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A17+ Wishlist for a Better Game Experience


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To keep it short:


  1. Zombie AI improvements. Digging is ok, but you should be able to prevent them doing it by giving them other "faster" Options to reach you, e.g. jumping in a hole (Trapped at the bottom) or a "longer path through traps" somewhere else.
  2. Challenges There are youtubers that create their own Challenges. (e.g. Kill all zombies in House xy only with a Bow" or something. I could think of a lot of cool challenges (maybe leading to achievements in Steam or so. or ingame Banner you can hang in your base)
  3. BMH + x Would be super cool if you could manipulate the "Standard Horde" a bit. Lets say you can Build Special Target Dummies that Attracts additional kind of Zombies (more?) or Special Boss Zombies that may drop other loot. Those Target Dummies can scale up (Risk / Reward)
  4. Item Transportation / Automation Since most players have Bases that are not so easy to access it would be cool to have some kind of item chute /conveyor to transport items to an working area inside the base. Instead of Dismounting and making your way in the base you could just drop off your stuff and go for another round of looting.
  5. Simple Seed Previewer As Server Owner you normally will take a peak at the RWG Seed first. In that case its frustrating as F*** to waint 3 Minutes or more to actually see the World. I Don't need a full rederend World with everything in it - it should be an Real PREVIEW - not a full flechtched World. Just a 2D representation would be enough for me. I'm mainly Interested in Streets, Buildings, Water and Bioms mainly. Should be renderd in like 5 seconds...this would leed to a much more satisfying RWG usage.
  6. Give us better Streets Most Streets are in really bad shape, formost when they are leading through a mountainous landscape. Even after a Zombie Apocalypse the streets dont look like an Earthquake has shattered the World also.
  7. Let us Pin electic Cables to Blocks Give us an Option to fix cables to Blocks. The Current Workaround for this is to Place Relays behind walls to hide an otherwise very ugly Cabeling. Should be Easy to implement a mechanic so that you can "attach" a Cable to Blocks on the way to the Target Device.
  8. Faster flying in Debug Mode Just give us an Option to fly faster
  9. New Item: Emergency Light If Electircity Breaks down, would be cool to have a Emergency Light with to lead a way out of a base.
  10. Fix Gap between Stoneblocks and Earth This is a Long time Issue of the game, but if you build you Base and wand to have a foundation of Blocks, you'll notice a Gap between the e.g. Forrest Ground and your Stone Block. You can Workaround this by placing Plates over the Forrest Ground, but i think Workarounds shoulndnt be the way to go.

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11. Lockpicks! - it's a pain to keep banging on all of those safes for 4-5 years now.. it would be time something would done about it :)

12. Sneak - fix for when stepping off the ladder ( like when reaching top ) you make a fall sound, same with tripping over small stones, or just by walking and tripping over yourself lol

- you must be able to step up one block while sneaking ( can't lift you feet up 1 block?? )

13. Sleepers just wakes up for no reason ( in big POIs liek shotgun messiah factory they just wake up like 20+ blocks across the other side? And I had sneak+from the shadows on lvl 4 )

14. Zombies respawning shortly after clearing the buildings

15. bigger wandering hordes, screamers should just call in the horde if left wandering around for too long

16. Zombies shouldn't be able to see you underground no matter if only one block underground ( nobody will hear you if you are digging under 5 m of dirt? )

17. When doing quests inside of the buildings, zombies shouldn't just wander inside even if you don't make and loud noises

18. Some optimization would be nice ( Yes i know even players don't expect anything to be done about it anymore )...

19. Some rework to perk system where you combine it with A16 system ( Athletics for less stamina usage perhaps, mining progression in old version was better... )

20. Death penalty debuff shouldn't remove you skills for crafting - like guns, bikes and such... if I have to w8 for debuff to end I prefer to spend it productively and not that I have some sort of weird amnesia - I m OK with loosing health, stamina... )

21. Water Tab so I dont need to pressing B to see how hydrated I am and only realize it I m thirsty when it reaches 50.. :S

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22. Rewarding the player for surviving (combined with the death penalty) would be a better motivation to try not to die imo. Something like a very small XP bonus, say +0.5% per day, so eg 40 days without dying would mean +20% XP earned for everything. And maybe some extra for surviving a BM.

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23. More working lights. I hear TFP want us to use more electricity, if that's the case we need more lights.


24. A katana, unacceptable that this game that focuses on melee doesn't have one. 👀


25. Water collector, cool way to add more micromanaging while giving us a good source of water. Water found should be reduced a little imo.


26. More recipes, there are so many cool new blocks in alpha 17, most do not have a recipe. New crown blocks, window frames, lights etc. Give the builders some love..


27. New crossbow like in the walking dead, a must have for every survivor!

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I don't think there is a single point mentioned that I don't agree with so far.


28. Incorporate some learn by doing back, even if it gets capped at a point.


29. Return of books, and scrapping of magazines


30. Fix microstutter


31. Return of FOV slider


32. Better modeled characters, and hairstyles that don't look like the character just finished a round of chemo


33. Peak in keyholes ability (like in Dishonored)


34. Return of specific zombie loot for specific zombies (e.g. nurses drop bandages, biker zombies drop biker pants, etc)


35. Change max stamina mechanic to something logical that is immediately apparent. (Shouldn't have to 'learn' how the game works)


36. More loot types and clothing styles


37. Bring insulting traders back, assuming they are all nice now - that's all I've come across. (Thought the grumpy ones were hilarious)


38. Add ability to go prone, and leopard crawl (and thus enter a building through one block height). If crawlers can do it, why can't we?

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I heartily support 27. Composite crossbow, pew pew!


41. I want to be able to pick up those worklights I find lying on crates everywhere.

42. Beakers being a little more common would be nice.

43. Melee swings should affect their entire swing arc rather than being a single virtual bullet.

44. Upgrading blocks needs to be faster.

45. An indicator to let us know our infection cure is working would be lovely.

46. The option to have Thirst, Hunger, and/or Temperature on our HUD. Server options could be added to override this. Yes, I know mods already do this.

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47. Buff canned foods! I think they should be superior to your own cooking in some way. Scavenging for food should always feel worthwhile, at any point in the game, but right now if I need some room in my inventory a can of food will be the first thing I throw away, and I only feel bad for losing the tin can...

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