even if that reason is one we don't find compelling. The broad categories of these reasons are:

  • Technical limitation
  • Something broke
  • We just forgot/haven't had time
  • No, you were right the first time, our souls are nourished by the cries of players
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34 minutes ago, Boidster said:

Technical limitation

This is the correct answer.


in the dev diary Joel answered this


"Paints cannot stream so there will always be a limited number of those available. We do want to figure out tinting though so we don't waste space on 10 different flavors of concrete, carpet etc and that would give us seemingly hundreds more paints for free, and reduce atlas overhead dramatically."


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You likely won't get a dev response in the general forum, but MM stated in the diary somewhere that textures aren't streamable and this was the reason for them being reduced. Something along these lines, I am not a techie, so I don't knopw about details. I for sure miss paints as well, especially fresh looking ones, since they offered you to build a pretty base.

Well, Kalen beat me to it by 30 seconds

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  • 2 months later...
On 8/16/2020 at 10:28 PM, YourOwnTv said:

Sorry if this has been said before but from what I've found quite a few want more textures to pick from for painting but no answer has really been given to why it can't be a thing. So why is it that in alpha 16 we had such a wider variety of textures to pick from but now we are reduced to under 200, from which nearly all of them are worn down and decayed? 


For someone who quite enjoyes decorating their base this is a bit sad when you realise that your base you've now cleared and fortified can't look nice inside even though you have paint available. Why was the books removed? Will they be available again perhaps in alpha 19? Maybe not as book unlocks but just unlocked by default as that seems like less of a hassle. Thanks for any answer..

I would love more textures to pick from.   While I understand they are not streamable I hope we can get more added.   Each time I start a game I basically end up decorating my base basically the same way every time because there is so little variation.


If we are going to live through the zombie apocalypse at least we should be able to do it in a styling base.


I appreciate all Fun Pimps do but I really hope they can add more painting options.

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33 minutes ago, Crater Creator said:

Wait, did we actually lose paintable textures?  Do we not have all the ones we had in A16, except now they're all unlocked instead of gated behind books?  Many have been redone, but I can't think of what ones we've actually lost.

a few changes, some dropped and new ones added.. etc...

but in a16 we had 166 textures and in a19/a20 we have 177. :)

and yes back then they were locked away by books/magazines.




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Yeah the big ones we lost are Bookshelves and Fridge.  Having 30 bookshelves to hold magazines for your mates, b/c they only hold 8 or 10 items, and cannot be locked, is irritating.  And kitchens need fridges.  I'm not storing my meat in a box, even if I did find it in a box in the first place.

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7 hours ago, Kyonshi said:

Forgive my lack/ignorance of technical knowledge, but what does "Paint cannot stream" means?

Texture streaming is a feature that was added to the game, which allows textures to be 'streamed' as needed.  Only the textures actually in use at a given time are loaded into video memory, which helps to keep hardware requirements in check.  But the paintable textures are kept on a giant 'atlas', like a patchwork quilt, instead of individual files.  So either the whole atlas is loaded, or it isn't, which means the whole atlas has to be loaded pretty much all the time.


I hadn't really put two and two together before seeing this thread, though.  It means a huge proportion of what we see in the game doesn't take advantage of texture streaming.  Is it shooting yourself in the foot to do world textures though both texture streaming and atlases at the same time?  At this point pretty much every POI is using some non-streamable atlas textures, and I'd say players are close to a POI more often than not.

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On 10/21/2020 at 10:24 AM, unholyjoe said:

a few changes, some dropped and new ones added.. etc...

but in a16 we had 166 textures and in a19/a20 we have 177. :)

and yes back then they were locked away by books/magazines.




I think what mostly people are complaining about is the fact that it felt like we used to have a lot of painting options in color schemes, different shades of a variety of color palettes. Most of the textures in the game are either a furniture (ovens, cabinets, boxes) look-a-like or an already existing block look (cobble/flagstone, concrete, metal and wooden blocks). From all the 177 textures, about only 20 options are valid for painting inside walls so they would have a "real house" feel.


These are the options I've gathered.. and 4 of them are situational. 3 are wall papers and the 3 wooden options kinda feel like they would be better as floors than walls.

I guess the main problem is that the concrete options kinda feel like an outside option because of the decay to them.

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