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This is a Zombie Survival game correct?


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Started a server up last night set zombie at 100 and difficulty at 4. That should be a great challenge right? 5 being the highest difficulty......Took a bunker under a well last night and there was not a single zombie anywhere in the place!!! No there was nothing wrong with the zombie spawn on the server they were spawning.....TFP have turned the spawn down to nothing now. So far no one is talking about that? So is this to become like all the other EA games where the developers bend over for the rude vocal minority? Are we to expect this for final release? If so I will just hit uninstall walk away and let others know on Social Media they do not want to buy this game.




Next time you make such harsh changes how about reaching out to your community as a whole? Instead of listening to the kids of today that feel the need to get everything instantly. Hard settings should be just that. If you can not handle hard kids then Easy is the way for you. That should not mean that you destroy the game for me.


Sure I can go modify the game and we have done that in the past. In the past atleast there was Zombies in this ZOMBIE SURVIVAL GAME!!!!


I will not move any further with my opinions then this thread until the next update. If the zombie spawns are still not there well then I will have to post these facts on Social Media so others do not waste time and money. There is no reason why those that can not handle a true survival game can not get what they want without removing things entirely. Dayz SA removed their zombies for a period. The players cleared out of there in a hurry and they will do the same here too.


To all looking at A18Exp and wondering if it is worth going into the Exp. The answer is no. For all the faults of A17 this new version is a disappointment. So many other things look great. Love the new weapons but why the new weapons they took out the things to use them on.


Other spoke up reading just the changelog and were told try it out before complaining. This is not my complaining but sharing FACTS with the people that are not Opting into the Exp.


If this is the new path of the game then myself and many others will simply walk away. Not before leaving a new and honest review of the game on Steam, Social Media, and anywhere else that the game may be sold. Sorry but the key to a Zombie survival game is ZOMBIES!!!! There is no version of Call of Duty with no enemies right?


So disappointed that this team bent over after A17. You are still getting hate over silly things. Seems those kiddies like the lack of Zombies in the game.

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So is this to become like all the other EA games where the developers bend over for the rude vocal minority?


That should not mean that you destroy the game for me.


Oh, the irony!


Are we to expect this for final release? If so I will just hit uninstall walk away and let others know on Social Media they do not want to buy this game.


You are still getting hate over silly things.


Oh, the double irony!

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I do agree the change to zombies in the wild should be reverted, running around forever and only seeing one or two walking around makes it feel very barren. There really wasnt THAT many out there before, if anything maybe set it to a value half way between what it was before, and what it is now.


Previously I wouldnt want to make too much ruckus in a POI because it would draw more in, now I dont care how loud I am.

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Started a server up last night set zombie at 100 and difficulty at 4. That should be a great challenge right? 5 being the highest difficulty......Took a bunker under a well last night and there was not a single zombie anywhere in the place!!!


That POI had never had zombie spawns in it. I use it all the time as my base since you don't have to worry about respawns happening.

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That POI had never had zombie spawns in it. I use it all the time as my base since you don't have to worry about respawns happening.


I havent played a18 yet, but from wathcing youtube what OP says sounded strange.

So, OP, did you really write such an outraged post after experiencing 1 POI? Well thats a nice test set for an analysis.

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Gee I thought people in the offical forums were friendlier than Steam. Seems that is not the case. Here we also have the people that do not agree with your opinions so they personally attack you instead of addressing the topic.


Reporting those posts I know it is a laugh as nothing is done to the golden children.



For all you that only read what you want to. NO I was in the game with friends for over 5hrs. Many POI. Very few Zombie. See original post for settings chosen to increase zombie count.


I am not the only one that feels this way. Modder already has a mod to bring back A17 spawns. Sadly the game was broken due to the cry babies that think they are ENTITLED to whatever they want. Guess what kids you are ENTITLED to NOTHING!!!!


The personal attacks in here that mock me for my opinions is why you will get such attitude now. I do not care if you agree with me. You want to be respected you better check your words. Otherwise you will be crying a whole lot more when I get done with you.


Been banned many times never stops me. World is going down in flames to the Entitled Carebear kiddies and I am among those putting an end to that. That is why if TFP plan to keeping bending over to you CB then I will let the public know as they have a right to know. Social Media will make or break a game/company in a heartbeat these days.


Before you decide to make your nasty rude remarks think about it. Do you really want to be banned again just trying to get under my skin? You will fail in your mission and then will not get to cry in the forums anymore. After all if you are reported more than 10 times for the same post by multiple people action will get taken I am sure. Try me find out if I am bluffing.

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Sure I can go modify the game and we have done that in the past. In the past atleast there was Zombies in this ZOMBIE SURVIVAL GAME!!!!



Nope. It's not a zombie game.

The title ontop of this page reads:



The Survival Horde Crafting Game.


Does not even hint about zombies. So, i consider them a bonus. :)

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So you played at default settings and found a POI that never has zombies and complain? I play at Nomad and always see zombies outside when wandering. Sure there are a few areas with none but that’s normal. Don’t whine about something without even playing first.

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I have to agree there are not enough zombies currently, or it doesn't feel like there are.. The POIs are better for it admittedly as it seems to be more "realistic" in numbers inside houses (the pawn shop I raided had about 9 total and a vulture on the roof, much better than the 35 that appeared out of cupboards in A17!) however, walking around the town/cities I feel like I see more wolves than I do zombies. I feel like you should always be able to see a couple of zombies on the streets of a town/city if not more. They feel empty and it is a shame, overall I like A18 so far, but the lack of a threat outside of POIs could do with some work I reckon.

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Nope. It's not a zombie game.

The title ontop of this page reads:



The Survival Horde Crafting Game.


Does not even hint about zombies. So, i consider them a bonus. :)



You are joking right? Do you not understand the English language? Can you not see the Pictures? Saying this is not a Zombie Survival game is equal to saying the same about Dayz as well that is just a game about Days right? Not sure if you are that ignorant or just trolling.


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Your OP had a single line of information that was meaningless since we know that there are no spawns in the one POI you named.


That is why no one took your rant seriously.


Look someone else unable to READ!!! Is there an option on forums yet to turn the text to speech? Then perhaps people could comprehend what is said?

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So you played at default settings and found a POI that never has zombies and complain? I play at Nomad and always see zombies outside when wandering. Sure there are a few areas with none but that’s normal. Don’t whine about something without even playing first.


If you bother to read instead of posting ignorantly then you would sound a lot smarter. Instead you choose to post comments without the knowledge given to you in the OP Post. Not surprised though as it seems that people today only want to see what they want and make up their own narrative


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Gee, Jack, perhaps it's a case of- you get what you give? You should really consider stopping playing computer games for a while, and work on your social skills.


Funny my friends love and respect me. Social skills are just fine. This is the internet and I am not interested in making friends. So therefore I speak my mind and say what needs to be said. Do not like that do not bother reading. Not like this was forced on you.


Perhaps you have some learning to do.


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I have to agree there are not enough zombies currently, or it doesn't feel like there are.. The POIs are better for it admittedly as it seems to be more "realistic" in numbers inside houses (the pawn shop I raided had about 9 total and a vulture on the roof, much better than the 35 that appeared out of cupboards in A17!) however, walking around the town/cities I feel like I see more wolves than I do zombies. I feel like you should always be able to see a couple of zombies on the streets of a town/city if not more. They feel empty and it is a shame, overall I like A18 so far, but the lack of a threat outside of POIs could do with some work I reckon.


Well thank you as you are about the first one not to derail the thread with personal attacks and ignorant comments. Ask in the Darkness Falls Discord or even Ravenhearst Discord. There is a very simple mod to drop into the game to fix the issue.


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I literally spent like 20 minutes trying to remember my login password just to comment here and giggle like a little girl over how silly this post is.


yea no i just came here to say that but hey, still more feedback than the OP.


Wow, that is more feedback then I have given huh? I can understand why it took you so long to remember something. Perhaps if you go take a nap now you will be able to find more pointless attacks to make.

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you claim we constantly attack you, yet you are doing the exact same thing back, not only that but you actively ignore and insult any posts that correct your "assumptions" on zombie spawns.


accept you jumped to conclusions or leave, simple as right?

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After rereading the remarks here I come to see that the majority of the posts are from ignorant teenage like minds. Thread is completely derailed by these trolls. This forum is not different then the toxic waste dump over in Steam. My guess is you get away with it because you are buddies with a mod? I do not know or care. Was a mistake to bother posting here as I thought it would be. Very little intelligence here. Most of the comments showed that clearly the person did not bother to read past the tittle.


Sorry to try to strain the brains of primitive persons. Seems mankind has a doomed future. Glad I am older and will pass before it truely gets bad. Wonder how long before the apes are smarter again?


Oh report me I do not care. Not like it means anything we all know that. Sure you all have your accounts you troll in so that you can keep your true account nice and clean. Anyhow Mods can lock this as it is pointless. Likely the mod will come in here insult a few people and lock it anyhow. Seems to be the policy in Steam forums for this game.


I will contain my opinions to Social Media. There seems to be more intelligence there. Though with the 8 dogs that were in my home over the weekend I seen more intelligence then I observed reading the comments to this thread.


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you claim we constantly attack you, yet you are doing the exact same thing back, not only that but you actively ignore and insult any posts that correct your "assumptions" on zombie spawns.


accept you jumped to conclusions or leave, simple as right?


Did I hurt you feelings? Are you crying to mommy? Poor thing you can kiss my A##

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TL;DR You are ignorant for assuming no one reads and your complaints to social media will fall upon deaf ears. No one else is complaining but sure, whine to us without seeking advice first. Good job looking "intelligent"


I don't understand why anyone would claim there are no Zombies, there are more now in the wild than in A17, the POIs have been cut down because there were way too many but there are still dozens within most POIs that are larger than a house. I have yet to see a zombie deficiency in my gameplay. Perhaps because I play on Nomad instead of Adventurer, I don't know. All I know is that this isn't a widespread issue. the ONLY issue I have with the experimental is that I cannot generate my own RW because I happen to own an AMD GPU, although this was a major bug that probably cropped up recently I am sure it will be fixed.


Oh and reading doesn't make someone intelligent. There's a lot more to that Mr. Jack711. With a wall of text like that a little summary is necessary at the beginning. Just like any intelligent writer would have put. Oh and may I add that complaining on social media like an SJW doesn't mean anyone will take your single complaint at face value.

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dude if you don't like the changes then mod it. look at ark and how heavly modded that game is. also 5 hours of playing is still a crazy low gamestage. have you done large PoIs? higher tier quests? nope you played 5 hours and came on here as a vocal minority to complain and you then modded it. here is a secret a lot of players don't like changes made to some games. this is why mods exist so you can set the game more to your personal play style. then again I find it funny you want a more personal play style when you are doing MP.

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Gee I thought people in the offical forums were friendlier than Steam. Seems that is not the case. Here we also have the people that do not agree with your opinions so they personally attack you instead of addressing the topic.


Reporting those posts I know it is a laugh as nothing is done to the golden children.



For all you that only read what you want to. NO I was in the game with friends for over 5hrs. Many POI. Very few Zombie. See original post for settings chosen to increase zombie count.


I am not the only one that feels this way. Modder already has a mod to bring back A17 spawns. Sadly the game was broken due to the cry babies that think they are ENTITLED to whatever they want. Guess what kids you are ENTITLED to NOTHING!!!!


The personal attacks in here that mock me for my opinions is why you will get such attitude now. I do not care if you agree with me. You want to be respected you better check your words. Otherwise you will be crying a whole lot more when I get done with you.


Been banned many times never stops me. World is going down in flames to the Entitled Carebear kiddies and I am among those putting an end to that. That is why if TFP plan to keeping bending over to you CB then I will let the public know as they have a right to know. Social Media will make or break a game/company in a heartbeat these days.


Before you decide to make your nasty rude remarks think about it. Do you really want to be banned again just trying to get under my skin? You will fail in your mission and then will not get to cry in the forums anymore. After all if you are reported more than 10 times for the same post by multiple people action will get taken I am sure. Try me find out if I am bluffing.


*Writes long unstructured rant*

*Forum users politely disagree with thesis*


"...you're mean"

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Well Jack so far you mostly made yourself look like ape , don't see any point of being so rude to others also if you're much more clever than others why do act like not being one ?

If you don't like new release don't play it then , you can't also expect game will get better for everyone since it's not possible to do

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I don't understand why anyone would claim there are no Zombies.....


Oh, but, I would definitely make the argument that there aren't enough zombies outside, especially around towns and cities.


...but I won't do it here in this thread...the OP is on his own... :rapture:

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