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A17.2 Delaying Release


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I guess in fairness Madmole said RWG was getting a lot of love right now but that love wouldn't be available until 17.3 or so.


Maybe they should just hold 17.2 in a few rounds of Experimental releases. Like a little more than they usually do.


Maybe some performance tuning can be tossed in. And some of the really whacky bugs that seem to be getting reported in 17.2 can get sorted.


A17, and I know how long the dev time was from A16.4, but A17 was clearly released too early.


No criticism at all. None what so ever.


TFP was in a tough position when they made the A17 release call.


Buuuut as much as I also want cool things and fixes now now now, maybe slowing down is best


Hell I can't even play right now because the performance. 😑. But I'd rather wait another week or two longer than usual as opposed to being super frustrated with another release.

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Depends how long the RWG need.

If < than one month, wait for it

If > than 3 month release 17.2 stable soon(er)




That assumes they can estimate how long stuff takes.. ;)


Come on now. In fairness, A17 was a pretty damn big release. Just about everything was changed. Estimating that size of work isn't easy. Hence the freaking agile process... Which... They'd still be in meetings and we'd have A427.399 at this point with who knows what content.

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Well, this is "experimental". A strictly opt-in version.


I assume that if they had known food display was borked surely they would have fixed before releasing. We all ask ourselves why they didn't detect those bugs, they have internal testers. But then look no further than Microsoft with probably one of the biggest testing departments of the industry and look how they bungled their October update. And THAT wasn't opt-in experimental at all, not for millions of Win Home users (used as beta testers like we are)


It also tells me that even if they delay a release there will be new regression bugs anyway. There is no better tool to find these than the raw brute force of thousands of unwilling screaming guinea pigs like us :cocksure:


There are two performance-related fixes/changes on the list, those will not help everyone but maybe on some machines. Also some fixes a lot of people were waiting for (the empty-toolbelt fix for example).


With the new RWG process you can even use 17.1 or 17.0 to create your world if 17.2 RWG is not to your liking and still play 17.2. We do have options to select the particular hell we want :smile-new:

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ecumbrance, food and thirst alerts, no cold or hot changes in different biomes, you do not slow down while reloading, and you will not drown on my dedicated server.


This morning I generated the same game on my PC and everything works like it is supposed to, so I guess multi player is broken......

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No matter how long we wait there will be bugs the past is proof of that. Just release 17.2 and hope there is more fixes than bugs brought on from the patch. The illness bug alone should have been a hotfix and it's listed under known issues which seems to be the death of bugs they can't fix and or issues they don't care about right now.

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The whole point is that RWG changes make starts from scratch nearly mandatory. Spaming Stable RWG patches would cause grief


They should have stuck with the RWG that was snow north, forest middle, the desert south until they had a replacement. Now, who knows how long we're going to have to wait for a new version that most likely won't work anyway and will have to turn to modders to fix it.

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I remember early 17.0 where there werequite a few annoying bugs in the know issues. Surely this list increases, but a few from entries vanished from there, so it's not like they're not working on them.


Do also remember that not everything can be patched in a day and some things may require a week of coding or something. With that in mind, look at the 17.2 list of fixed bugs.


As we are still in the middle of the big release, when A17.4 hits as the final before A18.0, i estimate at least a few weeks of steady gameplay, if not months. A16.4 also allowed a steady gameplay, just like A15.4 (if i remember correctly it was the last one there).

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RWG delivers good maps



Sadly the other 90% of the maps are trash


That map is horrendous. All those little pockets of radiation all over the main green area. Yuck. No way a map like that would be fun.


- - - Updated - - -


ecumbrance, food and thirst alerts, no cold or hot changes in different biomes, you do not slow down while reloading, and you will not drown on my dedicated server.


This morning I generated the same game on my PC and everything works like it is supposed to, so I guess multi player is broken......


I am experiencing all those issues and I am playing solo.

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What is funny is this is what we had before the changes in 17.0. The snow to the north, forest in the middle and desert to the south without all that water to bring most systems to a crawl.


I liked how it was, it made sense. However, this specific map is almost overwhelming for SP. There is no way a single player can clear all those POI's IMO.

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I don't think it's not too much. You do need a lot of time to walk through all of those places, but it reminds me of when i tried skyrim. At one point the loop of exploration for me was something like this:

1. Find a new cave/dungeon/fort to explore around the map.

2. Kill everything that is aggressive.

3. Gather loot (what is valuable) and run back to the city to sell or store in a house what is important.

4. If couldn't gather everything, get back there and fetch more items to sell and store.

5. Finish that place and get back to #1.


When i got a companion it went faster, because she could hold some items :D Still, i managed to clear quite a lot before i got bored. Here you have rising difficulty, so it will not be the same over time.

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