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Classic fast travel should be in 7D2D


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It was mentioned in the recent stream(s) (don't remember which one or when, and I can't be bothered to rewatch them both) that a form of basic fast travel may be added into 7D2D. Trader to trader, for example.

My suggestion is to either go all-in or not at all. If it's an optional feature, then players have no reason to complain if it's added in. In my opinion, what would be great for new players and impatient ones is if there was a classic form of fast travel added through many different avenues in 7D2D. Fast travel between trader to quest location, fast travel from base to main mine via permanent waypoints, fast travel from trader to beside your vehicle outside the trader walls, etc.


(I highly doubt any of TFP read any of these threads, but I thought I'd give it a shot.)

EDIT: We technically already have "fast travel" in the game: DM mode and then teleporting around the map. The only difference is that this version is unofficial and therefore can be seen as cheating, and it's a developer tool. But again, it's optional and achieves basically the same effect, so I don't see any official way of fast travel breaking the way most players play the game.

Double Edit: I realize I worded this pretty badly and I wanted to address that here. My point wasn't, "They should add it and if you don't like it, too bad" but rather, "If they add it and you want to avoid using it, then it wouldn't affect you at all".

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Nah, no need to turn this into world of warcraft. I'm fine with fast traveling between already known traders. That would be amazing and a huge gamechanger. I play on a community PvE server and with more than 20 people online it becomes a risk using vehicles. Lag increases and the rubberband bug occurs much more often. Basically when you get off your vehicle it rubberbands back to the position where you entered it. Very annoying. Having the ability to fast travel would be fantastic and a huge quality of life improvement without removing the feeling of being out there traveling or adventuring. Teleporting back and forth between trader and quest location would feel wrong and break immersion. Checking trader stashes, selling stuff, turning quests in and accepting new ones should be made easier and more accessible imo.

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I'd be ok with fast travel from a trader so long as you have to pay some dukes for it - otherwise each day the traders reset everyone would teleport around every trader on the map buying up all the good stuff (and selling off the piles of swat helmets and stunbatons that a trader will only take 3 of).


Currently to do that you need to invest a day to travel between all traders and your time (between hordes) is a currency in 7DTD as surely as dukes are.

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I have once started a savegame where I used the teleport (to coordinate xyz) function together with some other cheats, like Auger and Chainsaw from day 1, to get rid of time consuming travelling and mining.


After a few days ingame that savegame became totally boring as you are only teleporting from one spot to another. When looting a building you grab everything you can find, teleport to a trader, sell everything and teleport back to the loot building. I had so much money after a few days that I could have bought literally everything I wanted. That savegame didn't even make it until day 7 before I have deleted it again.


Quick travelling gets a no from me but I'd totally agree with anyone demanding faster vehicles, maybe one for the very late game and really expensive.

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18 minutes ago, PoloPoPo said:

When looting a building you grab everything you can find, teleport to a trader, sell everything and teleport back to the loot building.

If i got it right, you can't do this.

You are able to teleport from one trader to another trader. Not teleport from anywhere to a trader. You always have to walk (or drive) to a trader frist and from there on you can fast travel, but only to another trader.

So no fast travel from loot building to trader or from base 1 to base 2. It's more like, from base 1 walk to trader A, fast travel to trader B, from there walk over to base 2.


But I'm still not sure if i like that. It somehow makes the specialiced traders obsolete, as once you are at any trader you can instantly fast travel to any other trader (that is discovered yet). You can pick up multiple quests, fast travel between traders and return the quests absolute easily. It makes the placement of bases almost irrelevant, as you just need a trader nearby (which does everybody anyway) and you can then easily fast travel to any other biome, e.g. to the desert if you need oilshale, or from desert into snow, if you need snow for water.


Imho traveling has to take time. If it becomes to boring to travel, that just means that the world is too empty and no threat at all. Anyway, even with a minibike you can travel from one side to another on a 8K map from dawn till dusk easily. Just some wierd road generation may break this, but i always found a route that allowed me to traverse the whole map quickly. And if there are routes you travel often, you can even build roads. We already did that in A15 back then. We even dug tunnels through almost the whole map which were driveable with the minibike.

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Nay to fast travel.  Completely destroys the time management aspect of the survival game and completely devalues vehicles. 


1 feature that negative impacts at least 2 others major features.


Maybe in a non survival mode or mod but not vanilla settings.

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3 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

It was mentioned in the recent stream(s) (don't remember which one or when, and I can't be bothered to rewatch them both) that a form of basic fast travel may be added into 7D2D. Trader to trader, for example.

My suggestion is to either go all-in or not at all. If it's an optional feature, then players have no reason to complain if it's added in. In my opinion, what would be great for new players and impatient ones is if there was a classic form of fast travel added through many different avenues in 7D2D. Fast travel between trader to quest location, fast travel from base to main mine via permanent waypoints, fast travel from trader to beside your vehicle outside the trader walls, etc.


(I highly doubt any of TFP read any of these threads, but I thought I'd give it a shot.)

I suppose this is just a troll post to show how bad fast travel really is. You hope for lots of outraged comments with all the disadvantages of this ridiculous idea so that hopefully even the trader to trader teleport is put back into the drawer of dropped ideas.


Don't think this reverse psy@%$*#!gy thing really works in this case, but we can always hope.


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Fast travel would break the immersion of a consistent simulated world. It would be a mechanic that suddenly breaks the usual mechanics of the player being in a fully persistant world, where all events can be affected by the players.

Its also a can of worms. Once one fast travel option is in, the players would demand more of them.

"Can we teleport back after finishing a quest"

"Can we build a teleporter to my other base"

"Can we teleport allies to my position"

"Can we teleport over that mountain range, so I dont have to drive all that way"

"Can we teleport all of my stuff to that storage chest in the other base"



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3 hours ago, meganoth said:

I suppose this is just a troll post to show how bad fast travel really is. You hope for lots of outraged comments with all the disadvantages of this ridiculous idea so that hopefully even the trader to trader teleport is put back into the drawer of dropped ideas.


Don't think this reverse psy@%$*#!gy thing really works in this case, but we can always hope.


Not a troll post, I just personally believe in 100% or 0% in these cases, but that's just my opinion. Personally I would be against it, but if TFP would be cautious in implementing it because of backlash (if that was their reason for suggesting a limited form of it), then people should know that it would be optional.

But if that is not the case and that it would still be optional, then this limited version of fast travel would be fine, I suppose. I mean, we can already teleport; just go into DM mode and do it that way.

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5 hours ago, Stonx said:

I'd be ok with fast travel from a trader so long as you have to pay some dukes for it - otherwise each day the traders reset everyone would teleport around every trader on the map buying up all the good stuff (and selling off the piles of swat helmets and stunbatons that a trader will only take 3 of).


Currently to do that you need to invest a day to travel between all traders and your time (between hordes) is a currency in 7DTD as surely as dukes are.

Agreed. I wonder if that's enough though. You will eventually have enough dukes to pay any penalty. Maybe let the cost increase each time you fast travel? Have it slowly go down when you're not using it. That could adjust the cost when you heavily use fast travel. 


In the livestream #1 recently they showed a special quest that leads the player to another nearby trader. I'd imagine this will unlock the fast travel option.


I don't really understand why people are arguing wether or not they want fast travel because that's a given. The question in this thread was wether it should be limited or not. Some folks here missing the point.



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31 minutes ago, Damocles said:

Using a command in the console is not fast travel but a cheat, outside of the gamedesign.

I realize I worded it wrong and I made the change.

My point was, if you don't want to use it and it's completely avoidable, then it wouldn't affect you. I personally wouldn't use or above fast travel since I like "raw vanilla survival", but to the new player or the very impatient one, then this addition might prove helpful to a very niche group of players.

I'm not advocating for it (I realize I worded that horribly in the post above, but I won't change it since I don't want to seem like I'm moving the goal posts around, so I made an edited section down below instead), but if anybody was arguing against it when they could simply ignore it as a feature, then their argument would lose its legitimacy imo.

But since this thread serves no purpose come to think about it, I'll probably just ask Roland to take it down.

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58 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

I realize I worded it wrong and I made the change.

My point was, if you don't want to use it and it's completely avoidable, then it wouldn't affect you. I personally wouldn't use or above fast travel since I like "raw vanilla survival", but to the new player or the very impatient one, then this addition might prove helpful to a very niche group of players.

I'm not advocating for it (I realize I worded that horribly in the post above, but I won't change it since I don't want to seem like I'm moving the goal posts around, so I made an edited section down below instead), but if anybody was arguing against it when they could simply ignore it as a feature, then their argument would lose its legitimacy imo.

But since this thread serves no purpose come to think about it, I'll probably just ask Roland to take it down.

It's fine to leave it up for discussion.  Just a bit strange of you to create a tread on something that you personally wouldnt use.  Perhaps if you are speaking on someone's behalf in particular, otherwise your lobbying for something that no one even wants...lol

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4 minutes ago, Laz Man said:

It's fine to leave it up for discussion.  Just a bit strange of you to create a tread on something that you personally wouldnt use.  Perhaps if you are speaking on someone's behalf in particular, otherwise you lobbying for something that no one even wants...lol

I was advocating on behalf of new players, and saying that even if it was added, and it was optional, and none of us wanted to use it, then it obviously wouldn't affect us.

When zombie health bars were almost added back in the day, one of the major criticisms of that feature was that, to my knowledge, it wasn't going to be optional. If zombie health bars were added in the future, but if to deactivate them it was as simple as pressing a button in the options menu, then it would be a non-issue for anyone against it imo.

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12 hours ago, Jarod_Silverstar said:

One of the risks of the game is getting caught away from your base on a horde night.

Huh? Most people play with blood moon happening every sunday and the day is highlighted in the HUD from the morning on if a bloodmoon happens on this day. That are also the default game settings. If you still get "accidentially" caught by a horde night away from your base, that has nothing to do with risk but more with @%$*#!ness.


Because there is absolutely no risk "accidentially" get caught in a bloodmoon, my last playthrough was with completely random bloodmoons and the day indicator turned off. THEN you have to plan your travels a little bit more to not end up in a bloodmoon miles away from your base.

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5 hours ago, Liesel Weppen said:

Huh? Most people play with blood moon happening every sunday and the day is highlighted in the HUD from the morning on if a bloodmoon happens on this day. That are also the default game settings. If you still get "accidentially" caught by a horde night away from your base, that has nothing to do with risk but more with @%$*#!ness.


Because there is absolutely no risk "accidentially" get caught in a bloodmoon, my last playthrough was with completely random bloodmoons and the day indicator turned off. THEN you have to plan your travels a little bit more to not end up in a bloodmoon miles away from your base.

Yea - okay. I might have been a little biased towards my recent playstyle. I had bloodmoons set to +/- 2 days, red text warning at noon and I use rather large maps with low town and POI generation settings.  This way there is a LOT of travel time needed to get around, probably boring for some but I like the desolation feel of being in the middle of nowhere so to speak.

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27 minutes ago, Jarod_Silverstar said:

Yea - okay. I might have been a little biased towards my recent playstyle. I had bloodmoons set to +/- 2 days, red text warning at noon and I use rather large maps with low town and POI generation settings.  This way there is a LOT of travel time needed to get around, probably boring for some but I like the desolation feel of being in the middle of nowhere so to speak.

Previous playthrough was also with "only" BM 7+-2 days. It still ended up people counting days anyway. If last bloodmoon was on e.g. day 10 more advanced exploring tours were done on day 11-15. From day 16 on people stood near our base until the bloodmoon happened. Point was they still knew on what day absolutely sure no bloodmoon could occur and they knew the days a bloodmoon may occur.

That's why we changed BM to 0+10. So basically every day could be a bloodmoon. And yes, of course we had the full programm at the start already: bloodmoon on day 2 AND 3. 🤪 But it required much more planning, and completely limited careless exploring and finally made the players build different bases or improve POIs that could be used for a potential bloodmoon, some of them just designed as "one-time-use just for the case". In the end we had many little bases all over the map, so you almost all the time had a base in range you could go to if a bloodmoon suprised you. That was at least a much more interesting play through, as it was not so predictive and you could not walk around for days carelessly. Changes the playstyle completely, also how people planned ahead. Previously after BM they left the base unrepaired and just started repairing it some days before next bloodmoon. After that change they started repairing asap. Additionally they stopped ressource grinding on need, but started to keep some stock, as you probably needed material for repairs right away and don't have time to farm them first. Also previously munition was produced until it was "enough" for the next bloodmoon. With that change, we really let the munition production run 24/7, as all people knew, a next bloodmoon may also happen directly on the next day again.


I can clearly recommend random bloodmoons. Using 0 days where for sure no bloodmoon happens, or at least a low number like just 1-2 days and then a large number when it might happen.


Finally i can say with 0+10 on day 80 we had 9 bloodmoons happened, so average still was bloodmoon every 8,9 days. At least with that few days it did not average out at 5 days.

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5 hours ago, Liesel Weppen said:

That's why we changed BM to 0+10. So basically every day could be a bloodmoon. 🤪


Most of the playtime I get tends to be solo, so I do need some time between blood moons to manage everything. With an effective group and well defined roles a BM setting of 0+10 would indeed be a fun challenge.

I suppose I could turn down the horde count to help out but then I would miss the fun of plowing through endless hordes...

Always a choice to make.


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5 hours ago, Liesel Weppen said:

Previous playthrough was also with "only" BM 7+-2 days. It still ended up people counting days anyway. If last bloodmoon was on e.g. day 10 more advanced exploring tours were done on day 11-15. From day 16 on people stood near our base until the bloodmoon happened. Point was they still knew on what day absolutely sure no bloodmoon could occur and they knew the days a bloodmoon may occur.

That's why we changed BM to 0+10. So basically every day could be a bloodmoon. And yes, of course we had the full programm at the start already: bloodmoon on day 2 AND 3. 🤪 But it required much more planning, and completely limited careless exploring and finally made the players build different bases or improve POIs that could be used for a potential bloodmoon, some of them just designed as "one-time-use just for the case". In the end we had many little bases all over the map, so you almost all the time had a base in range you could go to if a bloodmoon suprised you. That was at least a much more interesting play through, as it was not so predictive and you could not walk around for days carelessly. Changes the playstyle completely, also how people planned ahead. Previously after BM they left the base unrepaired and just started repairing it some days before next bloodmoon. After that change they started repairing asap. Additionally they stopped ressource grinding on need, but started to keep some stock, as you probably needed material for repairs right away and don't have time to farm them first. Also previously munition was produced until it was "enough" for the next bloodmoon. With that change, we really let the munition production run 24/7, as all people knew, a next bloodmoon may also happen directly on the next day again.


I can clearly recommend random bloodmoons. Using 0 days where for sure no bloodmoon happens, or at least a low number like just 1-2 days and then a large number when it might happen.


Finally i can say with 0+10 on day 80 we had 9 bloodmoons happened, so average still was bloodmoon every 8,9 days. At least with that few days it did not average out at 5 days.

You know what...that sounds alot of fun.  I think we might give that a try when A19 drops.

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