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Very high penalty applied! Help!


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Just a suggestion @Sarakatunga but you might get some help posting this over in the General Support section;



And possibly Title your post something like,


Can anyone help with Server console message: "Very high penalty applied. Are you sure negative values haven't overflowed?"


Good luck.

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I'm guessing old world in new version. Those errors appear to relate to AI path penalties. So jumping over that block there has penalty 4, walking around it for 3 blocks has penalty 1+1+1 = 3 so walk around it is.


An AI in his map encountered a penalty of 4.2 billion for a particular path. Perhaps he modded a Minecraft Nether portal into his game? Or his base is surrounded by 1,000-block-thick walls?


Also running a mod I think. It spawns in "zombieFatCopPodrido" which would be "zombieFatCopRotten", but this class name isn't in the vanilla entityclasses.xml and classnames aren't translated by localization.txt anyhow. None of the translations for the Fat Cop variants include the word Podrido in them. So I'm thinking a Spanish-language mod which adds some zombies?

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On 7/31/2020 at 12:17 PM, Boidster said:

I'm guessing old world in new version. Those errors appear to relate to AI path penalties. So jumping over that block there has penalty 4, walking around it for 3 blocks has penalty 1+1+1 = 3 so walk around it is.


An AI in his map encountered a penalty of 4.2 billion for a particular path. Perhaps he modded a Minecraft Nether portal into his game? Or his base is surrounded by 1,000-block-thick walls?


Also running a mod I think. It spawns in "zombieFatCopPodrido" which would be "zombieFatCopRotten", but this class name isn't in the vanilla entityclasses.xml and classnames aren't translated by localization.txt anyhow. None of the translations for the Fat Cop variants include the word Podrido in them. So I'm thinking a Spanish-language mod which adds some zombies?

I already found the problem, they are the (Prefabs), the only solution is to make a wip of the cities, luckily it does not harm the server. Thank you very much for ideas.


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  • 4 months later...

Very high penalty applied. Are you sure negative values haven't underflowed?
Penalty values this high could with long paths cause overflows and in some cases infinity loops because of that.
Penalty value applied: 4000400400
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)



* Zombies Freeze on server

* Local PC crash game


❣️ My Solution that worked for me ❣️:


1 Corrupeted Custom Prefab, remove 1 prefab !!!


Edited by ArNaLdInHo (see edit history)
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I also have this bug on my community server. After a while the zombies freeze and I have to reboot.
I feel like it's random on the zombie spawn in POI, bloodmoon, screamer and wandering zombies. No link with a particular POI. I have city kick claims during blood and the errors have already appeared in blood when no one was in a POI. I reset the city region files every day and it happens every day, not necessarily in the same place.

Strangely enough, it happened overnight without me changing anything.

I add the logs with the correct line in the title :

output_log_dedi__2020-12-14__13-45-44_Line_1581.txt output_log_dedi__2020-12-28__16-00-27_Line_4833.txt output_log_dedi__2020-12-28__16-00-28_Line_24272.txt

Edited by Lo-X (see edit history)
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The names of your output logs have dates that are seriously different than the dates inside the logfiles. Did you change the dates when you added the line numbers?


The stack overflow in the path finding routine you indicate with the line numbers looks like a recursion problem. It always happens at horde night. Do you have a huge horde base? Does any of the mods add blocks used in your horde base?


There are also warnings "Particle System is trying to spawn on a mesh with zero surface area" in two of the logs. My best guess would be that this is a problem with one of the mods.


And there are lots of null reference exceptions in the logs except in the 12-14 log. I assume those two are the later logs and those are secondary signs of a problem that started with the first log.



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Yes the dates are different I don't know why.

It also happened outside of bloodmoon and without the EliteZombie mod, I immediately thought of this mod but it is not that. The "Particle System is trying to spawn on a mesh with zero surface area" is because of the yellow aura they have but that doesn't cause any concern.

On the Discord Admin Coalition I saw quite a few people having the same problem, the oldest being at the end of 2018.

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Just for info:

this error in some of the first patches (A19.0?) was transferred from the category of red to yellow - i.e. when it appeared, it did not open the console and did not stop the zombies. I was very happy and thought that the problem was solved.

Now, it opens the console again and has a red color ;)

Edited by n2n1 (see edit history)
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  • 6 months later...

I also have this error/issue in my single player game that's causing the exact same issues a LOT, so my game is essentially unplayable. I'm loading way too many mods (I know the dangers and I accept them) but it seems this issue appears to have a fix of "1 Corrupeted Custom Prefab, remove 1 prefab !!!" and maybe some other "fix /repair the map" commands...


I'm totally ignorant in how to do these steps"of "remove prefab and delete chunk map part from server saved folder"..

1. find the corrupted POI(s)... maybe I just assume/guess its the one I'm standing in when it occurs (yes, also my horde base).  I believe this is a vanilla POI, but maybe its not as I have compopack loaded, so maybe someone took a vanilla POI and modded it...

2. Remove the POI somehow

3. Do whatever else is needed ("delete chunk map part from server saved folder", etc). how does one determine the chunk?


Can someone link to the commands(s) or steps I need to try to run these fixes? If I lose my game, I'm fine with that I really just wanted to try to fix it if I could and possibly identify the "bad POI's" and manually remove them, regen another map, start over, etc if I have to.


Also my assumption: If the POI is my horde base, I should probably get all my stuff out of it and move elsewhere before blowing away map chunks.  what's "hilarious" is I have 2 bases that are in identical POI's (kismet I guess? )... so I guess I have to blow away both my bases!

Edited by doughphunghus (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

I'm totally ignorant in how to do these steps"of "remove prefab and delete chunk map part from server saved folder"..

If you press F11 in game it will show you the name of the poi that you are standing in. If that is the 'bad' poi, you can then

delete it from your prefabs folder. Then, when you replace the region, it will not respawn.


This guy gives a good guide to finding and deleting regions.


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I would suggest making a backup of the save game first. Then delete pois and regions one by one until you find the poi and region to delete. Then copy the save game back and ONLY delete the one poi and one or two regions neccessary.


The advantage is that you can act like an elephant in a porcelan shop while searching for the right pois and regions and it doesn't matter if you fail to identify the right region on first try.


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