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apparently allowing us server operators to manage our servers with these fixes are of no priority. see link below find posts #852, 853:





Been over a week since that post..


Coppi's does not work on my servers.


Coppi's is working fine on my server, but I used only his CommandExtensions and CommonFunc folders, NOT the WebAndMapRendering one, because this broke my map.

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Ever end up trying it out? Please let me know. Not being able to move LCB's is causing us major headaches.


I can confirm the RLP command works perfectly fine on A14.5 with Coppi's mod - so I'll be using it for now.


Although, I haven't had success using the "/grab lcb" command with CBSM yet, but that may be due to unrelated reasons.

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You know ... rlp would've been fixed within a day after A14 if anyone had told me you actually got an error in the log for using it ;)


A new release with some other fixes and 14.6 b26 compatibility updates will be released later today.

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You know ... rlp would've been fixed within a day after A14 if anyone had told me you actually got an error in the log for using it ;)


A new release with some other fixes and 14.6 b26 compatibility updates will be released later today.


Sweet, that's excellent news. I checked the log though and didn't see any errors :/ Just nothing after typing the command. Either way, glad there's an update coming. *F5 F5 F5*

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2016-04-21T13:21:55 5522.749 INF Sent chat hook reply to 7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2016-04-21T13:21:55 5522.749 INF GameMessage handled by mod: /alloc[ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff][ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff]
2016-04-21T13:45:41 6948.843 INF Sent chat hook reply to 7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2016-04-21T13:45:41 6948.843 INF GameMessage handled by mod: /alloc[ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff][ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff]
2016-04-21T13:48:58 7145.949 INF Sent chat hook reply to 7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2016-04-21T13:48:58 7145.949 INF GameMessage handled by mod: /alloc[ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff][ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff]


Is this anything to be concerned about?

Nope, "/alloc" is my chat-hook example in the mod. Seems like somebody knew it and used it ;)




in coppis mod is a /unlock feature so i can as a admin look in the chest from other player etc with a relog.


Can you put this feature in your files too please ?

He's got a bunch of additional stuff which might make sense to add. Will have to ask him if it's ok to copy it :)

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Nope, "/alloc" is my chat-hook example in the mod. Seems like somebody knew it and used it ;)

He's got a bunch of additional stuff which might make sense to add. Will have to ask him if it's ok to copy it :)


I'd like to add my expression of interest for the extended features from Coppi's mod. The two I'm particularly interested in are unlocking of securables (chests, doors, minibikes etc) and muting specific players.


Another handy addition would be an easy way to despawn a minibike entity. If they get stuck inside a block, they can cause server wide FPS drops that cannot be stopped unless removed (or telling players they can never return to their home chunk).


The problem is, you can't "kill" them. We have to fly over and hope it isn't passworded. If they are, we're SOL. If we're lucky and it isn't locked, we remove the parts one by one before lastly picking up the frame - this is very difficult to do at 1 FPS.

Before using Coppi's mod to unlock the minibikes I had a few of them sitting on bedrock (or just below) for weeks.


Thanks :)

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Thanks for rev. 272 (7_9_13) (2016-04-28. rlp command is working again!


I'm using it on A14.5 and seems like the PM command is broken now:


2016-04-29T13:20:11 1103.022 INF Executing command 'pm 222581 "Test"' from client 76561197999995114
2016-04-29T13:20:11 1103.022 INF Error in SayToPlayer.Run: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'NetPackageGameMessage..ctor'.
 at AllocsFixes.CustomCommands.SayToPlayer.RunInternal (.ClientInfo _sender, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 _params) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at AllocsFixes.CustomCommands.SayToPlayer.Execute (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 _params, CommandSenderInfo _senderInfo) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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As always, thanks for the updates Alloc!


Fixed Log page



Fixed chat related stuff for A14.6 b26


Could you give us a little more detail behind this one? I see that parameters have been changed and/or added . I'm guessing this is something that has changed in the game that we'll need to change in our modded dll's as well? i.e. my modded version of ServerTools.dll with custom chat commands


Added repairchunkdensity

What exactly is the chunk density and why should I need to repair it? I know what density is, but what does it mean to the game?


In RepairChunkDensity.cs under the GetHelp method, it looks like you've left a copy of the teleport instructions.

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I'm using it on A14.5 and seems like the PM command is broken now:

As stated in the release notes it's not compatible with 14.5 (at least the chat stuff).


Could you give us a little more detail behind this one? I see that parameters have been changed and/or added . I'm guessing this is something that has changed in the game that we'll need to change in our modded dll's as well?

Yep, as it was in the release notes for 14.6b26 IIRC the chat API was changed. Parameters should be fairly selfexplanatory for the most part. the two localize parameters are only used with game event messages and typically aren't needed for mods.



What exactly is the chunk density and why should I need to repair it? I know what density is, but what does it mean to the game?


In RepairChunkDensity.cs under the GetHelp method, it looks like you've left a copy of the teleport instructions.

Yeah, ♥♥♥♥, forgot to update the help. Thanks :)

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rev. 272 (7_9_13) (2016-04-28) worked great with 14.5 and Frontrunnertek server manager. after update to 14.6 gimme, teleport and slash commands don't work. witch required alloc fixes.


So my question is: is it the alloc fixes they is the problem or do you think the manager is totalt dead now?


Best regards



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rev. 272 (7_9_13) (2016-04-28) worked great with 14.5 and Frontrunnertek server manager. after update to 14.6 gimme, teleport and slash commands don't work. witch required alloc fixes.


So my question is: is it the alloc fixes they is the problem or do you think the manager is totalt dead now?


Best regards




FRT is now dead. The chat methods were changed and FRT is no longer being updated.


If you only need teleport and gimme commands, I would HIGHLY recommend dmustanger's Server Tools. It is a dll mod that runs on the server.

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FRT is now dead. The chat methods were changed and FRT is no longer being updated.


If you only need teleport and gimme commands, I would HIGHLY recommend dmustanger's Server Tools. It is a dll mod that runs on the server.


Yeah, sadly FRT is really dead now. Even if we are using CBSM for our server now, I still continued using FRT as chat tool, because the chat was real time without any delay, which is not so with most other server managers, and we had then opportunity to use a fixed chat color for each of us (my and my admin team). Chat from FRT to server still works, but the other way it doesn't show now *sniff*.

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Yeah, sadly FRT is really dead now. Even if we are using CBSM for our server now, I still continued using FRT as chat tool, because the chat was real time without any delay, which is not so with most other server managers, and we had then opportunity to use a fixed chat color for each of us (my and my admin team). Chat from FRT to server still works, but the other way it doesn't show now *sniff*.


me 2 mate. i always had the FRT panel open so i have decided to try to make my own chat monitor to run alongside the FRT panel. it was going well up to the point of actually talking to the server. i connect to the server and it asks for the password but no matter how i try to send the password i just cant seem to make the server accept it. it is prob my fault i havent done any programming in about 12 years but i will get there.

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me 2 mate. i always had the FRT panel open so i have decided to try to make my own chat monitor to run alongside the FRT panel. it was going well up to the point of actually talking to the server. i connect to the server and it asks for the password but no matter how i try to send the password i just cant seem to make the server accept it. it is prob my fault i havent done any programming in about 12 years but i will get there.


If you manage to get it to work, I would be glad if you'd share it with me, or everyone maybe :) Sadly I'm more into xml modding, and a bit Java, but have not much clue about networking :/

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me 2 mate. i always had the FRT panel open so i have decided to try to make my own chat monitor to run alongside the FRT panel. it was going well up to the point of actually talking to the server. i connect to the server and it asks for the password but no matter how i try to send the password i just cant seem to make the server accept it. it is prob my fault i havent done any programming in about 12 years but i will get there.


If you manage to get it to work, I would be glad if you'd share it with me, or everyone maybe :) Sadly I'm more into xml modding, and a bit Java, but have not much clue about networking :/


Not sure if you guys are interested, but I've been working on a server manager for a bit, you can find it here: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?38806-7D2D-RAT-Remote-Admin-Tool


(I need to update the screenshots to the latest version as the chat looks a bit different now)


I mention it because it real time chat was called out. My chat is as real time as you can get really. In an upcoming version I'm planning on adding some settings for color and whatnot. Anyway, just thought I'd mention it since it does solve at least one of the mentioned issues. If you're not interested, no problem. =)

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There are a few of them out there floating around that have chat windows and a couple of them that are open source so you can learn what they did to monitor and parse the server output text. Here is one example I just talked to the author a few minutes ago he should be back from his vacation soon to make updates to his program. Again he also shares the source code on his website. See this thread post -->


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Not sure if you guys are interested, but I've been working on a server manager for a bit, you can find it here: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?38806-7D2D-RAT-Remote-Admin-Tool


(I need to update the screenshots to the latest version as the chat looks a bit different now)


I mention it because it real time chat was called out. My chat is as real time as you can get really. In an upcoming version I'm planning on adding some settings for color and whatnot. Anyway, just thought I'd mention it since it does solve at least one of the mentioned issues. If you're not interested, no problem. =)



hey trekkan i added you on steam buddy. i have tried your tool but it give me some issues with the .net framework. if you could maybe help me work out why this bloody thing wont accept my password i would be very grateful.


http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197970699949/ <-- this is me

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  • 2 weeks later...

any idea what this means?


 Error in AllocsLogFunctions.PlayerDisconnected: System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.String,AllocsFixes.PersistentData.Player].ContainsKey (System.String key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at AllocsFixes.PersistentData.Players.get_Item (System.String steamId, Boolean create) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at AllocsFixes.AllocsLogFunctions.PlayerDisconnected (.ClientInfo _cInfo, Boolean _bShutdown) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- we sure are persistent

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According to that error message:

Within AllocsLofFunctions a subroutine called PlayerDisconnected has a parameter called key.

Based on the names I would say this is called each time a player disconnects and it then logs that the player disconnected.

However for whatever reason at the time this occurred when the function was called the required key value in the arguments,

well it was null. It was not passed. No value was sent and a value is required. Now if you already understood this please do not be insulted as I have no idea what your level of programming knowledge is. I am only trying to answer your question.





any idea what this means?


 Error in AllocsLogFunctions.PlayerDisconnected: System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.String,AllocsFixes.PersistentData.Player].ContainsKey (System.String key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at AllocsFixes.PersistentData.Players.get_Item (System.String steamId, Boolean create) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at AllocsFixes.AllocsLogFunctions.PlayerDisconnected (.ClientInfo _cInfo, Boolean _bShutdown) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- we sure are persistent

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any idea what this means?


 Error in AllocsLogFunctions.PlayerDisconnected: System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.String,AllocsFixes.PersistentData.Player].ContainsKey (System.String key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at AllocsFixes.PersistentData.Players.get_Item (System.String steamId, Boolean create) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at AllocsFixes.AllocsLogFunctions.PlayerDisconnected (.ClientInfo _cInfo, Boolean _bShutdown) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Without seeing any more of the log I'd suspect it happened when a player was kicked right on login. If so that's harmless.

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