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Z2 - HUD Replacement (Alpha19)


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11 minutes ago, Oani said:

Nice, what a fast answer and you did the fix! I am downloading the update and will try to adjust the interactionPrompt window.

Thank you very much.

I have just tested the food bar, now the size is accurate with the numbers, but the bar is flashing ^^ :(


Indeed it does, I didn't notice that. Strange thing. The code is just a rework of the vanilla so I will peg that on a vanilla issue for now but I will continue to look into it and see. It appears to only happen when standing still though.

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17 minutes ago, ArNaLdInHo said:



what code should i use to put only zombie names and no health on zombies?



Edit windows.xml, navigate to line 543 or search for windowTargetBar. In that window the lines 564 and 565 are the name and health values respectively. Delete or comment the entire line of choice to remove that entry from the target health bar.

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Uploaded Z2 A19.0.Release3 to github.


Release Notes - Z2:

  • Fixed an issue with the blinking food bar.
  • Fixed a minor issue with the target health bar.


The modlets can now also be downloaded from Nexusmods for those that prefer that.

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Sorry for the question. Still trying to figure out mods myself. I love this hud. I am having trouble understanding where the color for the hud is changed. I read where you said it could be changed. I am just not sure what line needs to be changed in the styles.xml. Can you give me a clue where to find the values to change. I want a blue or teal color for it. Thank you

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10 hours ago, Sirillion said:

Indeed it does, I didn't notice that. Strange thing. The code is just a rework of the vanilla so I will peg that on a vanilla issue for now but I will continue to look into it and see. It appears to only happen when standing still though.

Ok, it is a very minor issue and it does not affect the gameplay at all, thank you very much for your work very nice mod.

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6 hours ago, TheWrongMexican said:

Sorry for the question. Still trying to figure out mods myself. I love this hud. I am having trouble understanding where the color for the hud is changed. I read where you said it could be changed. I am just not sure what line needs to be changed in the styles.xml. Can you give me a clue where to find the values to change. I want a blue or teal color for it. Thank you

Are you wanting to change the orange lines to teal?

<style_entry name="mainLineColor"						value="255,128,0,255" />

This is the line in styles.xml that dictates the color for the lines around the screen. Just change the value to a color you prefer.

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40 minutes ago, hiddenyak said:

Are you wanting to change the orange lines to teal?

<style_entry name="mainLineColor"						value="255,128,0,255" />

This is the line in styles.xml that dictates the color for the lines around the screen. Just change the value to a color you prefer.

This is correct, I use an RGB calculator like www.rapidtables.com to find the color values I want then put those in.


The first three values indicate the colors while the forth indicate the opacity.


So if you want to change the colors you need to set the RGB value with x,x,x then if it is too sharp you can tone it down by reducing the last value.

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3 hours ago, TheReaperME3 said:

So  i saw the Hud overhaul is not really big "scale friendly"? which  means? i wanna increase it a bit.   maybe 20%?   not sure. but how can i do it?  or  is it more complicated?

It because of the lines, it can be scaled but if scaled too much it can end up looking weird.


Scale can be set in game in A19. Look for it in the video options.

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16 minutes ago, TheReaperME3 said:

its allready  on 100% so and higher is not possible. any other way? 


and an second question if you loot for example an car. then  the "serach bar" which says,,, "press something to loot" is pretty wide,,, can i reduce the bar a bit formyself?

Then you will need to edit the scale in the vanilla xui.xml file.


You can, have a look in windows.xml for the interactionprompt window.

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10 minutes ago, Reckis said:

Has anyone else had a problem with the food bar not changing with the value? Mine stays solid green no matter how the number changes. I am on the latest version of the mod.

You are sure you are on the latest version? That was an issue a few versions ago, shouldn't be an issue now.


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On 7/14/2020 at 4:06 PM, Sirillion said:

You are sure you are on the latest version? That was an issue a few versions ago, shouldn't be an issue now.

Well, i downloaded the newest version from the link at the beginning of this post, deleted the old one from my mods folder, and unzipped the new one. 


Otherwise love the UI, btw. My wife and I only use your UI's.


After the above i tried again, and now it is working. I probably just screwed something up the first time around. My apologies.

Edited by Reckis
afterthought & after second try (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there, I was wondering if its possible you could add map elevation to the Hud as well. Also what line do i need to edit to calibrate the compass N,E,S,W (its slightly off) Great mod by the way!!!

Edit: Changing this line from .30 to .25 fixed it. (rect_size="0.25,1" rect_offset=".8,0") 

Edited by roguenation702 (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, roguenation702 said:

Hello there, I was wondering if its possible you could add map elevation to the Hud as well. Also what line do i need to edit to calibrate the compass N,E,S,W (its slightly off) Great mod by the way!!!

Edit: Changing this line from .30 to .25 fixed it. (rect_size="0.25,1" rect_offset=".8,0") 

There is no plans to add elevation at this time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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