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removal of weapon parts hits me badly


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colors arefine.

what isn't is, that they givedmg boosts. Makes 0 sense. Why not gunparts+mods?

It was an awesome system.


They give damage boosts the not penalize for taking a color over a dmg mode. They take a mod slot so they give a damage boost, but nothing else.

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Scrap them and make nice things from the ressources.


Only reason i miss the parts because you had something to do after arround day 50.

Now you have all you want arround day 50.


I removed guns recipes from my actual game and believe me, I'm still running after purple weapons ^^. All my money is used to buy ammo because, well, I removed also ammo recipes.

Maybe we should'nt be able to craft purple weapons (and tools) to be forced to explore...

Don't shout guys, I'm kidding ! (almost).

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They give damage boosts the not penalize for taking a color over a dmg mode. They take a mod slot so they give a damage boost, but nothing else.


Still makes no sense if someone want to run with a pink or red gun its own decision this should not give some sort of Boosts.

Pimps could easily add a Dye Slot to Weapons , Tools and Armor and clothing but this Dye give Damage boost is really stupid.

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Still makes no sense if someone want to run with a pink or red gun its own decision this should not give some sort of Boosts.

Pimps could easily add a Dye Slot to Weapons , Tools and Armor and clothing but this Dye give Damage boost is really stupid.


Whether it makes sense or not I like it. It makes me excited to find a dye because I know my club will be a bit better than normal clubs. That’s just my own opinion. I see it as I’m adding a color to the gun but I’m also improving it by the act of filling a slot. So it isn’t the dye that makes it more damaging it is my tooling of the weapon. That’s why every mod no matter what else it does also adds damage because the act of filling a slot represents me improving the function of the weapon while I’m in there adding the attachment.


Before just assembling a purple gun made it more damaging. I see the mod slots as that assembling part of it. Once I fully assemble a purple tier weapon it will be more damaging than any other tier of that same weapon. And then as frosting you get other abilities we never had in A16.


All we need are a lot more mods to really flesh out the feature.

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Whether it makes sense or not I like it. It makes me excited to find a dye because I know my club will be a bit better than normal clubs. That’s just my own opinion. I see it as I’m adding a color to the gun but I’m also improving it by the act of filling a slot. So it isn’t the dye that makes it more damaging it is my tooling of the weapon. That’s why every mod no matter what else it does also adds damage because the act of filling a slot represents me improving the function of the weapon while I’m in there adding the attachment.


Before just assembling a purple gun made it more damaging. I see the mod slots as that assembling part of it. Once I fully assemble a purple tier weapon it will be more damaging than any other tier of that same weapon. And then as frosting you get other abilities we never had in A16.


All we need are a lot more mods to really flesh out the feature.


Roland really we can try to explain everything somehow but if you go and get a gun in real life this gun will not make more damage if you color it different.


Before assembling a purple gun made it more damaging right. Would make sense that a gun assembled from perfect Parts work better as a gun assembled with rusty half broken parts.


more mods yes and no. more mods making sense yes more mods just to have more mods with additions making no sense nope thats nothing i would like to see or have.


If we reset map next time one of the first things removed are dye options for guns or tools cause i did not find a way to make dye only a color and not a damage bonus.

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Jut call it Hardening Dye and debate is over.


Not really hardning a gun would not make the Gun do more damage. Add a Dye Slot to Armor Clothes Guns and tools and it would be fine as long as the Dye will not add something else as a color.


At same time dye would not need one of the normal Mod slots.

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Dyes are a stupid mod and crap guns working the same as perfect guns is a bad change but gun parts were pointless clutter. Dragging out the item hunt is not a fun endgame. The current system needs a bit of work and more variety of mods but overall it kills the old system.

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Still makes no sense if someone want to run with a pink or red gun its own decision this should not give some sort of Boosts.

Pimps could easily add a Dye Slot to Weapons , Tools and Armor and clothing but this Dye give Damage boost is really stupid.


maybe adding a dye slot is not so easy? No idea what it takes but maybe adding 2 different types of slots isnt something they can do? IF you hate dye adding damage that much you must really hate that the clip extender and other mods also add damage.


Dyes are a stupid mod and crap guns working the same as perfect guns is a bad change but gun parts were pointless clutter. Dragging out the item hunt is not a fun endgame. The current system needs a bit of work and more variety of mods but overall it kills the old system.



except the best guns ahve more mod slots :) so rather than choosing 1or 2 mods for a level 2 gun (dont remember if it has 1 slot or 2 slots) you cna choose either 4 or 5(again slot #'s evade me) mods for a level 5 gun. That makes the higher level guns better overall. ALso durability is a big thing when you use it all the time. It can be the diffrerence between carrying repair kits all the time or on a horde night not having to repair as often.

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The weapon parts thing was really innovative. My friends and I really loved the weapon system. It came out of nowhere and worked exactly as intended, which isn't normal for new things in 7D. We loved it. It was always a fun challenge getting all-purple components to a weapon, or minibike, etc.


I'm surprised to learn the devs targeted this aspect as tedious, of all things, but then went on to make almost every other aspect of this game tedious. Doesn't anyone notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

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I have not looked at the files for A17 yet but from the way, the mod system works with the guns. They did not so much so get rid of the gun part system but convert it into the mod slot system. I have a feeling they could not find a way to make both of them work so they just scrapped the gun parts in favor of mods.

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The way I see it is if they made the gun nonfunctional until every mod slot was filled then you all would be happy.


That’s the way the old system worked. You found parts and the gun wouldn’t function until all the parts were included.


Now you can shoot the gun for base damage while you assemble it. But if they took that out and made it like A16 so that you could only use the gun once fully assembled you would see your differences in damage and power between purple blue green yellow orange and tan quality tiers.

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The way I see it is if they made the gun nonfunctional until every mod slot was filled then you all would be happy.


That’s the way the old system worked. You found parts and the gun wouldn’t function until all the parts were included.


Now you can shoot the gun for base damage while you assemble it. But if they took that out and made it like A16 so that you could only use the gun once fully assembled you would see your differences in damage and power between purple blue green yellow orange and tan quality tiers.



'♥♥♥♥ i better dye my gun pink so it actually works'.

The mod system is always going to be far inferior:


We went from a gun being a collection of unique individual parts affecting a number of diffrent stats to dying it an obnoxious colour for more damage.


Explain it away all you want, one was a complex and deep system and the new one one is 'hurr durr my gun is painted green so it hurts more'.

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because it was soo fun to have an entire chest full of gunparts that I couldnt sell because the trader didn't want 5 shotgun barrels :p Not only did you need the parts but you needed to be lucky and find the book for the gun. Good luck :p




I loathed weapon parts. They were the exact definition of tedious.


I'd much rather just find guns and make decisions on which is better than having multiple crates of stupid parts waiting for the one part to assemble.

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maybe adding a dye slot is not so easy? No idea what it takes but maybe adding 2 different types of slots isnt something they can do? IF you hate dye adding damage that much you must really hate that the clip extender and other mods also add damage.





except the best guns ahve more mod slots :) so rather than choosing 1or 2 mods for a level 2 gun (dont remember if it has 1 slot or 2 slots) you cna choose either 4 or 5(again slot #'s evade me) mods for a level 5 gun. That makes the higher level guns better overall. ALso durability is a big thing when you use it all the time. It can be the diffrerence between carrying repair kits all the time or on a horde night not having to repair as often.


You can add it into the crafting menu


Gun/armor/tool of choice + dye = Crafted Colored item of choice,


If you want to return it to normal you can use an anti-dye or something that would be used to craft the item back to normal color.

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