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Any one think we should have another tier of forges, chemistry stations and workbenches?


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So the existing set will still exist and should have the same difficulties to get and make, but for the end game we can have advanced versions of them that look and perform better.


Visual wise-the existing ones should look the same, but the advanced versions should look more modern and sleek design- ie look like they’re made from steel/ metal rather than crude nailed wood and rocks. This should help them blend in when we transition from wood huts to concrete/ steel bases.


Performance wise- this is down to discussion: should either perform faster, have additional features such as crafting an additional item at once, it could output a lower amount of heat,


or we could have then run on electricity rather than burning wood- this and the multiple crafting could cause a reduction of heat, but if TFP wants to balance it they could make it output more heat than their normal counterparts.


names for the new items could be such as ‘advanced workbench’ or ‘electric forge’ or even have brand new names like “induction smelter” for the forge or “lab station” for the chem



in addition what about adding something like an ammunition workbench. It could only be found in the world and not crafted, but it makes ammunition faster and slightly cheaper similar to how boxes of bullets currently work. It adds a cost of travelling to destinations for a cheaper cost, and also on servers adds a risk of people stealing them if you just leave them to craft

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I keep asking about an upgrade to the campfire to a wood stove, there is even already a model in the game so cannot see it would be that hard to do that one. For a long time I had also wanted an upgraded forge for steel and maybe other specialty metals but doesn't look like that is going to happen. I like the idea of a machining table as an upgrade to the work bench, but I don't know that there is a good upgrade for the chemistry station, since it is already sort of an upgrade to the campfire for some things like glue.


I would love to see these but at this time I think the only reasonable chance of getting anything would be a stove.

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Wood Stoves= upgraded campfire

Electric Forge= Uses Power instead, 5-10% less crafting costs

Microwave= same as wood stove, but only does food. needs power

3D Printer= workbench with 5-10% less crafting cost but needs power and is EXPENSIVE

Lab Equipment= uses power, 5-10% crafting costs reduction, Expensive


In general late game should be electric fuel so not need to manage so many things fuel/ give power more use

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I would love to see another tier of work stations. all run on electric to reduce the annoying running around to keep things fueled. multi que and craft would be so awesome, but I would also like this to generate more "heat" for zombies. this is a survival game and it should be that more convenience = more attention. maybe the rumored bandits would fix this. 

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Right, I have until recent changes only used 2 of each (bench, forge, chem, etc). It seems a recent update made Bullet Casing take longer than Bullet tips so now I have 3 forges. I build heavy forts vs large ones (steel covered concrete) with the "come get some" or "come and take it" mentality.


I've played a few modded versions with "better crafting stations" and pretty much ended up with a zero gain by day 49 (time vs effort combined with added raw materials/items/etc.). RNG is a fickle mistress, some times she's happy, sometimes she's sad. Rare items either rain down or they're "Pipe Dreams".


Anyhow, always up for more additions to the game, add a forge, add an item (cause it can't always be win/win for the player). :)



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I want faster (maybe slightly more efficient but mainly faster) higher-tier crafting stations purely because it's annoying having to build and manage like 10 forges and workstations. Obviously, the incentive is still there (due to limited crafting/inventory spaces and queue spaces) but most of the reason to build multiples is for when you're playing multiplayer or late-game solo and one is simply way too slow for the volume of things you need crafted. I think having them be electric-powered would be nice as well, maybe with (inefficient!!) fuel backups for people who somehow don't have access to electricity at that point?

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Guess I simply can't relate, when I come back from a "mining/trash/loot that big @%$*#! building" run I load my benches with what I need and on to the next one, Sounds like you have some self centered players or you/they don't have 2 stations of their own. Every additional player requires at least 1 additional station. Make others work for their reward (I use three forges at this point, I might be mistaken but it seems Bullet Casing was changed to take almost twice as long as Bullet Tips).  (Casing/Tips, Iron/Steel, 2x Gun Power, Food/Water, 2x mods, 2x weapons). Guess I'm just happy splitting the crafting time in half.



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