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A19/A18 CreaturePacks - A community entity project


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If the math is correct, on average the chance of a custom zombie vs a vanilla zombie is 50/50 in biome spawning but i see that the horde spawn is out of balance so i will fix that in todays patch.

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Thank you very much for all the work and effort you are doing.

I have a question, is there a way to make bandits with more accuracy aiming? it would be great it would feel more realistic.[/quote


Not in the vanilla version, as the game code forces a delay of a few seconds on the vomit class we use, so its easy to avoid getting hit. On the NPC 'DMT" version they are deadly accurate.


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Not in the vanilla version, as the game code forces a delay of a few seconds on the vomit class we use, so its easy to avoid getting hit. On the NPC 'DMT" version they are deadly accurate.


I don't know, but so far NPCs seem to have this weird delay too when shooting and I do have the latest version of the mods installed. As for the delay itself, what if SphereII added a special code to his core that would allow to avoid this delay if the character is an NPC or bandit? At least people who play with creature pack AND NPCs would have this option to make all the NPCs more of a challenge...

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Second mini quest added, to creaturepack animals this time, and first miniquest in humans pack adjusted slightly.


Thank you! I didn't get a chance to start the first one yet. Are these quests implemented in game in form of notes that can be found as random loot?

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Added the Behemoth. He has a mesh issue that cant be fixed in Unity unless I make new kneeling and death anims, so on death he gets a little, er, excited. :chargrined:

I also didnt add him to spawning groups yet as hes a boss, and would need some thought on when/where he appears.

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Just some input:

After you play it through a few times, these packs are exactly the stuff this game needs to keep it fun without changing any of the core elements of the game. Thanks to everyone who has worked on this!


Yep, too bad your follower NPC disappears when you die. It used to stay with you through respawn, but not anymore... :(

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Pushed refactored xml, humans no longer extend from zombiemaletemplate, isolating them from other mods that change that base vanilla template. Also prevented cripple walking on ranged humans and lowered chance on melee humans.

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Yep, too bad your follower NPC disappears when you die. It used to stay with you through respawn, but not anymore... :(


its already been fixed but....wouldn't they mourn you, bury you using your backpack as a marker, and then move on ,,,, having been enriched knowing you for that short time ;). It would be kind of neat if there was an option to respawn as a different character each time, you find your old base, etc.

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... Also prevented cripple walking on ranged humans and lowered chance on melee humans ...


See? I told you there's a problem with cripple walking, I didn't know how to describe it, but I'm glad you found the problem and fixed it, at least partially, because I already had several crippled NPCs walking around, never being able to catch any zombie at all and most zombies were actually faster lol


EDIT: It would be nice as an option - crippled NPCs would require you to heal them or give them splint or something like that, but permanent effect is game breaking.

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See? I told you there's a problem with cripple walking, I didn't know how to describe it, but I'm glad you found the problem and fixed it, at least partially, because I already had several crippled NPCs walking around, never being able to catch any zombie at all and most zombies were actually faster lol


EDIT: It would be nice as an option - crippled NPCs would require you to heal them or give them splint or something like that, but permanent effect is game breaking.


Melee NPCs still have a chance of getting crippled but it doesn't effect their attack animations. Ranged has zero chance of getting crippled as it would change thier weapon anims. I think I can work around even that now, but thats a later thing. If you want melee to never get crippled, its just an xml edit now.: <property name="LegCrippleScale" value="0"/>



Have you tried applying a splint to the crippled NPC using the right click on them? I know right clicking on them while holding a bandage heals them.

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Pushed new zombie and human Packs. Walktype9 is now hooked up for any entity using the new controllers (zombie and humanoid). You can test on the nurse, farmer, behemoth etc but not Guppy/darkstar zeds yet. NPCs with the new controller use IsBusy which uses a new idle state or states while they wait on you. Again, those currently are enabled fully on my entities, and maybe on some of darks NPCs.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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Have you tried applying a splint to the crippled NPC using the right click on them? I know right clicking on them while holding a bandage heals them.


Really? This must be a new feature or perhaps I haven't tried healing them in a while. I remember trying to heal them, but it didn't work, that was several versions ago. I kinda wish you could inform us about new features, new things we can do with the NPCs every time the new features are available, but I realize that might be time consuming, so I'm glad you find time to inform us at least sometimes.

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