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Everything posted by Pernicious

  1. 1) First week for food there are two strategies. First is you raid houses for food, most houses have one or two tins. Supplement by doing quests and choosing food based quest rewards or spending the money at the trader and vending machine to buy food. Not sustainable in the long run, but will keep you going for a while. Second approach is if you can get ammo, build a pipe weapon and hunt down small animals. Do not try hunting aggressive animals (wolves, bears, pigs, lions etc). And unless you get a head shot on a deer, you're unlikely to be able to take it down before it runs. So chickens and rabbits. https://7daystodie.fandom.com/wiki/Pipe_Rifle Eventually you do want a farm, but in the latest rebalance, you need a few points invested in it to get it to become self sustainable. Otherwise you don't harvest enough to both eat and replant. 2) In my opinion, it's faster to find and earn armour than make it until mid game at least. You need armour parts which are rare, and as your skill goes up, the quantity needed per piece skyrockets. So I find it best to save those armour parts to counter the game's random loot generator... the number of time's I've had 15 steel helmets and not a single steel boot drop on me - or vice versa... well, being able to make your own solves that issue. 3) You can respec, but early game it's expensive. https://7daystodie.fandom.com/wiki/Grandpa's_Fergit'n_Elixir 5 hours in, to be honest, I would reroll on a solo game, but wear it on a multiplayer game. I often intentionally do that for long single player games. Like Mass Effect and Cyberpunk. I played a couple hours on each class to see if it was my play style before restarting and trying to actually finish the game. But up to you.
  2. C U Next Time? Okay, I'm probably risking a ban for this, but this is a genuine tourism advertisement in my country: (Apologies if that offends, but we are in the forum of a MA15+ game)
  3. I think it's a World of Warcraft term. I heard it as long as 15 years or so ago?
  4. I'm not sure I get it. An imposter creates an unofficial account impersonating The Fun Pimps and it gets suspended. That's working as intended, not funny? What did I miss? Or is OP the one who is daft?
  5. Man. My very first base was in the basement of a mechanic's in Navezgane. I spent hours with paint and wooden panels making it look nice, refitting the kitchen etc. Now, whenever I enter that POI randomly spawned in my latest world, not only do I feel a bit sad about the dilapidated state, I also feel a bit home sick. Only a couple other games have immersed me enough to trigger off those reactions. Skyrim was one, Cyberpunk the other. I don't know what it is, but it's TFP have done a good job there.
  6. Unless you're only going a couple hundred meters, gyrocopter is by far faster. Even as short as 3-400m, the gyrocopter is faster unless you're literally going in a straight paved road. For cities, I do prefer to carry around a motorcycle or a 4x4 with me due to the density of buildings making taking off again after landing a bit slower. So I'll fly to the trader, and pack away the gyrocopter, and use the car for most quests which are under 300m. But even for intra-city quests >300m, I'll still use the gyro. I get the feeling this post was just a bit of a rage complaint. Died, and therefore the gyrocopter is at fault.
  7. It's a pity that stopped or at least didn't continue under the weight of people/vehicles. After all it wouldn't take many years of neglect for that to happen in real life
  8. So we can pull it out and have somewhere to put our multiple stacks of 500 blocks of steel of course! Wouldn't want ro be carrying those in our backpack all day. You'd get back pain quickly!
  9. Then why don't we need to eat brains?!?!
  10. Dedicated. Ubuntu Linux server, Windows client.
  11. A couple of the traders make comments about making protection money. So I suspect the Duke is involved with the blood moon cycle somehow. There's other clues about the apocalypse. Some which seem a bit out of anachronistic - or at least difficult to tell when things happened and how long between them. Newspaper clippings of nukes, flu, missing people boards. But also books on survival, which seems to suggest society adapted to at least one of the disasters before the other one hit? Who knows, they might work more lore into the final game.
  12. I've played DF for about 5 hours as admin, no problems yet. Try adding yourself as admin through the console, rather than editing your serveradmin.xml file. That way you can't be using the one in the wrong location, can't make any typos which might cause issues, etc. While in the console, type something like "add admin Pernicious 0", while your player is in the game. (Obviously replacing my name with yours!) This prevents you from having to look up your player ID.
  13. Thanks, this is what I was after. Cheers.
  14. Remember yesterday, walking hand in hand? Love letters in the sand, I remember yooooooouu! Wait... I think I might be in the wrong thread. Is this the Skid Row fan club? No? Sorry, I'll see myself out.
  15. Thanks mate. Same username on Youtube, I presume? Will also look up SnowBee.
  16. Installed this overhaul this weekend for some friends and myself. Seems like a lot of fun so far, but a few of the game mechanics have changed, and we're finding them out slowly the hard way. There's quite a few videos out there with introductions to the game - some good, some trash, but I've found very little documentation. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time and videos aren't the preferred way to deliver the information I want. (Not searchable, no idea of the contents ahead of time, can't go at my own pace etc.). The in-game documentation seems good if you know to look for it. But as you often "don't know what you don't know", you can gloss over that thinking it hasn't changed and learn the hard way. As we only really get 3-4 hours a fortnight to play as a group, stopping to read during the game can annoy some of the group. What I am really after is a document of "here's the key changes" and possibly a bit of an intro to the storyline aspect of the game. If anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it. Failing that, if there was a small number of videos, that would be better than me trying to figure out who are the decent play testers/genuine content creators on Youtube and who are the kids just trying to get likes online, someone pointing out the good ones would be appreciated. Thanks!
  17. I got an intel HD 620 iGPU playing 7D2D at around about 20-25 FPS. A20 was released when I was on holidays where I couldn't bring my gaming rig and I really wanted to see if it was any good and ended up gaming the night away after my wife and kids went to bed. Was never really going to survive a blood moon, but I still had a lot of fun playing around with the new pipe weapons and building shapes etc.
  18. Yes, it is. But it is also the fact that this is a post apocalyptic survival game that makes me feel like the Eotech holoscope is the one out of place, not the soup can scope. I'm fairly good at mechanics and jerry rigging. If the same thing happened in Sydney and I was left. I'm 99% sure I could build a couple motorcycles out of my lawn mower and hedge trimmer and my wife's and my push bike. But it wouldn't look like a Harley Davidson or a Hayabusa. I could probably 3d print adjustable sights with no magnifying capability. Or possibly adapt one of my old SLR lenses for a magnifying scope, but it wouldn't be a holoscope. But really, either way, I wouldn't care if they introduced an M4 in the game and it looked a Steyr AUG that fired 7.62. (I only know that almost all guns used by NATO militaries use 5.56 because of editorials on Finland and Sweden joining NATO and their hardware being compatible is a thing) That kind of detail doesn't bother me, and I would guess wouldn't bother most people. Accuracy is nice, but for most of us, as long as the game is balanced and enjoyable, we don't notice.
  19. In a world where the dead walk, police spit litres of radioactive goo, and you can craft your own gyrocopter and rocket launcher, I think some people get a little too hung up on whether their scope is military or soup can. To be honest, I had never even noticed. But I am not a gun nut.
  20. 1. Find the IP address of your two favourite servers 2. Edit your hosts file and add the lines: 1.2.3 4 fav1 fav2 Where 1.2 3.4 is the server's IP, and fav1 is any short name you like. Now any time you want to join that server, just direct connect and type in fav1 or fav2 and forget searching. I am currently on a phone so if you need more detailed info, I can return tomorrow to provide it.
  21. I thought I saw one of the mods say it was part of joining Game Pass. It was a vague cross reference, so don't take my word for it.
  22. You mean complaints were made years ago? If it's a replicable bug report, can you post a copy here? If a packet dump or trace is available, I'd love to have a look myself.
  23. Submitting replicatable bug reports helps pointing out mistakes. Making generic critical comments like the netcode is trash, and comparing a real time strategy game with a couple hundred units to a first person shooter with tens of thousands of entities and blocks needing stability checks doesn't help improve the game.
  24. It's not that bad. It's 95% to country, and about 75% to city: https://www.arin.net/blog/2018/06/11/ip-geolocation-the-good-the-bad-the-frustrating/ and the game is only trying to identify region. But is that the real issue anyway? That you're seeing a few French or Chinese servers sneak in? Or your server is being misclassified into the wrong region? Seems like it's just cumbersome to use is the main complaint. Perhaps a way to improve it is to browse to regions only, but as long as you have decently refined filter, (With criteria that don't need to ping thousands of servers to narrow your search), then a search could be allowed across "Any" region.
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