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Mod Suggestions Welcome

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Looking for suggestions on mods that people think might be interesting or improve their experience. I know not everyone knows how to or wants to mod for 7 days. I myself am not a great modder but can generally get the job done. I know we have a great community of mod creators in this forum and beyond and hopefully they may drop some expertise to help us out. I unfortunately have some extra time on my hands and have been back to dabbling in mods again. Maybe I can help get you that one thing you have been wanting or waiting for to happen.


With that being said, I would like to stick to smaller modlets if possible. Suggest anything (be reasonable), the worse you get is a no from me, but who knows maybe there is a creator that is better than I that will do it. Kinda hoping this may also be some inspiration for the mod creators out there as well.



Don't expect because you suggested that I will do it.

The extra time I do have is due to some health issues. Those come first so if things are delayed I apologize in advance. 




-A mod that added laser turrets would be neat. Being able to make a bunch of solar panels using another mod to set up defenses that used electricity instead of ammo would be fantastic.


-Many more "mods" for weapons, tools, armor, clothes, vehicles and so on. I see many stats in the files that mods don't touch yet, would be great to see this part of the game expanded on more. This will give player even more options and I like options :)
Some examples:

Tool mods: range"reach", speed, reduce sound

Weapon mods: rate of fire, reload speed

Armor mods: Buff resistance, degradation, stamina cost

-Hi, just wondering is there any chance for you to make a mod to make the hunger and thirst to persist even after you re-spawn?
a. if you were killed due to thirst or hunger and you re-spawn, the hunger/thirst will be at 40% instead of 100% again.

b. if killed by a zombie, hunger is at 50% instead of 100% when respawning.

-Rearrange skill tree and adjust numbers to see fit. Buff certain weapons based on weight for movement speeds.





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A mod that added laser turrets would be neat. Being able to make a bunch of solar panels using another mod to set up defenses that used electricity instead of ammo would be fantastic.

A "deep drill" mod that added an autonomous drill that would mine resources while it had power, giving you random resources based on rarity. Stone/Iron/Lead/Coal/Tungsten/Silver/Gold/Diamond etc. Not having to manually mine everything would be a huge quality of life improvement.  

A green energy mod that adds Windmills and Watermills for alternative energy production. Might be able to throw in craftable solar panels in the mod, although many mods already do this.

A grappling hook mod would be fantastic, though it would totally break the balance and level design of dungeons.

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I have seen people edit the walking speed, size and outfits of the zombies.

I am wondering if it is possible to create an attractive Asian woman that follows you and mimics you.

Just imagine if the woman had storage space you could access and clothing slots you can interact with.

Of course someone would strip her naked and use her as a pack mule.

But if you could start mining and have her mimic you by mining the block next to yours.

Or if you shoot a zombie...she will shoot the next zombie.

If you craft a bullet. She will craft a bullet.

Maybe edit her so she has no life bar.

Furthermore make her busty asian cat girl. 

That might be cool.  

A weapon she carries will be a basic machine gun such as an M-60 or minigun.

However once you put a weapon in her tool belt it has endless ammo.

It indicates so with a green infinite symbol.

A secret option may include that the symbol remains after you remove it from her toolbelt.

However an option to enable her need food and water maybe cool....

Lastly I haven't seen any sexual or bathroom options.

Why is it no one has made a Tape deck lure?

A solar powered dual side tape player that attracts zombies toward traps.


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On 5/21/2020 at 9:50 PM, darthsawyer said:

A mod that added laser turrets would be neat. Being able to make a bunch of solar panels using another mod to set up defenses that used electricity instead of ammo would be fantastic.

A "deep drill" mod that added an autonomous drill that would mine resources while it had power, giving you random resources based on rarity. Stone/Iron/Lead/Coal/Tungsten/Silver/Gold/Diamond etc. Not having to manually mine everything would be a huge quality of life improvement.  

A green energy mod that adds Windmills and Watermills for alternative energy production. Might be able to throw in craftable solar panels in the mod, although many mods already do this.

A grappling hook mod would be fantastic, though it would totally break the balance and level design of dungeons.

1-I am pondering the turret idea, not sure how feasible but not completely out of the question at this time. 

2-Mining machines already exist for what you are looking to do. I just came across one recently actually.

3-Will have to think about this some, not good with custom assets so making a windmill look like a windmill ingame migh be out of my scope. However I may be able to use existing assets to cobble something somewhat respectable. Based on some of the mechanics of the game a watermill will likely work the same out of water as in so may lose some aesthetics/realism with that. So not completely out.

4-This is out for sure as this is a locomotion thing that would have to tie into the flying and being able to follow a customizable   path set by the player. Im sure there are modders out there that could be able to do this with the advanced stuff but unfortunately "I r newb" lol. 


Ill keep thinking about this and see what I can come up with. I appreciate the ideas! Keep an eye on my "Su1C1dal Modlets" post for any new content. If I make any of these Ill try to remember and post it here as well so you know I completed them.

On 5/22/2020 at 8:33 PM, [email protected] said:

I have seen people edit the walking speed, size and outfits of the zombies.

I am wondering if it is possible to create an attractive Asian woman that follows you and mimics you.

Just imagine if the woman had storage space you could access and clothing slots you can interact with.

Of course someone would strip her naked and use her as a pack mule.

But if you could start mining and have her mimic you by mining the block next to yours.

Or if you shoot a zombie...she will shoot the next zombie.

If you craft a bullet. She will craft a bullet.

Maybe edit her so she has no life bar.

Furthermore make her busty asian cat girl. 

That might be cool.  

A weapon she carries will be a basic machine gun such as an M-60 or minigun.

However once you put a weapon in her tool belt it has endless ammo.

It indicates so with a green infinite symbol.

A secret option may include that the symbol remains after you remove it from her toolbelt.

However an option to enable her need food and water maybe cool....

Lastly I haven't seen any sexual or bathroom options.

Why is it no one has made a Tape deck lure?

A solar powered dual side tape player that attracts zombies toward traps.


There are already NPC's that are modded along with new zombies so I am sure there are ways to create exactly what you are looking for without the custom actions of course. I am not aware of anyone that has had a NPC that mimics or is controllable enough to do what you are wanting. The character itself for sure could be done. Not by me as that is out of my scope of modding at this time.


I am not sure what you mean by "sexual or bathroom options". I'm feel like you are wanting those actions in the game the ability to do those. I don't think TFP would be too excited about a love making mod and the bathroom option would add some realism to the game but I believe that it would be extensive to implement as you would need a bladder and colon bar to fill up and give you the need to use it. Im not sure what kind of actions you can create as I believe those to be in the dll or hardcoded into the game. Likely possible but out of my scope. Maybe this will inspire other modders to add something atleast for the bathroom needs portion.


I have been considering and done a little testing to see how the sound attraction works in game. So that is something I am pondering to see if I can get that to work properly or not.

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On 5/22/2020 at 5:33 PM, [email protected] said:

I have seen people edit the walking speed, size and outfits of the zombies.

I am wondering if it is possible to create an attractive Asian woman that follows you and mimics you.

Just imagine if the woman had storage space you could access and clothing slots you can interact with.

Of course someone would strip her naked and use her as a pack mule.

But if you could start mining and have her mimic you by mining the block next to yours.

Or if you shoot a zombie...she will shoot the next zombie.

If you craft a bullet. She will craft a bullet.

Maybe edit her so she has no life bar.

Furthermore make her busty asian cat girl. 

That might be cool.  

A weapon she carries will be a basic machine gun such as an M-60 or minigun.

However once you put a weapon in her tool belt it has endless ammo.

It indicates so with a green infinite symbol.

A secret option may include that the symbol remains after you remove it from her toolbelt.

However an option to enable her need food and water maybe cool....

Lastly I haven't seen any sexual or bathroom options.

Why is it no one has made a Tape deck lure?

A solar powered dual side tape player that attracts zombies toward traps.


This sounds to familiar like some type of Skyrim nudity mod lol...

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Hi and thanks for asking for ideas :)

Here is some suggestions for mods Im looking for:


1. Many more "mods" for weapons, tools, armor, clothes, vehicles and so on. I see many stats in the files that mods don't touch yet, would be great to see this part of the game expanded on more. This will give player even more options and I like options :)
Some examples:

Tool mods: range"reach", speed, reduce sound

Weapon mods: rate of fire, reload speed

Armor mods: Buff resistance, degradation, stamina cost


2. Blockbuster explosives "pve"

A form of explosive that can be used to blow up a single block. In my game we have building blocks with 40k hitpoints and is a nightmare to remove. Would love a mod that just turned those blocks to dust once and for all in a proper way.


3. Many more resources to mine

Two core elements of this game is resource gathering and crafting, and this game is one of the few games out there with fully destructible world. The potential here for resource gathering, rare resources and crafting is almost unlimited. Would be great to see this expanded on. Here is some ideas:

- Increase mining dept underground
- Underground is layered with many different layers, getting harder to mine for each layer, but each layer reveal new resources and rare resources.
- Have many different resources to be found underground, from easier on the top to more and more rear the deeper down you dig.
- This resources can be used to craft better and better tools, weapons, modifications, building blocks, rare items and so on.

At least many more resources to mine/harvest, and many more ingredients for crafting, expanding crafting so there is almost no limits to new/better things to craft.


4. More varied biomes

I dont know why this game is getting less biomes and not more, before we had plains and pine forest, no we dont. Anyway I would love to see more diversity in biomes, what about small rare biomes players need to search for with rare resources, what about marsh/swamp, jungle, grassland or get plains back?

More biome diversity is something I'm looking forward to.


Good luck with your modding :)

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I am not sure what you mean by "sexual or bathroom options"

You eat food and drink water.

You can interact with toilets.

Why is it you don't get the option to pee in a toilet?

When you go into strip club...

Why is it your guy has no reaction to top less women?

Can you create a gun with unlimited ammo?

This sounds to familiar like some type of Skyrim nudity mod lol...

Skyrim doesn't have guns....

Can you create a mod that freezes the gas gage on the mini bike?

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A mod that pauses the entity block (forge, campfire, science station, etc) when crafting is complete, but there is still fuel in there (wood, logs, coal, gas, etc)


Basically, stop a forge (etc) buying fuel if crafting/smelting has completed, so I don't always have to add the exact amount of fuel for the crafting process, or so I don't have to babysit it.


Cheers =]

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On 5/24/2020 at 4:39 AM, xxx73 said:

Hi and thanks for asking for ideas :)

Here is some suggestions for mods Im looking for:


1. Many more "mods" for weapons, tools, armor, clothes, vehicles and so on. I see many stats in the files that mods don't touch yet, would be great to see this part of the game expanded on more. This will give player even more options and I like options :)
Some examples:

Tool mods: range"reach", speed, reduce sound

Weapon mods: rate of fire, reload speed

Armor mods: Buff resistance, degradation, stamina cost


2. Blockbuster explosives "pve"

A form of explosive that can be used to blow up a single block. In my game we have building blocks with 40k hitpoints and is a nightmare to remove. Would love a mod that just turned those blocks to dust once and for all in a proper way.


3. Many more resources to mine

Two core elements of this game is resource gathering and crafting, and this game is one of the few games out there with fully destructible world. The potential here for resource gathering, rare resources and crafting is almost unlimited. Would be great to see this expanded on. Here is some ideas:

- Increase mining dept underground
- Underground is layered with many different layers, getting harder to mine for each layer, but each layer reveal new resources and rare resources.
- Have many different resources to be found underground, from easier on the top to more and more rear the deeper down you dig.
- This resources can be used to craft better and better tools, weapons, modifications, building blocks, rare items and so on.

At least many more resources to mine/harvest, and many more ingredients for crafting, expanding crafting so there is almost no limits to new/better things to craft.


4. More varied biomes

I dont know why this game is getting less biomes and not more, before we had plains and pine forest, no we dont. Anyway I would love to see more diversity in biomes, what about small rare biomes players need to search for with rare resources, what about marsh/swamp, jungle, grassland or get plains back?

More biome diversity is something I'm looking forward to.


Good luck with your modding :)

1- This "may" get added to the list. More than likely will wait for A19 as everything in the files will change and like any other alpha or game for that matter they almost always break the mods. It "may" get some small touching on before but nothing major as it will only create more work in the end to port it forward. Not sure how many are staying on A18 after the update so that will help determine what happens as far as porting back to it. 


2- Are you wanting an item that is used by admins to remove blocks to clear stuff out from old builds/players or are you wanting a tool that any player can use to make destruction easier? If you are wanting admin tools they are already available in the game. Have to do CM in the console and the open the cheat menu with "U" and type dev then click the dev icon to the left of search. There is a slew of tools TFP have provided for admin


3- This is something that is out of my scope at this time however, I have seen some modders working in this area and trying to make this better for the players who are looking for more.


4- This is also out of my scope at this time but again there are already modders working on this but there is a problem in the game that doesn't render stuff correctly. So this is being worked on but not much a modder can do with the texture issue.

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Hi, just wondering is there any chance for you to make a mod to make the hunger and thirst to persist even after you re-spawn?



a. if you were killed due to thirst or hunger and you re-spawn, the hunger/thirst will be at 40% instead of 100% again.

b. if killed by a zombie, hunger is at 50% instead of 100% when respawning.


Thank you



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Sorry to hear of your health issues but thanks for offering your time to make mod suggestions. That’s awesome!


+1 for new turrets and base defenses. A laser turret would be awesome. Any other turrets such as Gatling gun turret, crossbow turret, M60 turret would be great.


I’d really like for there to be a placeable turret which your character can sit in and you can rotate 360 degrees and fire the guns of, like a vehicle but static.


Another suggestion would be some kind of end game upgraded weapon versions. Something I thought of earlier was to add a T7 version of each firearm which is crafted with the recipe being purchased from the trader for a hefty price (100k per recipe, maybe more). The recipes should be quite rare and only appear late in the game. Materials would be something that would take a while to get and a lot of grinding. It would definitely require a T6 version of the same weapon type. I thought about the following materials being required:

- T6 version of the weapon

- x golden nuggets (I had the idea of it being the same model as the base weapon but with a metallic gold material so this would be a logical requirement)

- 30 *weapon* parts (maybe more)

- 1,000 of the ammo for the weapon type (or 10,000. Maybe this makes an infinite ammo version of the weapon)

The new version would have a slight increase to damage, fire speed and magazine capacity. Also would be really cool if it had a new firing animation and sound. Remember in CoD Black Ops zombies when you Pack-a-punched a gun and it would fire laser bullets and make laser sounds? Something like that!


Just a few ideas anyway. I’m going to have to mod some kind of more powerful weapon into the game myself fairly soon. I’m starting to have real trouble clearing T5 fetch/clears now. Just got taken down by a group of 8 radiated ferals/bikers/big mommas. My T6 shotgun barely made a dent in them 😡


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey! Figured I'd give this a try being shot down by TFP.  Thanks for making a thread like this!


1. A mod to remove 'nerd polling.' The best option I can come up with is to limit nerd polling and building all together to the land claim block. Then make it so the land claim can only be made out of a high tier material like steel and cost an almost unreasonable amount so it will only be used to relocate your base to another location. It will also stop players from just throwing there land claim down anywhere and make frames just for building.

Land claim block seems the best route to go as removing wood/metal frames will just encourage players to find other cheap alternatives, ladders, stacking stairs .ect

      You get what I'm trying to do, if the fix to achieve this screws up base building then it becomes a nomad mod.


2. A time penalty reload for those who reload before they fully expend there magazine.

If you reload half a magazine then you'll do it when your not under attack or when it makes sense to.
Stops constant reloading, can be considered fumbling with your magazines or screwing up your reload which IRL should happen time to time along with jams but we won't go there.


Making these changes to the base game IMO add more realisms and challenge to the game, makes the gyrocopter more relevant, and balances issues TFP are starting to sound like they are not going to do anything about like POI cheesing. I also believe these would make already existing mods more interesting and re-playable like Ravenhearst & War of the Walkers. 


If these mods already exist please let me know.

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On 5/22/2020 at 3:27 AM, Su1C1daL said:

I know not everyone knows how to or wants to mod for 7 days. I myself am not a great modder but can generally get the job done. I know we have a great community of mod creators in this forum and beyond and hopefully they may drop some expertise to help us out. I unfortunately have some extra time on my hands and have been back to dabbling in mods again. Maybe I can help get you that one thing you have been wanting or waiting for to happen.

I took a quick look into it but haven't found any documentation on the XML (in textual form, watching hours of videos explaining things that i could read in textform in 10 minutes is anoying. Also i can not quickly look up a special thing in a video. That's anoying).


I'd like to have the attributes of the skilltree changed, because i dislike that each base perks just buffs specific weapons and therfore think weapons-skill-balance should be changed.


Perception -> Attribute: Increase headshot damage by 10% per level


Strenght -> Attribute: Increase melee damage by 10% per level


Fortitude -> Attribute: Increase fire rate by 5%, reduce recoil by 5%

-> add a Perk "berserk" -> reduce stamina use for melee default attack by 10%, reduce stamina use for melee power attack by 20%.


Agility -> Attribute: Increase reload speed by 5% per Level, increase melee attack speed by 5%


Intelligence -> Attribute: Increase weapon durability by 5% per level

-> add a Perk "mad surgeon" -> increase dismemberment chance by 10%


Create a new tree "Combat" -> 5 stages, lvl1 required to use t1 weapons (is already given like the other attributes), lvl3 required to use t2 weapons, lvl5 required to use t3 weapons (don't know if it is possible to prohibit the use of an entire weapon if the skill is not yet skilled). Each stage costs 2pt; Increase damage dealt by 10% per level.

Move all combat perks to this tree. Change the base requirements to require the combat base perk at the same level.



Add a debuff to the M60 -> 20% slower movement (when drawn) (10% slower movement when in belt)


All buffs apply to EACH weapon.

I don't know if these exact numbers work well, but that has to be tested. Probably the generic buffs are to strong in combination with the weapon specific perks, so maybe their values should be halfed.


But i don't know if this makes still sense to do for A18. And we don't know yet how the A19 skilltree will look like.

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Sorry everyone, I have been side tracked from this posting so to say. I have looked into some of this in the meantime but no meaning full progress yet but am looking into more today to see what I can do to help with the requests. I'll probably make a list in the original post to keep it more organized.  I will also be responding to the posts that have been made. I see that there is also the streamer weekend going on this weekend for A19 which means its not to far out now. So unlikely that I will make anything new unless its an easy fix. I will look into the ideas so as to have a plan on what can be done.

On 6/25/2020 at 11:55 AM, STyK_ said:

Hey! Figured I'd give this a try being shot down by TFP.  Thanks for making a thread like this!


1. A mod to remove 'nerd polling.' The best option I can come up with is to limit nerd polling and building all together to the land claim block. Then make it so the land claim can only be made out of a high tier material like steel and cost an almost unreasonable amount so it will only be used to relocate your base to another location. It will also stop players from just throwing there land claim down anywhere and make frames just for building.

Land claim block seems the best route to go as removing wood/metal frames will just encourage players to find other cheap alternatives, ladders, stacking stairs .ect

      You get what I'm trying to do, if the fix to achieve this screws up base building then it becomes a nomad mod.


2. A time penalty reload for those who reload before they fully expend there magazine.

If you reload half a magazine then you'll do it when your not under attack or when it makes sense to.
Stops constant reloading, can be considered fumbling with your magazines or screwing up your reload which IRL should happen time to time along with jams but we won't go there.


Making these changes to the base game IMO add more realisms and challenge to the game, makes the gyrocopter more relevant, and balances issues TFP are starting to sound like they are not going to do anything about like POI cheesing. I also believe these would make already existing mods more interesting and re-playable like Ravenhearst & War of the Walkers. 


If these mods already exist please let me know.

Nerd polling has been worked on by a couple other people already, Ill post the links for you. Not sure if this is a proper solution for you or not. Nerd polling is a tough one to handle without affecting the ability to build. I will look into the reloading modding for you but that will likely be a .dll edit of sorts. I don't believe that something like that can be done in a modlet or in a easy fashion. Will look into it to confirm my suspicion. Do a search within the links posted with "nerd" and should find what you are looking for.





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On 6/25/2020 at 12:47 PM, Liesel Weppen said:

I took a quick look into it but haven't found any documentation on the XML (in textual form, watching hours of videos explaining things that i could read in textform in 10 minutes is anoying. Also i can not quickly look up a special thing in a video. That's anoying).


I'd like to have the attributes of the skilltree changed, because i dislike that each base perks just buffs specific weapons and therfore think weapons-skill-balance should be changed.


Perception -> Attribute: Increase headshot damage by 10% per level


Strenght -> Attribute: Increase melee damage by 10% per level


Fortitude -> Attribute: Increase fire rate by 5%, reduce recoil by 5%

-> add a Perk "berserk" -> reduce stamina use for melee default attack by 10%, reduce stamina use for melee power attack by 20%.


Agility -> Attribute: Increase reload speed by 5% per Level, increase melee attack speed by 5%


Intelligence -> Attribute: Increase weapon durability by 5% per level

-> add a Perk "mad surgeon" -> increase dismemberment chance by 10%


Create a new tree "Combat" -> 5 stages, lvl1 required to use t1 weapons (is already given like the other attributes), lvl3 required to use t2 weapons, lvl5 required to use t3 weapons (don't know if it is possible to prohibit the use of an entire weapon if the skill is not yet skilled). Each stage costs 2pt; Increase damage dealt by 10% per level.

Move all combat perks to this tree. Change the base requirements to require the combat base perk at the same level.



Add a debuff to the M60 -> 20% slower movement (when drawn) (10% slower movement when in belt)


All buffs apply to EACH weapon.

I don't know if these exact numbers work well, but that has to be tested. Probably the generic buffs are to strong in combination with the weapon specific perks, so maybe their values should be halfed.


But i don't know if this makes still sense to do for A18. And we don't know yet how the A19 skilltree will look like.

Changing of the skill tree should be fairly simple to add just something that would need to be coded and tested for the proper numbers that make the most sense. Not sure on how adding new skills works but I do know that it is possible. Same with the stages as well. Not sure if there is a way to add buffs to items that are held though. Something to look into and see if possible. I know you can with blocks and obviously food/drinks. Ill add it to the list and see what I can do with it.


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Thanks for linking to my mod but I removed the anti-nerdpole element from it. That's no statement about playing the game without nerdpoling as I think the modlet was great. I just felt my mod was trying to do too many things and I wanted it really focused.

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16 minutes ago, Roland said:

Thanks for linking to my mod but I removed the anti-nerdpole element from it. That's no statement about playing the game without nerdpoling as I think the modlet was great. I just felt my mod was trying to do too many things and I wanted it really focused.

NOOOOO! ok well at least know its possible.
@Rolandif it is possible then, the details of how you accomplished it?

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I copied and pasted Sphereii's modlet (with his permission). He is the one who made it work but it is dmt and that was another reason I decided to let it go because I was trying to keep things as much as possible to xml editing alone.

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5 hours ago, Su1C1daL said:

Sorry everyone, I have been side tracked from this posting so to say. I have looked into some of this in the meantime but no meaning full progress yet but am looking into more today to see what I can do to help with the requests. I'll probably make a list in the original post to keep it more organized.  I will also be responding to the posts that have been made. I see that there is also the streamer weekend going on this weekend for A19 which means its not to far out now. So unlikely that I will make anything new unless its an easy fix. I will look into the ideas so as to have a plan on what can be done.

Nerd polling has been worked on by a couple other people already, Ill post the links for you. Not sure if this is a proper solution for you or not. Nerd polling is a tough one to handle without affecting the ability to build. I will look into the reloading modding for you but that will likely be a .dll edit of sorts. I don't believe that something like that can be done in a modlet or in a easy fashion. Will look into it to confirm my suspicion. Do a search within the links posted with "nerd" and should find what you are looking for.





Alright, thanks man. Well lets see what happens after A19 release. I don't care if the answer is to break building I'll see what left and what I can do with it, the option to nerd poll just needs to be removed. 

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On 6/26/2020 at 3:16 PM, Su1C1daL said:

Nerd polling has been worked on by a couple other people already, Ill post the links for you. Not sure if this is a proper solution for you or not. Nerd polling is a tough one to handle without affecting the ability to build. I will look into the reloading modding for you but that will likely be a .dll edit of sorts. I don't believe that something like that can be done in a modlet or in a easy fashion. Will look into it to confirm my suspicion. Do a search within the links posted with "nerd" and should find what you are looking for.

I am told what I am looking for is in the overhaul mod for raven hearst. You can't place a block while you are in the air. So worst case I can play that after everything gets updated.

I would really like that mod able to be added to the Vanilla game though because raven hearst is really a whole other game and with this mod in the vanilla game I could even play MP without the balances it currently needs. Edit: When they disable E button pick up as mentioned in the dev vids it will slow down people enough they won't want to 'nerd poll' combined with can't place in air. I'm told it could be taken one further and add nails to the 'frame' recipe.

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I would like to see a mod which addresses the lack of Transgender zombies in this game.  


Nah just kidding. I'd like to see some new late game things like advanced ore processing and refining(such as chemical refining, washplant types of facilities) where you have to supply it with energy and other chemicals or water, but your yield ends up slightly better. Maybe an electric smelter that is faster and gives an occasional bonus ingot, or generates a slag byproduct which can be used for other recipes. Or maybe even a higher tiered toolset that uses tungsted or diamond tipped tools.

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Can you create a Mod that is a collection of guns or weapons imported from other first person shooters?

Can you take the weapons list from the previous generations of skyrim?

Can you copy the coding for the weapons from previous generations of call of duty?

It may be interesting to have a sword or a mace.

Plus it my be awesome to use Trip wires attached to grenades or use a mounted mini gun.

It is too bad you can't make an Alpha 19 game console update....

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