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On 6/24/2021 at 5:53 PM, doughphunghus said:

As far as I know there’s no experience of anyone removing it who told me about it. I’ve never tried removing it in an already running game.

If you want to try: I can think of 2 options: total removal (risky) and “lightly disable” (probably much safer, but not totally removing everything)


first: you should back up your save game files. so you don’t corrupt your save game by attempting to remove the mod (or any mod). I would always work on the assumption that removing or adding any mods mid game could possibly corrupt the game in some fashion and cause possible game loss.


Possibility 1 - total removal of mod: if you can, before removing/deleting the mod from your game/ try to have all players “scrap” or “drop” any items you may have on you or in inventory (cheats, etc) first that are related to it.And if you have any quests from it that are active for any players (it has a geocaching map quest) you might want to “fail” or deactivate (or I guess go dig them up and complete them). 

if you don’t do this I would believe it’s possible for the game to load up with some errors as those items will “no longer be found”.  It’s also possible? That if you had them in your personal

loot chests and didn’t scrap/drop them that when you open the chest an error might pop up.


I would also assume that if any traders had stocked items from the mod, they will still have them, so it’s possible if you visited a trader before they restocked it might cause some errors/weirdness. 

I would also assume any loot containers anyone visited (opened) and didn’t take out all items related to this mod would still have the items in the container… and it would never naturally refresh the loot container, so it might throw errors when someone eventually openes it up again?


These are all guesses, but how I would remove it “completely” and cross my fingers.

Possibility 2 - another option, which is probably “safer”, is not to remove it but “lightly disable” parts of it. go into the mod  and rename “loot.xml” something like  “_loot.xml”.  This should stop anyone from finding new  items from this mod in loot, without removing any existing items from the game.  Then, you might be able to do the same renaming with “recipes.xml” so there will be no more recipe crafting from it (or showing a lot of recipes you can never use in the game). So sure, someone might have some special items left around, but no one will find any more or be able to craft anything new from the mod.


!Warning!: these options are both “guesses” by me on how it could be removed/disabled. I’ve never done this and I’m also not looking at the mod now (not at my pc, but I looked at it on GitHub) so  not 100% sure, especially for a multiplayer game which I don’t test on/for. I believe the “general rule” is to jot just remove mods in an already running game, and I don’t test or document doing this at all when making my mods!

Note: the mod does define special “blocks” like the game boards, so if any are placed anywhere you likely should destroy them. If you cannot delete/destroy all items and blocks from the world/inventory then “lightly disabling” the mod as mentioned above is likely the better option to try.

Hey and thank you very much for that detailed answer!

It helped me a lot, I decided for the rename option and till now it seems to work fine.
I only changed it on the server files and nobody has got errors, so it seems to work.

Thank you!

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@GrimGuardianIt looks like its colliding with the vanilla game new twitch integration and none of the mods you have loaded.  I'm going to spend a few minutes looking for an "open" lootcontainer ID and then I'll update the mod, then post again here.  Thanks for letting me know!

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New mod added:

Modlet: UI-Remove-PlayerItemsFromCompass - Hides player crafted/placed items from appearing on the compass. You have to get close to find them!


This is meant to be used with my "Remove the Map" mod, but is also inspired and should be somewhat compatible with other "remove items from the compass" or 'remove on screen sprites' mods I've seen.  See the mods readme for items removed.


See readme in mod for inspirational credits.  I will likely (someday) make a mod to either remove all the player created item, "distance markers" or make the "sprite item marker distance" really short.  I haven't decided because I haven't played something like this in my own games yet.


Recently updated mods:

YouveGotMail - Added several new things, and utilized some non-mail containers to add loot where it seems humanity and personal items would be present.

Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse - Added some "rotten" food items that can be used to craft some new food items or eaten.  Basically another small side line of craftable food, and to give players with no perks into its perk tree something to collect/eat if they really need it.  Used these items to add to additional containers where you would normally find them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/19/2020 at 6:48 PM, doughphunghus said:


Modlet: Doughs-Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse - "Food expansion" intended for YouveGotMail , but can be installed by itself. Adds ~40 new food related items.

Is this mod server side safe?: It should be


I just got Sous Chef yesterday and I have noticed that many things in that mod don't have icons and are blank. Is there going to be a review of this so those items can be updated? Fried Mushrooms, Mushroom Pie, Berry Tea, Iced Mixed Tea, Iced Coffee, Yucca Chips, Hashbrown, Mashed Potato, Corn Grits, Blueberry Jam, Yucca Jam, Egg Salad, Fried Meat, Corn Chips, Blueberry Jam Sandwich, Yucca Jam Sandwich, Coffee Cake, Meat and Beer Pie, Fried Egg, French Toast, Honey Glazed Meat, Blueberry Soda, Kvass Soda, Carbonated Water, Distilled Vodka, Snowberry Gin, Sugar Extract, Rock Candy, Blueberry Candy, Snowberry Candy, Plain Fudge, Energy Tablet, Sponge Cake, Blueberry Sponge Cake, Yucca Sponge Cake, and Custard Pie.

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10 hours ago, Kate said:


I just got Sous Chef yesterday and I have noticed that many things in that mod don't have icons and are blank. Is there going to be a review of this so those items can be updated? Fried Mushrooms, Mushroom Pie, Berry Tea, Iced Mixed Tea, Iced Coffee, Yucca Chips, Hashbrown, Mashed Potato, Corn Grits, Blueberry Jam, Yucca Jam, Egg Salad, Fried Meat, Corn Chips, Blueberry Jam Sandwich, Yucca Jam Sandwich, Coffee Cake, Meat and Beer Pie, Fried Egg, French Toast, Honey Glazed Meat, Blueberry Soda, Kvass Soda, Carbonated Water, Distilled Vodka, Snowberry Gin, Sugar Extract, Rock Candy, Blueberry Candy, Snowberry Candy, Plain Fudge, Energy Tablet, Sponge Cake, Blueberry Sponge Cake, Yucca Sponge Cake, and Custard Pie.

These aren’t icons in my Sous Chef mod as it doesn’t add new icons, it just reuses existing ones. It looks like another food mod I have helped update though in the past (it looks like it’s this one: https://7daystodiemods.com/more-vanilla-foods-drinks/).  The only way that the icons would be missing (normally, assuming that mod has not been broken) is: are you playing single player or joining a game? If you are joining a game that has this mod you also need to have that mod loaded on your system, as the icons from a joined game are not sent to the clients/joining systems. 

if you have loaded this mod (I linked above) and the icons are still missing, then maybe it’s a version mismatch or there’s actually an issue the mod authors is unaware of. The authors mod post is here: 



if you’re unable to get it working let me know as I can do some testing and validate if there is an issue or not with the mod or something else.  Sometimes these things take a bit of work to nail down what’s causing it



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New Mod Added:

Modlet: Doughs-Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse-ClientIcons - Adds client side custom icons to Doughs-Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse.

Is this mod server side safe?: No, it contains custom icons


The purpose is to "beautify" Doughs-Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse, which is a server side safe mod while keeping it a server safe mod. It is also to prepare/package the graphics (crosses fingers) for the day when mod icons are sent from the server to the client, and at tat time the graphics will be merged into the parent mod.

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Made a tutorial video for the "Electric-CapacitorBank" mod I made to show ways of using it.  It also showcases some quirks with battery banks.

Youtube: Capacitor tutorial


Another use I did not document as its very unlikely is: You have the game difficulty turned up very high (takes forever to get to batteries/gens), OR you have modded the game so battery banks/generators/solar are really hard to get and "charged" capacitors are not.  Basically: you have to use capacitors to power traps (or electric lights? yeah, torches still rule for this) for quite a bit before power is easy/cheap.  This means you have to be very conscious on how the traps are triggered as well as power usage/drain between them.  I doubt anyone will ever play like this but hey, someone might :). Imaging not being able to run traps all night long and selectively having to activate them "as needed"/emergency.


Also: Like this mod, I *really* *really* *really* want someone to figure out how to make the flashlight in the game do 2 things:

1. Require batteries that eventually run out (like in a few in game nights, if you leave them off during the day)

2. Flashlight bulb quality/type determines brightness of the bulb and battery drain/wattage use. So you can make finding good batteries "rare" but make finding good bulbs "end game".

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  • 1 month later...

I have been playing this game for 8 years and just discovered this today...


I love weather effects in this game. does the mod add any graphical/world conditions. Like a very dark day with lightning almost strobe like and no rain.

Or Rain so hard and loud you can barely here the zeds?




Does it simply increase the bad weather the game already has to offer?



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3 hours ago, Bigrowdy said:

I have been playing this game for 8 years and just discovered this today...


I love weather effects in this game. does the mod add any graphical/world conditions. Like a very dark day with lightning almost strobe like and no rain.

Or Rain so hard and loud you can barely here the zeds?




Does it simply increase the bad weather the game already has to offer?



short answer: Currently “weather control” via pure xml mods is very limited, so it basically just ramps up the available weather options in the game.

No extra sounds or effects today :(


long answer:

the default game weather (per biome) is broken down into … let’s say generically…3 options. Usually it’s a “mostly decent weather” with some low chances of “worse weather”. So most of the time in the game it’s rather nice out in terms of cloud cover/rain:snow/etc.


on top of that there’s the “particle effects density” (I’ll call it that for now) for stuff like “snow fall” and “dirt in the air” which is not set very high by default, probably to keep the FPS up for most people. 

My weather mod breaks up the “3 configs” and pushes the “normal” setting to be a bit more extreme for the biome. So snow biome is a bit colder, desert a bit hotter as a normal/average condition.  Then I skew it to be “mostly worse” when the weather goes outside of the normal conditions. And on top of that, I add some outliers for “really really bad” and “really really nice”.  The end result is you have weather be “crappier” more often than not, and some smaller chances of getting a terrible day (super hot/cold/rainy) as well as a “clear day”. I wanted clear/nice days to really be rare and “pop” if/when they occurred. 


the end result isn’t super amazing as I’m  finding the weather can “jump” a bit (like go from “raining a lot” to “stopped raining immediately”).  It still needs a bit of tuning, but the overall effect works pretty well.


for “particle effects density” it’s just 1 setting and doesn’t seem to allow tuning that I can see. By default I turned it all the way up just to make it harder to see far away, and it fits with the generically worse weather.


hopefully weather will be worked on more in a20 and I can tune it better. I’m going to comb over all my mods when a20 drops and try to clean up all the rougher edges, but I doubt I’ll be able to get better effects like sound control and visual effects control (lightning, wind/rain sound etc). It seems that’s tied to the wind/cloud cover today (which my mods make happen more often, but I can’t control the volume, just the cloud cover/wind speed).


also: the temperature changes apparently don’t work well today, as I think the temp is capped at hot and cold. I really wanted the burnt forest to kill you if you happened to be in it on a bad day (not sheltered. I wanted to have to run inside or dig a hole, etc).and didn’t run out. Same with desert/snow.  But it doesn’t happen today, per game limitations. It just gets as hot/cold as it can. 

also: the weather tuning that can be done outside of xml (using DMT) is better. A prime example is the “seasons” mod.  But you have to install it with the mod launcher (handles the DMT install and build) or build it yourself with DMT. 



also: I’ve had some requests “ always rain” and similar and I might make these if more people request it but it gets complicated to handle all the per biome conditions for everyone (maybe they don’t want it to always rain in just the snow biome, etc).  Changing or adding sounds might be possible (in the future) but can be hard to do unless the devs give us some nice hooks to play the right sounds at the right time, which I don’t think we have for weather right now.

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New mods added:

Modlet: Nerf-ItemStacks - Lowers the amount of items that can stack in a storage slot in backpacks/containers/etc.

NOTE: The stack lowering is extreme in many cases and it a weak attempt to make "what you can carry" more realistic without dealing with weight calculations. All of the stack limits I have chosen are arbitrary but I tried to make it "like an armful" or "you might try to carry this many without going overboard". See the mods README for examples and more justifications for why you might want to try this mod.


Modlet: UI-LowerLootPercentages - Allows for more options below the vanilla 25% loot in the game start options menu.  New options are: 2%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%

Is this mod server side safe?: It should be but it is unknown.  If anyone can confirm this, please let me know!

FAQ: Why not a 1% option?  I thought about it but came to the conclusion no one would use it ;)

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A note on my mods and a20 releasing:


For a20 and  "experimental" releases:

I don't plan on updating any of my mods specifically for or during a20 experimental BUT if anyone really wants me to do a few just ask me what mod(s) you would like and I'll consider it (assuming its obviously not working and/or throwing load errors or something). The smaller/simpler the mod is the more likely I'm willing to try fixing them for a particular experimental release/version.  I won't promise anything though ;)


For a20 "non-experimantal" releases:

I have a "what to work on first" poll on the first page of this thread and plan to follow it's results on the "order if updates". I have a lot of self imposed bugfixes (see github issues lists) and other changes I want to do so it might take a bit of time for some of the larger mods.  If anyone uses my mods and has "annoyances" on something I've done (or weird balance issues) please also let me know and I'll consider your change requests.  You can always submit an issue on github HERE and that will work too. Please note that I generally try to balance my mods to make the game more difficult and/or more chaotic so the issue may be purposeful.


For a19 mods:

If you have made customizations (small ones!) to my mods for your own games and would like me to add them into my a19 mods (which will be used as a base for a20) send me a message and a link to your changed mod and I'll see if I can fit it in so you don't have to mange/update it for a20.  If its too radical or not in the "theme" or concept of the mod that I am going for I'll let you know.  Anyone who contributes will be credited (especially for bug fixes).  If anyone has made a localization.txt files for any of my a19 mods, now would be the time to have me merge it!


Once a20 is out of experimental, I will likely "freeze" my a19 and earlier mods and no longer perform updates/support for them.


Additionally: I'm likely to put out only a few more mods (maybe. A few more ideas have been on the back burners for awhile). I'm considering trying to instead focus on just making POI's (or whatever we can create for new "buildings/cities/whatever") for awhile instead of making more XML mods.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: Quick and dirty conversion of some a19 mods to a20 b233, per a few requests I have gotten. They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Mods-a20

Modlet: PunishingWeather-Core

Modlet: PunishingWeather-Effects-Medium

Modlet: PunishingWeather-Effects-Light

Modlet: Buff-Grenades

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Update: New mod added: Craft-SantaHat

Adds a recipe for crafting the Santa Hat, per a request on the modding Requests + Discussions forum.


Update: Quick and dirty conversion of some a19 mods to a20 b238 (stable). They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Mods-a20

Modlet: Buff-PipeBombs <- No changes to functionality, small balancing changes

Modlet: Electric-CapacitorBank <- Added a JournalTip and better Localization.txt

Modlet: Nerf-Backpack-CarryCapacity <- No changes to functionality

Modlet: OneHourOfDaylight <- Added a few more options to add more granularity to hours near 0 and 24

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Update: Quick and dirty conversion of some a19 mods to a20 b238 (stable). They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Mods-a20

Modlet: Doughs-Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse

Modlet: Doughs-Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse-ClientIcons - Adds client side custom icons to Doughs-Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse.

Modlet: Remove-TheMap

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Update: Quick and dirty conversion of some a19 mods to a20 b238 (stable). They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Mods-a20

Modlet: UI-Hide-TheDayAndTime

Modlet: UI-LowerLootPercentages

Modlet: UIAddFiveRecipeIngredients


Not updating these mods for a20 unless someone requests it. These are mods that were for very niche cases, or were requests from people and other existing mods do similar things, or they never worked well, or the current game settings renders them basically not needed anymore. Put another way: I stopped using them in my games or are using other peoples mods that do the same thing.

Modlet: Buff-Ambiance-DarkerNights Why? in a20 Nights are nice and dark and this mod washes out torches and lights a LOT now so personal lighting looks bad.

Modlet: Buff-Ambiance-DarkerInside Why? in a20 Inside of buildings are nice and dark and this mod washes out torches and lights a LOT now so personal lighting looks bad.

Modlet: Screamers-Spawn-More Why? Just a thrown together 1 liner that doesn't work like I wanted or imagined, and fixing it would be a chore.

Modlet: PunishingWeather-Rain-More Why? With a20 and PunishingWeather-Core it rains quite a bit in most places. I may make a mod like this that makes it rain all the time instead of "a bit more". This was really just a personal mod I used to have rain a lot, but the weather XML rework in a20 makes this so much easier to tune for.

Modlet: PunishingWeather-Temp-MoreInBurntForest Why? With a20 and PunishingWeather-Core its probably hot enough, and until I can see that making it 212 F can actually kill the player from heat I'm not bringing it back.  I'll likely test making a better mod after awhile.

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On 12/25/2021 at 5:50 AM, doughphunghus said:

Update: Quick and dirty conversion of some a19 mods to a20 b238 (stable). They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Mods-a20

Modlet: Doughs-Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse

Modlet: Doughs-Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse-ClientIcons - Adds client side custom icons to Doughs-Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse.

Modlet: Remove-TheMap

Much appreciated. Sous Chef of the Apocalypse has been missed in the server; a little more so in A20.

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Update: Quick and dirty conversion of some a19 mods to a20 b238 (stable). They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Mods-a20

Modlet: Buff-Infection

Modlet: UI-Remove-PlayerItemsFromCompass

Modlet: PunishingWorld-NewbieCoat-Remove

Modlet: Nerf-ItemStacks <- And lowered more base defense blocks, like doors/hatches

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Update: Quick and dirty conversion of some a19 mods to a20 b238 (stable). They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Mods-a20

Modlet: RabbitOfCaerbannog. Have not tested, but if you have Feral sense on you might want to tweak this thing to be easier to kill since its so tiny and you might not be able to avoid it hunting you. Its based off of the animal template so I don't think it will hunt you down (from a great distance) with Feral sense turned on.  Normally you have to shoot it or be pretty close before it targets and destroys you.  Tested running away and this still works to an extent on vanilla settings. Highest spawn rates are like 7% or less in "bad places" like wasteland, 1-2% or less in "normal places"

Modlet: PunishingWorld-BlockStability-Nerf


Not updating these mods for a20 unless someone requests it.

Modlet: RabbitOfCaerbannog-SpawnsALot Why? The spawn rates have been added to RabbitOfCaerbannog. If you're loading this rabbit, odds are you're going to want to fight ( or avoid) it so it needs the extra spawn rates as normally it was a super rare horde spawn and you'd likely never see it.  With "Feral sense" maybe this changes things up too much (have not tested).

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Update: Quick and dirty conversion of some a19 mods to a20 b238 (stable). They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Mods-a20

Modlet: YouveGotMail


New a20 Mods:

Modlet: GiveMeABreak - Increases falling damage so you cannot fall from as high without taking leg damage. > 3-4 blocks has chances to sprain/break/etc.   It now might feel "more natural" to jump off of the roof of a house (for example) as you're more likely going to get hurt.

Modlet: Remove-CompassPoints - Removes the compass points and directional markers/ordinals. The 'Compass' is now just a useful area to see markers on the map. Companion mod to use with Remove-TheMap

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Hi Doughphunghus

Thanks for all the updated mods.
Here are some of my favorites: Doughs-Screamers-Spawn-More, SousChefOfTheApocalypse, UIAddFiveRecipeIngredients and the one for Doughscommonsounds (I currently have the one for a19 and only have a few warnings in yellow).
By the way, will you update the sounds?
Happy holidays everyone

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36 minutes ago, Gouki said:

Hi Doughphunghus

Thanks for all the updated mods.
Here are some of my favorites: Doughs-Screamers-Spawn-More, SousChefOfTheApocalypse, UIAddFiveRecipeIngredients and the one for Doughscommonsounds (I currently have the one for a19 and only have a few warnings in yellow).
By the way, will you update the sounds?
Happy holidays everyone

I'm glad you're liking several!


Long story short for sound mod: Yes... but...The sound mod is a bit more work than my other XML mods as sounds have changed and I wanted to redo some of them.


The sounds are a bit tricky (just takes time for me to make the sounds themselves). I have a mini-project I'm hoping to finish up (sooonish) to try to document "how to add sounds to the game" and hopefully make it a bit more accessible to others (I'll probably post it as a tutorial on the modding forum) to make their own mini sound mods with a tiny bit or standardization so maybe they will all mostly play well together (load without errors).  Should this "take off" it might be interesting to see if we get a bunch of new sound mods from people, especially ones for zombie sounds as I've struggled to create any of those (that sound good) and I feel people want more of those so maybe someone will be able to.


But anyway: I'm playing a bit of a20 to get a feel for it and have noticed several sounds (doors mostly) that have changed so I'm thinking of *maybe* re-doing my sound mod into multiple sound mods (wood doors, metal doors, zeds, the new "mining sounds", etc) so it might be a bit easier for people to mix and match what sounds they want ( like if another modder makes door sounds you can pick and choose easily which ones you like, assuming if both were added it might be weird if a door opens with a "creak", and then opens with a "quack"). Since the doors changed, I'll have to re-do most of them probably, hopefully I can keep a few of 'the best" sounds I had before or mix them in with the new door sounds (add little squeaks and such).


I have been trying to "automate" some of the sound processing so I can generate a few "unique-ish" sounds quickly from existing sounds, but it may not bear much fruit. 


Also: I'm happy someone is using the UIAddFiveRecipeIngredients mod.  I wasn't sure if anyone was and I was *really* lucky it just works in a20.  It was my first mod (a17) and it was not easy to make (for me).  I can't seem to smooth the rough edges out on it!


SousChefOfTheApocalypse seems to be a favorite of people so I was thinking of making more like this (adds extra "independent" perk trees, lots of unique stuff to do, nothing overpowered just fun, etc).  Any specific reasons you like it (a food mod, more crafting, the balance/challenge, server side mod etc)?  I'm not sure if its people just like cooking (like some people like building) or if there's something specific.  I personally just wanted more food (the "egg souffle" was a joke and inspiration... "hey, before we die, want me to whip up us up a nice egg souffle?")  but also wanted it to be a bit difficult to make the good stuff vs finding/buying everything.

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Greetings! I really like the concept of the buff infection mod so I thought I'd give it a try. The only issue I have is that it seems to be reducing the effectivness of the honey and probably the antibiotics, but I didn't have any of them to test. I loved the sense of urgency that the increased speed of infections spread induces and it really made me take it seriously after my first couple deaths lol. Anyways, I got infected this time around and it built up to about 4.6% before I made it to one of my last two jars of honey. I wolfed it down and continued on my way. I wasn't paying attention and just assumed that would do the trick but before long I see its at 4% and rising! So I take my last honey, wait and watch as only 2% gets removed before the honey wears off. Is that intended?

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5 hours ago, ate0ate said:

Greetings! I really like the concept of the buff infection mod so I thought I'd give it a try. The only issue I have is that it seems to be reducing the effectivness of the honey and probably the antibiotics, but I didn't have any of them to test. I loved the sense of urgency that the increased speed of infections spread induces and it really made me take it seriously after my first couple deaths lol. Anyways, I got infected this time around and it built up to about 4.6% before I made it to one of my last two jars of honey. I wolfed it down and continued on my way. I wasn't paying attention and just assumed that would do the trick but before long I see its at 4% and rising! So I take my last honey, wait and watch as only 2% gets removed before the honey wears off. Is that intended?

I had not noticed that!  I'll test it and see if I can figure out what's happening.  Its possible the counter (in some scenarios, like the lowest setting) counts so fast it burns through the "slow healing of honey/antibiotics" too fast.  I'll see if I can balance it out, hopefully I won't have to mess with the honey/antibiotic timers, but if I do I might throw in a new type of antibiotic or something you can craft with honey or sham sandwiches to make a more effective (faster curing) antibiotic to even it out. Not a great fix (especially early game as you're unlikely to be able to get these items) but it might keep it feeling the same where a "fast" infection is going to cause you to have to deal with it immediately.


Update/Edit: Confirmed. I've been staring at the XML and I can't figure out what is causing this,  yet. I hope to be able to fix it as it does look like a bug.


It looks like the faster the infection is, the less the % cure effect is when you take it. like, the cure effect % changes to be less effective the faster your infection is.  Based on your numbers, to "cure' your infection mentioned above, you would have had to drink about 2 honey at the same time to get to about 5% as it seems (and I validated it acts like this) like its being cut in 1/2.

Note; the %infected and % being cured stats show up on your character screen, so at least you can see how ineffective the cure % really is at the moment and how much you will need to actually cure yourself.

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