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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

    • A18 Stable is Out!
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Technically E pulls the objects towards you, but since an arrow is attached to a body, they can't just move on their own. We would have to detach them to vacuum towards you, so maybe...


But stuck in a block the arrows/bolt have a tiny hitbox, also depending on angle it is not always available





thinking this over, the hitbox should be as large as a block. Like you see it (with crosshair), you can get it

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It would be impractical to implement. If the server has quite a few members i can imagine alot of messages popping up. Also most won't have time to respond to every voting window as it can disrupt the game and lead to frustrating deaths. Implementing a feature similar to Ark Survival Evolved's respawn delay after first death could help but making it way more forgiving would be needed.


I think he was being sarcastic. Why is this topic continuing?

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Hello Madmole,

Maybe not for A18, but I would love to see more decor blocks, mainly city blocks like traffic lights, new doors with different colors, commercials and warning signs. Maybe even an ATM, of course not working. More textures if possible. I enjoy building prefabs. As enjoyable as playing survival.


Type CM in the console.

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@MM With all the news you’ve given us for A18, all the choices your team has made over the many alphas are starting to make so much sense. It has been a darn cool process for me, as an outsider, to watch happen. I’ve played games for decades from the original arcades to my first pc game, Star Trek on an Apple iie, to current games and I never knew what went on in the making of a game. Besides playing your cool game, thanks for the ride of seeing a glimpse of what is necessary to make that happen. I’m stoked to see the remaining work. Very interesting stuff & I can see why you enjoy it. Sorry if slightly off-topic.


Thanks, while we've made some mistakes along the way I'm super proud of our team and we have the right guys now to smash this game into the end zone. A18 is just about as perfect as it can be IMO. All the systems are coming together and its just a ton of fun, and looting is very deep. I'm on day 50 and need a million things yet, I used to reach end game by day 21-35 unless I had a massive castle to build.

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Been lurking since A17 for the most part as I lost my zeal for the game temporarily.


So Madmole:


1. What is the A18 ratio on empty houses/bldgs vs. POIs? (I felt there were entirely too many "funhouse" POIs and it ruined the tension/surprise, not to mention the tediousness of it all)


I am looking forward to playing A18 and so far it sounds like you guys are knocking it out of the park. Time will tell, but I can usually trust the "Madmole Barometer" on how good the next version will likely be.


I don't have any stats for you, but there are lots of new remnants added to the game, and Rick said over 70 new POIs, plus much rebalancing.

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So Like the new book system. Any chance you can setup the Traders to give out Quest for Books? like "So you want to be Dirty Harry" sends you on a series of quest to get the books and the final maybe provides a weapon or ammo :)


Not really. Sounds like a fun mod though.

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Why no access?


Isn't it more beneficial to use medicated bandages?


More healing.

Stop bleeding.

Less stacks used and so on?


As I said, I only have a couple of aloe plants at my farm, so I get 2 every 3 days or whatever? At that rate I'm crafting 1 med bandage every 6 days.


I did buy 1 rank of living off the land so I'll be getting two soon per harvest. But I'm just not swimming in bandages yet and I'm too lazy to go to the desert, its a half hour from my base driving.

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Does the staff have a firm date on the Streaming weekend yet, or are you just prepping while stomping out a few more bugs? In other words, is the next Alpha in the next few weeks or is it firmly up in the air?


On a side note, you could have an over-sized glowie cockroach as an ode to all the bug fixing you've done that is rare (only comes out on nights and scatters when hit with light).


There is another post apocalyptic game that has "Rad Roaches" but you know I think we have enough of our own ideas we don't need to go there.

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