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A19 NPCs DMT Mod


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Hooking console commands

Running CreateModDll

Compiling Mods.dll...

Built in 3991ms

d:\7.Days.to.Die.Alpha.18\mods\0-SphereIICore\Scripts\Quests\QuestActionPlaySound.cs(18,13): error CS1501: No overload for 'PlayOneShot' method takes arguments 2

d:\7.Days.to.Die.Alpha.18\mods\0-SphereIICore\Scripts\MinEvents\MinEventActionCreateItemSDX.cs(18,215): error CS1061: 'EntityPlayerLocal' does not contain a definition for 'HighestPartyGameStage' and no extension method 'HighestPartyGameStage' that accepts a first argument of type 'EntityPlayerLocal' was found (is a using directive or an assembly reference missing? )


Failed to compile Mods.dll

Build failed


process exited with error code -1


What verison of the game you are targetting?

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the mod is now working great for me.


My first issue that i had encountered was that the Sphereii dialogue mod was not installed. I had assumed that this was part of the package, but when no dialogue options were present i realized that it was probably missing a dependent mod and when i downloaded it that fixed it.


I am enjoying finding all the different wifus out in the wilderness and taking them home with me. I gotta collect them all.


Two annoyances so far:


1: when i get that stupid bike bug where you fall off of your bike and it knocks you down, the npcs, regardless of orders to stay put, will beat their way through a wall and attempt to attack the bike. They will hate the bike and you will have to pick it up or they will try to kill it. Seems to have a cooldown of a few days.


2: Harley quinn is too loud. I would say she is obnoxious but that would be complaining about a hamburger being made of meat: it's by design and only a werido would complain about that. But can you turn down the volume on her, she is VERY loud.


With that said a few questions for the modders based on what i have seen:


1: If they can destroy blocks, can the be given a dig or tunnel order from the dialogue? If so then a miner steve would make an excellent addition.


2: Harley is VERY loud. What would be awesome is if she could be given a command to: "Wake the dead", which causes her to yell really loud, bang trashcan lids, etc etc, and will cause ALL the sleepers, including vultures, to wake up and aggro on the player in a poi. Is a script that does that possible? i mean sure that would be suicidal in a tier 5 poi for a clear quest, but at the same time that would be cool as hell, and she was in the suicide squad...

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Xyth if its ok i have a little feedback after using NPCs after a few days now.


I think if its possible to tweak these settings,NPCs would be much better.


1.If possible,reduce the range at which the NPCs sense zombies,Reason being is that they A) they can totally break stealth..B)They tend to run into houses or try to before the player has even decided to enter that POI,essentially making the player the NPC that tags along lol.


2. Make the NPC non contactable with player ,as in allow player to phase rite through the NPC model.Reason being the NPC often traps player in a corner,or pushes player into a trap/zombie(especially when combined with behaviour stated above)..Worse when having more than one follower at a time.


3.Disable any and all trap damage NPC can recieve.NPCs dont path around traps and often destroy player made spikes etc,run through POIs filled with barbed wire to get zombies and ignore traps,often killing them.


4.Make the wait command actually disable their movement or add a new type of wait command allowing this(this could help with the junk turret friendly fire issue if you cant fix that,as player could tell NPC to wait and set up turret outside of view of NPC)


I understand these tweaks may not be even possible but if your thinking of ways to improve the mod these QOL additions may be good.


Also the property-sphere reeach i suggested before . I spent alot of time with 1.1/1.2/1.3 and actually think 1.3 is the best.1.1 and 1.2 are not consistent after further testing but 1.3 is for sure.Of course NPCs will kill zombies through walls at that setting so just wanna point that out.



well, if you reduce the npc sense range then might as well take out ranged npcs, they will become useless


and you need to take care of your npcs if you really want them to live because they are gung ho

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well, if you reduce the npc sense range then might as well take out ranged npcs, they will become useless


and you need to take care of your npcs if you really want them to live because they are gung ho


Well Xyth tweaked mickey AmmoNPC to stay and not run off,he holds his ground and shoots,so applying that same task to all ranged NPCs is viable.


It is difficult to take care of them which is why i mention the stuff i did.If i simply wanted them to live longer i would tweak their HP from 800 to whatever...1800 etc.But i feel that would be cheap.

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Folks, the feedback is useful and very welcomed, keep it coming. I will tone down Harley sounds next build. I made those so long ago when I learning and never got back to it. All the NPCs are set pretty generically in xml because we didnt know how folks would actually use them. They can easily turn into badguys with a faction change so in that case you would want them breaking blocks. You would want them taking trap damage. Most of these things can be changed in xml.


I will look into giving them a digging animation, that part is easy but triggering it likely will require adding trigger to the SphereII core and we are both working fulltime on getting the A18 Wintermod shipped.


Attacking bicycle or motorized bikes? Both? Not seen that but if the bike damaged you then the NPCs are going to be mad! I think that can be changed in the core but probably will be a low priority fix.

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How do the npcs level? perhaps that should be a dialogue option where they tell you how they level? That is a neat idea actually, have the npcs tell you how they operate, so that way instead of having to search around forums you can just ask them.


for leveling, why not a wellness system? for every 500 stamina from food they gain a perk point that you can allocate for them? This would represent them thriving and getting stronger in the waste land.


Is it possible to manage their equipment? that might be the answer to them dying so quickly: allow the player to equip them with better clothing and armor.


But yeah, with Harley the big problem was not so much that she was annoying, it was that she was LOUD, much louder than the base settings.

Edited by SenpaiThatIngnoresYou (see edit history)
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I was testing putting in sounds for some npcs for fantasy mod and yea, it seems they can get annoying lol

i think ill be putting a decent gap of time between random sounds and adding alot of different comments so they dont get stale fast


Can they be triggered by the environment instead of time? Like "there is an enemy x meters to the left" or "these have not been searched yet"?

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Is it possible to manage their equipment? that might be the answer to them dying so quickly: allow the player to equip them with better clothing and armor.



I think the idea of equipping them is great but most likely very hard/impossible to impliment.However a good idea that may be possible would be for the NPCs to have 2 modes,ranged and melee.


Entering dialogue and telling them you want them to use a specific behaviour would be invaluble for certain situations and could help with friendly fire.The only thing is the NPC in question would have to have two hand items and be able to switch them after they have spawned and i dont know if it can be done.

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I think the idea of equipping them is great but most likely very hard/impossible to impliment.However a good idea that may be possible would be for the NPCs to have 2 modes,ranged and melee.


Entering dialogue and telling them you want them to use a specific behaviour would be invaluble for certain situations and could help with friendly fire.The only thing is the NPC in question would have to have two hand items and be able to switch them after they have spawned and i dont know if it can be done.


It can be done but requires a more complex controller and more work lol. Also, not all models come with multiple animations.

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It can be done but requires a more complex controller and more work lol. Also, not all models come with multiple animations.


I know the war of the walkers mod had uma zombies that wore the same equipment the players do, but those were umas....


Speaking of which, what the hell is UMA an acronym for?


But anyway, crazy thought here: why not put mod slots in for he npcs? the equip them with "mods" that up their stats? So the equipment does not show up on the model, but it does give them some sort of buff.

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Using the Mod Launcher, I just tried updating this mod to the latest version, and I'm getting an "svn checkout error":


"'C:\7D2D\Alpha18\My_Mods\Xyth NPCs' is already a working copy for a different URL"


Deleting and re-downloading the mods in the Mod Launcher fixed the issue (unsurprisingly) so it's not a breaking bug. But, I thought you should know about it.


Also - remember a while ago, when I said the Mod Launcher (and DMT) didn't catch that the mod was dependent upon SphereIICore and SphereII NPC Dialog Windows? I might have found the cause.


In the mod.xml file, there are spaces around the names of the dependencies:

   <dependency> 0-SphereIICore </dependency>
   <dependency> SphereII NPC Dialog Windows </dependency>


It's just a hunch though.

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Using the Mod Launcher, I just tried updating this mod to the latest version, and I'm getting an "svn checkout error":


"'C:\7D2D\Alpha18\My_Mods\Xyth NPCs' is already a working copy for a different URL"


Deleting and re-downloading the mods in the Mod Launcher fixed the issue (unsurprisingly) so it's not a breaking bug. But, I thought you should know about it.


Also - remember a while ago, when I said the Mod Launcher (and DMT) didn't catch that the mod was dependent upon SphereIICore and SphereII NPC Dialog Windows? I might have found the cause.


In the mod.xml file, there are spaces around the names of the dependencies:

   <dependency> 0-SphereIICore </dependency>
   <dependency> SphereII NPC Dialog Windows </dependency>


It's just a hunch though.


Removed the leading and traiming spaces, and pushed the update. Thanks.

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Some questions about modifying this modlet...


Is there any way to turn off tracking the NPCs on the map? Or, better yet, only track those NPCs that you hired?


How much of a resource drain are the NPCs? I'd like to make a private mod that dramatically increases the number of NPCs in the world (like, hundreds) and I'm wondering if that's practical with my older gaming PC.


Finally - and this is a pie-in-the-sky question - but way back in A16 you could create NPCs purely in XML, using UMA with the 7D2D native player animations:



From what I understand, this still halfway functions, but the resulting NPCs don't move - I guess because they can no longer hook into the native 7D2D AI.


Would it even be possible to port this over to A18+ and use the SphereII Core NPC AI hooks instead?


I'm asking merely because I would like vastly more varieties of NPCs in the game, without having to create models, animations, etc. in Unity.

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Some questions about modifying this modlet...


Is there any way to turn off tracking the NPCs on the map? Or, better yet, only track those NPCs that you hired?


How much of a resource drain are the NPCs? I'd like to make a private mod that dramatically increases the number of NPCs in the world (like, hundreds) and I'm wondering if that's practical with my older gaming PC.


Finally - and this is a pie-in-the-sky question - but way back in A16 you could create NPCs purely in XML, using UMA with the 7D2D native player animations:



From what I understand, this still halfway functions, but the resulting NPCs don't move - I guess because they can no longer hook into the native 7D2D AI.


Would it even be possible to port this over to A18+ and use the SphereII Core NPC AI hooks instead?


I'm asking merely because I would like vastly more varieties of NPCs in the game, without having to create models, animations, etc. in Unity.



1. Tracking turns of in the entitiyClasses.xml, comment out this: <property name="MapIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_bullet_point"/>


It would take a bit of code to make that hired only.


2. Never tried so many at once, try it and let us know.


3. Vanilla NPCs wont work as you said, at this time you cant do what you ask.

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