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Hello, this is my first post here. Here's a Prefab I made...


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Hello. This is my first post in the forum. I hope this is the right place to show and share a prefab I made in vanilla version 17.4.

I have called it "Quiet Pines". it's a small house complex wich has been overrun by zombies showing an early stage of the apocalypse.

If this post is against the rules o this is the wrong place please delete it and excusme.












You can download it from here: QUIET PINES by Hernan


You can also watch a video Reach Gaming channel made featurin this POI, here's a link:


Please let me know what you think. Thank you.

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Hi, thank you. I made this with an early stage of zombie invasion in mind. I know the game in general is supposed to look like as if it happened many years ago. I took inspiration in the early Diersville, with the sidewalks and the look. It kinda look "clean" then they changed a couple of things and then there were no more sidewalks in town or city, at least in random gen. I think a few more details would add more realism.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watched some of the vid. The house with the bunker is impressive. More please hernan. 👍


What I really like is this is a complete set piece. Not just once house but gated communityish.


Edit: side note, I love prefabs that feel lived in or there feels like part of a story. An evolution of this can be integrating a quest with it. :)

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Watched some of the vid. The house with the bunker is impressive. More please herman.


What I really like is this is a complete set piece. Not just once house but gated communityish.


Yeh and it all fits together well, too. Definitely going to drop this on a custom map...


One of you major modders should really grab this guy for your projects.


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Edit: side note, I love prefabs that feel lived in or there feels like part of a story. An evolution of this can be integrating a quest with it. :)


I think that's an untapped strength of the new dialog and custom world system in a17; no one's really taken advantage of it yet, but you can most certainly build a quest driven storyline, and yeh I agree this prefab could serve a real purpose.


...makes me want to start prefabbing again. =)

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Yeh and it all fits together well, too. Definitely going to drop this on a custom map...


One of you major modders should really grab this guy for your projects.


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I think that's an untapped strength of the new dialog and custom world system in a17; no one's really taken advantage of it yet, but you can most certainly build a quest driven storyline, and yeh I agree this prefab could serve a real purpose.


...makes me want to start prefabbing again. =)


I love how none of the closests had zombies hahahahaha.

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Hi, that actually a Sears (or Willis) tower from Chicago, a building I happen to like a lot and wanted to have it in the game. Is actually pretty tall but for the moment is background decoration as its mostly empty. But now I began making props and mods I may be able to make an use out of it.

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