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Should the mining helmet give a defense from falling debris?

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Would make sense. And pretty sure it'd just take a text edit for the gui info tab and an xml add.

Plus would seperate it a bit from other light armor head gear.


Getting into the weeds a bit here but TFPs could conceivably also have it offer some additional Concussion protection.

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while i agree it may make sense, i have to go with not adding more code distracting development towards getting to gold release. i see this as being an option and it can be done by mod community.


but you never know when/if a dev can get a free moment and sneak something in. :)


right now i want to see the attention on bug fixes and RWG surgery.

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4 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

@FileMachete it does already have armor crit resist. A mining helmet doesn´t protect you more from a concussion than any other helmet in the game. 


Same goes for the cave in damage. It doesn´t do a better job than any other helmet.

Figured, but to lazy to check, heh. (actually I close browser prior to loading since my old pc needs every advantage to run 7dtd)


Was more thinking that, across the board, might be nice, for Polishing time, to tweak the armors a bit so thing #1 is a bit better protecting against Crit #1, etc.


But yeah, definately agree with you @unholyjoe, better left till polish, if at all.

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 not sure how big protection is adequate ... people wear them against small rock  not tons of material and in  7 days  smallest cave in means  1 block   thats  1x1x1M of rock unless iam wrong  if we want be realistic that would be instakill

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2 hours ago, alanea said:

 not sure how big protection is adequate ... people wear them against small rock  not tons of material and in  7 days  smallest cave in means  1 block   thats  1x1x1M of rock unless iam wrong  if we want be realistic that would be instakill

Meh...I can carry loads of those AND still zip up my backpack. They can’t be that big and heavy...

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5 hours ago, Roland said:

Meh...I can carry loads of those AND still zip up my backpack. They can’t be that big and heavy...

exactly ... thats why using "they protect in real world"  makes no sense


and gameplay wise ..  cave in damage is already so small ....it basically fail to punish you for ignoring stability (damage was toned down ... then they added perk to reduce 50% .. combined with a17+ armor thats completely OP compared to old pieces...  nope  any additional resist would just deepen hole cave in for  7 damage is  bad enought

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